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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. I guess this means the tv show might be worth picking up, but 2017 for season 2, syfy be mad.
  2. If I aim with my non dominant eye I have no choice but to close the dominant eye or I get double vision. Cross dominance sucks, however due to a slight unequal disability, I cannot correct my eye dominance behaviourally like most people.
  3. Contact the person with whom the mistake lies?
  4. The guys at the mall made a big hooha about their chonograph hardware. I'll bring both guns as they are, hopefully I'll have an okay evening, but the last time I went I couldn't engage targets outside the range of my glock.
  5. Tested the Mp5K. 341-344 no hop. 329-334 with partial hop - still hot by mall chrono I recall. 328-329 maximum hop. Not sure what to do, I cant make it to the mall before the evening. Figure I'll do nothing.
  6. Xcortech 3300 arrived today, claims my M4 is 344 without hop and 334 with hop. Unsure whether there is any point messing with the spring. These numbers are consistent. I have the guarder sp 85,90,100. At TWA it was always 350 or 351.
  7. I record my gameplay to learn from my mistakes, for things you don't get to practice often its useful. Expect the mistake this time will be looking at you? I swear if I turn up and you don't look like Clint I'm going to be very disappointed.
  8. Searching this forum for "glasses" yields quite a lot - after a few pages.
  9. Compared to what? I've one myself and I wouldn't make that claim.
  10. Or maybe just really considerate, and couldn't ask a friend without being sure there was a space.
  11. Well, if you want simplicity (Non-TM magazines) : http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-pistol-magazines/green-gas-magazine-for-we-g17-g18-g34-g35-we-2?from=listing&campaign-id=14 http://www.taiwangun.com/en/free-delivery.html?campaign-id=13 (Conditional free delivery - less than three magazines) UKARA should not be necessary. UK alternative: http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/gas-and-co2-pistol-magazines/we-g-series-glock-17-magazine.htm#.Vrt8z-a-5_E TM brand mags can be had equally cheaper from asia. I have had good times with the nuprol glock holster, works well with their molle adaptor too.
  12. I did see that, but tbh, I was suspicious that I could not find it elsewhere.
  13. I've only just noticed this is in 'off-topic' but were it not i'd argue you're wrong.
  14. Confused! I wonder if you can use UKARA to import deactivated firearms. Since it's needed for non-functional airsoft guns. Think i'll start a thread on that.
  15. Ask google then. Being a forum user doesn't not make forum experts. You're being disingenuous, its impossible to imagine you did not know what you were asking above in the OP; you already knew the answer, furthermore titles such as these are set case by case, by server admins, so every forum is different.
  16. Best hope he wasn't rambo. On that basis alone I'd say waking the homeless is a bad idea.
  17. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27136-what-qualities-to-look-for-in-m4-magazines/
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