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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. No I am on about prommy blue, I am not that stupid. Its been a long standing issue of people complaining about the results and the purple has become the standard one. I didnt see any difference between the two regarding accuracy but the blue just fell apart. Dont know what the difference between the rubber compounds is, I am not a rubber expert but they are definitely not the same. It might be something prommy have fixed now as that was a while ago but everybody still goes for the purple.
  2. Because the blue bucking is made out of a different material and has been giving out crap results. I tried one and it started to tear after one game.
  3. Unfortunately you were spot on it. It was one of those days where people didnt want to get stuck in. Had about half dozen out of 50 who actually played and the rest just sought of milled around.
  4. Isnt that what we all do. ☺ Actually now I think about it, it wasn't you who kept shooting me in the back was it? 😒
  5. Wouldn't worry just because hes aiming doesn't mean he's hitting.
  6. 2 places left.2 people left to pay and if they dont hurry up they are dropping off their brothers and waiting in the car. 😃
  7. Dont mind getting caught on on a game video but I am not posing for any pictures. Well then you will be disappointed and that reminds me I need to change my picture back.
  8. Anyone points a camera at me you're getting it inserted in a painful place.
  9. Quick question for those attending. I was thinking that it would be good to split friends and family onto different teams. As the night was about meeting new people I thought it would be a good idea and sometimes its a nice shoot at rather than with your friends. Let me know if this is an issue.
  10. Both eyes open. Aimpoint clone, similar style to the one in pic but with the mount the right way round.
  11. Disagree with that the etiny motor is a good bit of kit. Cant comment on FCC as never seen any of their stuff so will have to take your word on it.
  12. Sod the rewinding just get a etiny motor. But yeah agree 100%. Best AR family gun without dropping over a grand is Krytac.
  13. The krytac is better put together and made out of better materials.It will out perform the marui guns in every way out the box. I like marui stuff but I am able to look at it with out rose tinted glasses, the magic is a myth its not real. There is no better made or better performing M4 out the box without bying a PTW.
  14. Take away the recoil the krytac is better than the marui recoil guns.
  15. Go for the crb over the spr. It shoots just as well but is shorter so easier to handle, especially if your chucking a suppressor on the end.
  16. I am meant to confirm 2 weeks before. If its after that point can probably sort something though.
  17. Wasn't on about you or any of the booked in players.
  18. Thats 5 people in the last few days that have said they want one the spaces. Once it came time to pay the £25 all five disappeared or made some excuse. If anybody wants a place get in touch but be prepared to pay the £25 on booking. If you cant do this please just leave it and dont waste my time.
  19. Can everyone PM a list of players names and whether they have played the mall before and if so roughly how many times. I want to look at how best to balance the sides. Can those that still have money outstanding get it sent across asap. Edit; If anybody has any medical issues with strobes or lasers can you pm and let me know.
  20. Hope everybody who was doing both booked in then.
  21. Book the night off and stay in a hotel Saturday night. Novetel £60 thats what a few of us are doing.
  22. Some people just have no stamina ☺
  23. Are you playing on both the 27th and the 28th?
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