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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I have seen a quite a few female players at my regular site and been shot by them a fair few times as well. Airsoft is one of those sports where the only thing that matters is how you play. I saw one girl who was very pretty and quite a few people cracked jokes in the safe room. A couple of matches in and it all stopped when people had been completely owned by her she was very fast running around with 2 pistols. One of the best CQB players I ever saw.
  2. The only people who say that have the wrong size boots.
  3. This is getting a bit heavy and bitchy I am out. Just remember the government is meant to be employees of the people until everybody unites and tells them we have had enough it wont change.
  4. If we are going to have the PM play airsoft bring back Blair I would love to stick a bb in those teeth.
  5. It the thickness of the boot that matters most apparently.
  6. House of commons is classed as the lower house of parliament which says it all. Really doubt there are that many people who are from normal walks of life in it.
  7. Thats because you never see a Prime Minister who was raised on a council estate. Its called the House of Lords for a reason. We havent really moved on from medieval times we just try to put a more civilised coating on it.
  8. Have you ever looked at income tax rates in Denmark? Think I would rather pay for my kids to go to uni.
  9. I agree £9000 is a bit much for some students. There should be some means testing if Mommy and Daddy are rich then you should foot the total cost as should foreign students. People from less privileged backgrounds should get more help there is still too much class division within university education. It might help break the cycle of multi generation benefit families.
  10. At what point did I say I would rather fund people on benefits?Actually bringing back apprenticeships is the real future of the economy. If there are no useless degrees why cant so many graduates find real employment. 15% is still too much when there are bigger issues like the NHS I applaud anybody who wants to get a degree but you should foot the bill. Under Browns labour universities were struggling with underfunding. As for my priorities they are paying for my family and what they need not for you to go to university. Leave uni get some real experience in life then comment.
  11. Thats because the braveheart crew dont look at all the issues. What would happen to the Scottish NHS when they have to pay for their own army,airforce and navy never mind all the rest of the infrastructure they share with the UK. I say we should let them go their own way. It would create jobs building a a nice big wall.
  12. Actually Britain was built on conquest and nicking everything of value once we did.
  13. You do realise that if you lower university fees then the tax payers put more money in. What is needed is more done to create jobs for graduates and less pointless degrees that dont lead to real jobs. Then university grads can pay back the loans easier and also put more back into the economy.
  14. Yes. But it would never work because communism would require a totally selfless government and once people get a taste of control and power they always want more and become dictators not leaders.
  15. It shouldn't matter what colour your TOY GUN is. The only people I have ever seen say anything about noobs and two tone guns are usually spotty kids trying to look big or the elitist nobheads who would run away in real life and use airsoft as a substitute for their lack of a sex life. Real players couldn't care less its all about having fun. Go out and have fun and if anybody has a problem its theirs not yours. Topics like this make me tempted to paint all my kit day glow pink.
  16. Yes it counts but it never feels very friendly.
  17. Fps stands for feet per second which is a measurement of speed. Springs are measured in force, either compression or extension so the only way to find the fps of a spring is to fire it out of a catapult.If every gun was exactly the same then the formula would work unfortunately thats never the case. If you know what spring is already installed then you can use the formula to approximate which spring to go for. The next problem is that springs from different manufacturers can vary wildy I find the best thing to do is buy a range of springs and swap them around until you get the right one. Sorry to sound like a arse I know you meant well.
  18. It has nothing to with compression and tightness of seals then. Barrel bore cant have any effect then either? Damn I have wasted all that time when the only thing that mattered was the spring. You need to know what spring is inside and work out what spring is needed from there. The charts online can help with that.
  19. If you can get to Reading, The Mall is a good CQB site. Its very well run and the regular players are generally friendly its CQB but a big site.
  20. Would be better just getting a Tm recoil and just chucking a mosfet in it. No quick change spring maybe but everything else is better.
  21. A bat?Baseball if on american side Cricket if British Anyone else just a big stick
  22. I totally agree about it can drag when people dont throw themselves in. The milsim weekend is something I really would like to try this year as well as it does look good. My only concern is some of the milsim players I have met have been a bit too much I am sure they are not all like this but knowing my luck I will end up with someone near me like that.
  23. Yeah they will just get a camo one.Makes me laugh with milsim how people go on about it being realistic then shoot each other with toy guns.
  24. Just get a black bear full mesh face mask. I use one your face doesnt get all sweatty they are comfy and you dont end up looking like you've got teenage acne at the end of a days airsoft. Only downside is you look you should be carrying a fencing sword.
  25. I find the normal TM bucking perfoms well with a hnub. I have been messing around with shaving the bucking like your are doing a flat hop and using an element white hnub takes a bit of playing to get everything perfect but works really well. Just dont expect your bucking to last long.
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