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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. If you need the cash I will buy the AKS-74N off you, two thirds of new price as standard minus another 10% desperation tax😁
  2. It all depends on it how it plays out if its fractions of a second then the chances are you both pulled the trigger before being hit. I have owned up to it when being hit first and snapping a shot off after. On Sunday a marshall called a 50/50 and I owned up to my shot being a ricochet. I always go for it but try to be fair. The mall is different to most sites for this sort of play lots of glass fronted shops mean you can run in shooting on target instead of trying to guess and aquire a target. Also most of the regulars get a feel for where players will be stood in the corridors so its more of a educated guess when bursting round a corner than spray and pray.
  3. I use a pdi, R hopping it is no problem ignore the slant. To be honest though I removed mine as I got just as good if not better results using a firefly bucking and shs flat nub.
  4. Everybody who I went 50/50 with at the mall on Saturday. Normally get somebody giving it I shot you first but not one person argued or tried to claim they wasn't hit and I must have had at least 20 50/50 exchanges during the day.
  5. Try the black bear full face mesh masks they will go over glasses.
  6. Got a really good one today. I ran round a corner and shot a player and got "give me a minute I am busy" to make matters worse I was so shocked I just mumbled "ok then" and wondered back round the corner. It must have taken a good 30 seconds to sink in what had just happened.
  7. There are so many to choose from. Its exactly the same as the real steel except it shoots plastic bbs.
  8. Why do you want a conversion kit for a Marui P226? I thought you were buying a Western arms 1911 because you heard they were so much better or is this another yank your chain post?
  9. Sig 552 mags a new speedloader and lots of strepsils and ibuprofen. 😩 And KOTOR for my phone 😊
  10. Ics sig 552. Looks good shoots brilliantly But little things keep falling apart. I am going to paint mine blood red and name it Christine its f*cking possessed.
  11. Correct on every point, the front end ris is slightly different aswell. The standard 416 is £45 less at £485 I just automatically go for the devgru but it looks so much better with the different stock.
  12. Yes all aeg's. The TM ones are all recoil.I dont personally own any of them but have had hands on with them all except the 417 and all seemed solid. Maybe forum users who own them can comment further.
  13. Ics l85a2 £299 Tm hk 417 £590 Tm hk416 devgru £530 Tm M4 sopmod £449 All prices from firesupport might get better if you shop around. I know the 2 TM hk's are higher than £450 but if you get the L85 as one choice it should balance out. Haven't actually fired the new TM 417 yet but its supposed to be a awesome.
  14. If thats the one you want get it. Must say though why start a thread asking advice and ignore everything said. Every point given you have argued with and dismissed. People have taken their time to help you like you asked them to and you have responded by coming across smug and a bit disrespectful. TM is renowned worldwide as the best pistol manufacturer but you have heard different so obviously everyone else is wrong. Get want you want stop wasting peoples time and fu, actually I will stop there dont want a warning for saying what everyone is probably thinking.
  15. Send it back get a refund and buy the X3300W awesome bit of kit the chronograph function is very accurate. Best accessory I ever purchased.
  16. Try firesupport they should have all the parts you need. They do a range of trigger switches and have battery connection leads with the fuse installed. They will fit deans connectors for a small charge.
  17. It does sound like your trigger is gone. If the motor spins when you bypass the trigger then the motor is ok. I think yours is a micro switch trigger? Check the wiring on the trigger itself if thats ok get a new micro switch. Did you put a fuse in the gun when you rewired it?
  18. When you say Xcortech 3300 do you mean the x3300w chronograph/tracer scu system?If thats what you have got just sneak outside in the middle of the night and user the tracer to check your groupings. All the neighbours will see is a bright green streak of bbs it will look like the worlds fastest fireflies.
  19. Yeah see what you mean about the mount its nice.
  20. I think the scope mount is perfect as is. How about the Fortis afg that would like very nice on there.
  21. Welcome to airsoft. I will warn you if you get into it its as addictive as crack and just as expensive. Cant comment on the RM4 I have never used one PT247 above is always raving about it and most importantly actually owns one so I would listen to his advice. Main thing is try it out with a rental for a few games then buy the one you want most, listen to advice but in the end its your money your choice. It isnt cheap especially when the wife starts threatening to leave because you spend all your time playing with your weapon not her.
  22. Please stop. We are all going to get fucked over in the end anyway so it doesn't really matter. All the everyman policys will collapse the same as usual. Everybody is arguing about who is the best politician/lyingbarsteward. As for independence it didn't happen its done and finished with time to let it go and move on.
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