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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Are you frustrated about inconsistency across the same unit at the difference times, across the same model but at different venues, across the same brand, across different brands, at testing with AEG/GAS/HPA? I've been the same boat as you! I highly doubt I'll buy a non quick change spring weapon again, especially since I just bought a bunch of springs. Again this is probably a lack of an industry wide body; If for example, the govt may be putting through legislation about the power (joules) of airsoft guns in the near future, but its rather pointless if they don't legislate on the reliability of the measuring tool. I'm sure they have a list of approved 'tools' but that does not mean they will mandate it. I suspect that one of the reasons, in that legilsation, that the joule limit they specific results in around 20fps more than 350 fps with 0.2g is exactly to cope with inconsistency at the chronographs, the same with their upper limit for single shot, falls above 500 fps with 0.2g. I get the impression that chronographs, for airsoft purposes, are not made to the same tolerances as those which measure much higher velocities. As there is no governing body, there wont be a "measurement must be with this tool" - and thats good tbh, gives each brand and equal chance and makes them affordable for individuals.
  2. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/608-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=14
  3. Is it wrong that I'm not looking forward to next weekend? Just booked my train fare.
  4. How does it work, the guy accepts defeat after so many hits under a set time, or a set number of lives?
  5. If you mean, for a new game, on a day which you already used it, there are things you can do to mitigate that. Heck, even kitchen roll between games has a positive effect.
  6. If indoors, proper ventilation/humidity control in summer, and no subzero temperatures (ice on floors) in winter. Value for money compared with other sites. So not more than £5 per hour of game play (including game briefs, but not including safety brief/chrono/setup/packup). Proper consideration for how many players is too many players - too many players and you might as well have gone to a range (where you don't get shot) instead. No paintball!
  7. Well, I've hurt my leg, so I'm probably not going to be the most productive player.
  8. This thread is awesome, can we get a better title please!
  9. How do you fight the urge to buy gas pistols. :S

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Do not look at any pistols on the Internet, even when the urge is strong, it leads to the darkside. I am resisiting the urge but now you have made me start thinking about owning a TM HK45.

    3. Lozart


      @Jedi. I have one. They're great. Do it. DOOOO ITTTTT!

    4. shortman


      No come to the m&p dark side! No pistol is as good!

  10. How busy are the night games, thinking I might enjoy them more than the sunday games.
  11. Yes, when they're directly related to the film, but if they're merely within the same franchise, they have a chance.
  12. There's no denying game development for big budget releases at the moment is very stale (doesn't mean the games are bad!). Here's two games for you to look up: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1964463742/the-mandate https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kenseto/halcyon-6-starbase-commander I think both of these will tickle your interests based on what you wrote.
  13. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29466-the-mall-reading-17th-jan/#entry226643
  14. Must be some way to replace the trigger with one of these:
  15. It would be nice if there were some AEGs with a ROF of of 5 to save my poor fingers.
  16. Well if It does, I'll stuff my AEG (and not my hands) in there between the pyro and my body.
  17. Next time, make a thread: "how can I improve my trigger response" Include: "I read somewhere that increasing my automatic fire rate to around 30 RPS +/- 5 is best, how can I do this?". - to avoid the morality police. In the end, this can be put to bed with "guns don't kill people".
  18. My nose is exposed at specific angles. Completely safe if my head is level and facing the shooter though.
  19. Yep. He says what it is in the first link. I suppose I could have mentioned what it was ><, but that wasn't the point. Well it is not about 'that look' it's that I use smith optics goggles, and I'd like my nose to be covered. Nothing more. Have to say I did not find any close to that price when I looked, I was quite thorough, thanks.
  20. http://www.tokyo-marui.co.jp/products/electric/highcycle/
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