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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Who is the target audience? I would say only use the p90 if the target audience does not include people who watch scifi, SyFy use them in a lot of productions.
  2. Yes it does matter, because my hat is cheaper than his and he doesn't like it!
  3. Unfortunately this is pretty much rubbish, they're not going to check whether someone is or is not authorised. You're just not authorised, even if getting authorised is impossible. Or does authorised mean: you pay facebook money? I'm not even aware of anyone that needs to grant authorisation to sell airsoft guns in the UK or to UK citizens.
  4. I think the appropriate response is: OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooOOOOOOOO
  5. I like to think of them as replicas, and the clones as copies of the replicas.
  6. Aye, but while the replicas are not safety rated, in most cases they will prevent blood loss (skin breaks, bb impacts and scarring) even if not concussion!
  7. Not exactly, the facebook ban is worldwide - so it affects warzones, but ebay US and many others still trade airsoft guns.
  8. I'm going to be down in southampton for that weekend, are there any sites running casual game days (which might need booking) worth trying out? I know theres some good sites down there with a good rep. Got a range of about 40km from Romsey.
  9. Damn, I can only like this post once, dafaq!
  10. Sacarathe

    ukara query

    Haha, don't fall for this. Just do it in person.
  11. Taiwangun, same gun as on the UK retailers. Here I shamelessly linked to my own post in your other thread from 16 hours before you posted this thread. Awahahahaha There are better options than JG, but if new to the hobby, unless you have a £400 budget, might as well just spend 80 and see how you do (don't put oil down the barrel/magwel).
  12. Read the guides in this forum? If not do that. Second, some airsoft venues have taken to foolishly only operating off facebook, its their loss, but check those near you are not. I'm not so sure i'd call it more these things, but it's a lot less pointless than paintball.
  13. The replica ones are significantly cheaper than the real ones. There's lots of threads on this.
  14. Are you frustrated about inconsistency across the same unit at the difference times, across the same model but at different venues, across the same brand, across different brands, at testing with AEG/GAS/HPA? I've been the same boat as you! I highly doubt I'll buy a non quick change spring weapon again, especially since I just bought a bunch of springs. Again this is probably a lack of an industry wide body; If for example, the govt may be putting through legislation about the power (joules) of airsoft guns in the near future, but its rather pointless if they don't legislate on the reliability of the measuring tool. I'm sure they have a list of approved 'tools' but that does not mean they will mandate it. I suspect that one of the reasons, in that legilsation, that the joule limit they specific results in around 20fps more than 350 fps with 0.2g is exactly to cope with inconsistency at the chronographs, the same with their upper limit for single shot, falls above 500 fps with 0.2g. I get the impression that chronographs, for airsoft purposes, are not made to the same tolerances as those which measure much higher velocities. As there is no governing body, there wont be a "measurement must be with this tool" - and thats good tbh, gives each brand and equal chance and makes them affordable for individuals.
  15. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/608-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=14
  16. Is it wrong that I'm not looking forward to next weekend? Just booked my train fare.
  17. How does it work, the guy accepts defeat after so many hits under a set time, or a set number of lives?
  18. If you mean, for a new game, on a day which you already used it, there are things you can do to mitigate that. Heck, even kitchen roll between games has a positive effect.
  19. If indoors, proper ventilation/humidity control in summer, and no subzero temperatures (ice on floors) in winter. Value for money compared with other sites. So not more than £5 per hour of game play (including game briefs, but not including safety brief/chrono/setup/packup). Proper consideration for how many players is too many players - too many players and you might as well have gone to a range (where you don't get shot) instead. No paintball!
  20. Well, I've hurt my leg, so I'm probably not going to be the most productive player.
  21. This thread is awesome, can we get a better title please!
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