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ghostwalker last won the day on April 14 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Ics Cxp Mars SBR
    TM G3sg1 with wolverine inferno engine
    TM MP5 SD6
    TM FNX 45
  • Loadouts
    a 'Tears of the sun' impression of sorts or mostly just another mtp wearer
  • Sites
    combat thetford, combat action games, battleground airsoft, battle stations
  • Gender
  • Location
    North walsham, Norfolk Uk
  • Interests
    Just the usual stuff and a bit of a ww2 history buff.

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  1. sad times. Not played in a couple of months as my usual lift has gone awol and now i have buggered my right knee up. Just want to shoot some mofo's lol

  2. started poorly. Filled my water bladder and found it was leaking. Grabbed my clone ms3 sling to fit to my mtw and realised the main clip had snapped. Changed everything over to run my g3 as a dmr and swapped water bladders and headed off. Games were fairly dominant to the point of silly. Even with a team shake up after game 2 as there really was that much disparity in teams (attack/defend game with a good 15 minutes difference in times). Some good long range shots a few grrrrs and a bit of bad language after getting a double tap to the temple from probably 10 foot away. No excuses, i was in the open and upright so go figure. But not a bad day for a site i have fairly mediocre expectations from usually. Now to find a decent quality sling that i can trust as its mostly for use on my mtw forged rif with vortex sights. So a few extra quid is going to be worth paying
  3. Made the hour and a bit trip down to gunman airsoft for a change of scene as the local site staff had all upped and buggered off to ibiza. It was only my second visit in a year to gunman and as usual it was a well run day and they made sure to take breaks, encourage people to drink and provide water if necessary. From my own point of view it was a great day. we played the woodland side in the morning and switched to the buildings/open area side for the afternoon. games flowed well and for a change i was on a team not getting rolled into oblivion. We had a guy named Nel (firefighter) who was trying to organise and encourage some great team play and that makes a huge difference, especially on a regular skirmish day. Add in finally my wolverine mtw decided to perform as i hoped it would and the combination off ess crossbows, valhalla gasket and ex fog unit provided a rare fog free day (may they continue). So a happy airsoft sunday for a change.
  4. Bit of a odd one. I have noticed that the pressure gauge on my hpa tank appears to be faulty. Its stuck at 3000psi and the needle never moves either direction. An example would have been after today where I put well over a 1000 rounds through my mtw. It started at 3000pai and finished just the same so I either have the world's most efficient gun or its knackered. So can/is it worth replacing. If so how the heck do you release any remaining pressure from the tank and what would I need to make the repair.
  5. why is it always a bank holiday weekend that you discover you need a part for a rif (in this case g&g green bucking for my mtw). Order placed in the hope it arrives in time for next weekend.

    1. strykerles


      I've got one if you get stuck, came out my rk74. I prefer maple leafs


      can send 1st class if required 👍

    2. ghostwalker


      Cheers @strykerles I have one on order from bullseye country sports. They are usually pretty speedy with getting stuff out. Just the frustration that i only noticed the tear yesterday.

  6. Aap shinobi, 2 mags, flamingo bucking, hadron loki hop unit and a holster for the aap. A few days ago I ordered a exfog unit and valhalla kit for my ess glasses
  7. What's people's genuine thoughts on the aap pistols? Thinking of one as a side arm to my dmr 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AdrKraft


      I'd say more people complain about its looks rather than how it shoots, probably one of the best price effective pistols, honestly a pleasure to shoot with

    3. ghostwalker


      @Terrywristt @EDcase @Impulse @AdrKraft cheers folks. I have jumped in and ordered the aap01c shinobi, a couple of mags along with a flamingo 50 bucking and the hadron Loki hop unit.


    4. Sewdhull


      They shoot really well and will last if you stay in semi

  8. Ex issue dpm ops vest, dpm soldier 95 shirt, trousers and boonie. Some itw nexus clips to attack a rocket pouch to the vest. Some velcro to allow patches onto the soldier 95 shirt. Helicon green tshirt. And for my other kit, a quad smg pouch. Finally a o ring rebuild kit for the mk23 mags.
  9. Side arm options for a sniper/dmr player. I am done with the mk23 as the mags just keep dying on me even when i have done all the sealant etc etc.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rogerborg


      You can carry a lot of plastic for the same weight as a few gas mags.



    3. ghostwalker


      sadly @Rogerborg my mp5sd6 is far too heavy for that jobby lol. I did try but the tm one weighs more than my mtw does lol

    4. Krisz


      AAP-01? It's cheap and eats glock magazines.

  10. Best I can do. Mtw Silent industries order There's a vertical grip on the way from amazon and a hex supressor too.
  11. I have one of the blackhawk enhanced packs on my us alice webbing kit. Was to keep the 'tears of the sun' vibe going. But it's a pain in the butt! just a smidge to small for a hpa bottle but a mile too big for a bag of bbn's, gas refill canister and small tool kit. It also has more straps than a swingers swing
  12. vert grip as apparently i dont own one in black plus the silent industries alhpa hop unit, dial, feed tube support, inferno nozzle, g & g green bucking and a omega nub. Figured if i was ordering one of the parts from silent industries i might aswell order the lot.
  13. Quick? Only been pondering it for a year and finally ruled out going the mws route.
  14. Wolverine mtw forged tactical with 4 extra mags. Been promising myself I would get one and finally have. I think the bank manager just cried into his caviar.
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