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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Now on sale! Strangely not as cheap as expected.
  2. Is this your CM16 Raider or some other gun?
  3. Considered these? Work great in my CM18
  4. Your post contains no text, what gives? What are we discussing here? Fun with flags Woo!1
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=electric+airsoft+gun+gearbox+guide In almost every case two gun models will be the same gearbox version, there are some peculiarities like the MP5 and MP5K being V2 and V3.
  6. Lol, i'm sure that's not what I meant. I recall you said something about a blue dot.
  7. I'll remember for you and get back to you.
  8. Forgot to take a look at that optic, what was it again?
  9. Perhaps, but for now stop-gap measures will be sufficient.
  10. Funny, I suggested the very same only yesterday. Sponsors first, everybody else second.
  11. This is exactly how I feel too. Not a $1b platform, not zero one.
  12. Well, I had not played with so little armour before, so some of the hits were quite shocking. Managed to go back over the footage (digging out an old HHD), and I can see a lot of mistakes I can correct, including "they're over there, they're over there, they're over there" followed by me promptly going elsewhere. Found a clip in which I technically-not-blind-fire blind fired the terminator. Shame the camera was not recording during the last game, actually got some chains of hits in that.
  13. For import, I wouldn't chance it on an IF either. The international retailers do not need the UKARA number to sell to you. However you need a valid defence to import, and UK customs conveniently accept UKARA.
  14. http://www.popularairsoft.com/news/odin-m12-speedloader-3d-printed-adapters I realise this is not answer, but you're the one who needs it, you go find it, the link is your inspiration. I recommend you buy that speedloader (£35) and wait for them to release their own adaptors.
  15. Not at all what you're asking for, but these supposedly detonate on grass. http://www.mg-props.co.uk/grenades.htm http://airsoftsofsim.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/a-different-airsoft-grenade.html However you might, from what the blog says, want to alter the spoon so it doesnt turn into a flying [blunt] knife.
  16. Yes, I apologise, recently general discussion has been under siege from topics better suited elsewhere, I'm sorry taking that out on you. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0089IQ44G?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 With a protector (cheaper options available): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rifle-Sight-Scope-Lens-Protector-Screen-Cover-Shield-Airsoft-Paintball-ACOG-/201481186280?hash=item2ee936ebe8:g:mD4AAMXQNo5TbQ4z
  17. Looks like they're in stock there and LWA, previously when I looked both were out. Think I'm about to buy one.
  18. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/21-parts-gear-wanted/
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