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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Indeed, players failing to become dead when shot (after having words) is not a reason to shoot them some more, call a marshal. If the other guy genuinely believed he had not been shot when the cameraman rounded the corner, then it makes sense that he would continue playing rather than deal with the cheating cameraman.
  2. Well, next time check if the person you're asking the question of has been here recently, and then if the thread is a year old, pm them.
  3. No dice on searching this topic for 'doors'. What time will Zed be opening the venue?
  4. Sick of this firing 351, bought some springs, going to bring it down to 1Joule. I realised today that I have never chrono'd this gun with the hop off. Would not be surprised if the actual fps is higher than the usual 351 that I get on chronos.
  5. Chronograph and a selection of guarder AEG springs (85,90,100). Replacement red dot for the one that was shot out. Flyye products in AOR2 x 12.
  6. Is airsoft gun developement stagnant atm? I look back through 2008-2014 and I see lots of cool releases flowing out, but 14-16 there seems to be far fewer.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      two SRC's strapped together from JBBG with dual leaking mags ?

    3. proffrink


      I stand corrected. Bulldog camo .12gs for good measure.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      My first or second purchase of ammo - I swear by them.


  7. For that, you get a field and a wall... and a spade.
  8. Welcome, generally every new person has a thread in this forum. Advice, read the pinned posts in this forum.
  9. "PISTOL; I CHOOSE YOU." "Now bloody well get back to me?"
  10. Despite what that wiki page says, I never said anything was wrong. I did not put forward my own view, only what I thought BazJJ was referring to. The thing is though, as you put it, if the cheaper site is up to spec, then it's exactly what I was talking about. The negativity in this does require a pre-existing competitor, it's not a given that a new company is undercutting because they are cheaper, but if the quality is good - then I believe it is more likely. If you offer an equivalent service, you have to price competitively, if you offer a good, but inferior service you do not. But remember, in my opinion, you first have to analyse the playtime to cost ratio before you look at anything else.
  11. Are outer barrel lengths measured the same as inner barrels, if I buy an outer and inner claiming the same length, will, once fitted into the Hop and the rifle the front end of both line up?
  12. Because. Many sites can add quality that goes beyond the relative entry prices vs game time across different game sites. Be it the venue (site), staff quality or staff creativity, and use of props. But just trying to outbid your competition when there's a finite number of players, is going to end badly for someone. As Jedi said in the other thread, running on different day/dates to competitors is important, but undercutting them with an inferior product, could lead to the demise of both. Not sure an example is necessary: players move to the cheaper site, the site they moved from closes, the cheaper site over time offers inferior quality, players stop going there too.
  13. That's simply not true in the case of G&G. http://www.guay2.com/web/gc_product/FireHawk.php?lang=en http://www.guay2.com/web/gc_product/Firehawk_HC05.php?lang=en The fault here lies with the retailer/wholesaler, they could have bought the low velocity version had they been bothered. It's just laziness - but it's not G&G's fault. I highly doubt G&G will only sell the reduced power guns to vendors in those specific states.
  14. I liked it. Might try it myself.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/218991944817406/photos/a.242940892422511.52385.218991944817406/937251202991473/?type=3&theater $135 (Firebase is $160)
  16. How do you get the surfaces on the guns so clean? Or is it just good photography skills and equipment? The lighting on some of your photos looks better than the manufacturers'.
  17. Oh yes, 50 rounds per second at 4+ joules with 2500 electric magazine, perfect for home defence.
  18. Also, in the clip in the OP, the second vid was actually completely disproportionate self defence, the guy shooting the other guy in the head, on the stairs, was not the aggressor, the other guy (victim in that vid) had just shot the camera man on auto point blank during a hit taking argument. Without context it just looks like BS, but that ALSO was not during a game as both players were dead.
  19. EDIT: Seems I did not actually watch the full vid, was referring only to this one. - which is not realtime above. Not sure what this has to do with airsoft tbh, sure its on an airsoft field with an airsoft gun, but it sure ain't during an airsoft game. Caught this on social media a few days ago, since it's outside the gameplay the other kid did not consent its just a plain and simple battery, or worse. I find it hard to believe no one called the police on this. This is a situation where the kid needs a criminal record/counselling to prevent him shooting someone with a real gun.
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