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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I dont think lazy is the right term for people like that but I am unsure of what term you can use without being insulting. I agree people have a right to play how they want its their day aswell but you have to ask yourself why would you play an active game thats based on team play if you want to hang around doing nothing to help your team. What really bugs me is people who go to a cqb site and dont push cqb is meant to be a fast aggressive game not hiding in doorways or 10ft from the spawn. New players aren't the worst as someone mentioned earlier. Its the people who turn up wearing a load of body armour or all the camo gear and act like they are some sort of off duty SAS super soldier. They hang around at the back shouting go go go but never seem to get involved and then you hearing them in the safe zone bragging about how many kills they got and offering tactical advice to people. Cod has a lot to answer for.
  2. Yeah its happening the more the merrier. £10 to play if we get 20 people thats £200 to the winner.
  3. Its a shame your not. Either there are not many AFUK members going to the mall or people are being soft.If there is not enough people by Friday I might drop the AFUK members rule and chuck it on Zeds facebook page. Get half the people thats a £500 pot
  4. Stop spamming my thread. Your names already down you dont need to comment anymore.
  5. Thinking of running a side game on Sunday at the Mall Game rules Who can shoot the American AFUK member the most. Open to AFUK members only. £10 each winner takes all. Thinking we could cover him in Mickey Mouse plasters and you get one everytime you shoot him. Whoever has the most at the end of the day wins. Could print out some wanted pictures of him, sure I have seen some on here somewhere. Sure the marshalls would put them up on the concourse for us. If enough people on here are interested to make it worth while I will start making the arrangements.
  6. 10/10 for bravery and saying sorry.Now everybody be nice.
  7. Dont really need to comment anymore dont think he will be back. Your all bullies and should be ashamed poor lad.
  8. Misfeed could be hop setting but firing on full auto when put on to semi is probably a selector gear problem messing with that will void warranty. Haven't been inside a Par mk3 so only guessing though.
  9. Thats not right. Send it back to the shop its still under warranty its their problem not yours.
  10. Nope Im going to reenact the war of independence and change the outcome.
  11. Make sure you upload all the footage of tracers bouncing off you, cause that will be me. 😊
  12. Agree with Qlimax on the firefly set up I have tried it and got good results. One to try is a TM bucking shave off the nubs and spin it sideways like your doing a flat hop and use an Element white hnub. Takes a bit of playing with but gives great results. Bucking wont last more than a couple of skirmishes which is why I use a TM bucking good but only a fiver.
  13. I have just looked everywhere not one UK shop seems to have them. You can get crappy madbull ones everywhere though. Uk retailers always complain about people buying abroad then never seem to stock anything decent. I always buy a bunch of different ones at the same time from abroad to cut down on the postage.
  14. At least they phoned to let you know. Hope you had a few words about updating the website.Best ordering from abroad.
  15. It looks pretty especially in two tone black and tan but is still just an ebb not proper recoil. Was planning on buying one even so but I am a bit peeved with ICS at the moment so going to wait for a decent recoil ACR/Masada instead.
  16. Airsoft GI will always say its good because they are trying to sell it.Dont trust shop based reviews hunt around the forums and get as many owner/user opinions as possible.
  17. Based on what?Do you own one? Have you used one? Do you have any experience at all of one? From what I have read in your posts you dont really know much about airsoft or the guns but yet you just advised someone to spend £350 thats not good. Especially when a couple of posts down someone who does know the gun has said its crap.
  18. If it the clear bodied 42w then yeah G&G's M4's in that price range are probably better. But if its the higher end of the plastic bodied/sportsline guns like the cxps then I personally would pick them over the G&G's. Its all down to personal preference. Until you actually clarify which model your talking about then no one can really give you an answer except maybe Mystic Meg.
  19. They are the retail side of first and only airsoft events they used to run the mall in Reading and still run other skirmish sites. Never used them but would guess they would be ok.
  20. Which model ICS? they make more than one.
  21. Try brill armoury they show as in stock.
  22. Im pretty sure the op has expressed several times hes not interested in getting a new PC. So how about people start giving him the console advice he has asked for.
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