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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. You have to come anyway because you're meant to be treating me to a steak before the game.Or have you forgotten?
  2. I am still waiting for some to comment on the misspelling of licence.
  3. Its simple Ares is the favourite gun of a chavsofter because they make the Honey Badger C.O.D gun. Chavsofter's dont understand that Ares guns are made from the worst cheese alloy and assembled not by a blind man but by his labrador. They just see it must be the bestest because they used it on their playstation. Airsofters hate Ares because they are junk and bought by chavsofters. Sorry spOOn
  4. Bit early to be deciding on guns yet. Play a few games and look at a few different guns then decide. You usually find most people first choice changes after a few games. You need to get your LICENSE😠 first anyway☺
  5. You have to supply your own dump pouch but I will quite happily drop the fireworks in for you. 3 days to go.
  6. Couldn't care less it wont make much if any difference to most peoples lives. People will just sell on forums instead. Even better ban facebook and its "I have a thousand fake friends" crap the world would be a better place.
  7. Does it really matter whether its cheap or expensive or who made it? Its a bump lid for the purpose of playing a game, its 99% looks and 1% functionality. Always a bad idea to ask a mans opinion on his helmet 😉
  8. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29821-full-metal-ics-transform-4-price-drop-to-l195/#entry232085
  9. Cow & Gate section springs to mind. How to use a search function What cheap gun What gun What goggles Goggles or mesh Which helmet Ukara licence How to get a Rif without Ukara licence Why Google's my friend Put it all into one handy section. You could call it the; F*ckwit starter section. Or the "How to get started in airsoft with no personal effort section" if you're feeling nice.
  10. I say lay off the drugs. 😕 Edit; or at least offer to share. ☺
  11. If nobody has a spare the the mall will probably let you use a couple of rental masks. I think I threw my old one away but will check.
  12. Mate your day is far more important than ours enjoy it because days like those with your kids are special. Anyway not much difference between your day and mine. You have a bunch of young girls meeting up to play dress up. I have a bunch of older girls meeting up to play dress up. 😂 Pretty much the same thing except if your lot start fighting it will be way more vicious.
  13. Fair play to you for doing that for him. Hope he likes it and buys it. ☺ He doesnt actually need ukara he just needs to play a few games so you the seller are satisfied he is a regular player and that the gun is being sold for the purpose of playing airsoft.
  14. Wouldn't have assumed anything if he hadn't claimed you play at the same site as him which was a bit of a stretch of the truth. Unfortunately all the forums are full of people buying and selling without doing things correctly and with the all the issues lately its not a good time to be drawing the wrong attention. Would be great if lots of people stopped trying to break the law because in the end the only people who will lose out are the legitimate airsofters.
  15. If you read all the posts then you see someone saying he has a gun for sale and to pm him. Then that same person later says the op plays at the same site when in a post yesterday the op states hes never played a game. It all starts to look a bit suspect. If the seller is going to hold it until either the op has a provable defence whether thats Ukara or just skirmishing together a few times then thats good. If not then thats not good. Airsoft only a needs couple of incidents before some politician decides to start trying to change the laws.
  16. Actually he hasn't been to any site yet. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30008-hi-im-new;-need-a-bit-of-reassurance/?fromsearch=1 Dont mean to sound like a jobsworth but if people keep selling guns to people without a defence then one day its going to bite everybody on the arse.
  17. Thats nice, are you going to hold them until he gets a defence?
  18. Sittingduck already gave you the answer. I am just taking the piss because I am bored and feel too ill to do anything about it. Not too ill to be able to search the umpteen threads on here that would of answered your question though (hint hint).
  19. Fair play to him I say. He isn't harming anyone and somebody is going to get a £90 sling for 5 minutes of their time. At least his videos are informative and hes trying to perform a service.
  20. Stop tucking your socks in your undies then. Its obvious to everyone that your padding it out. Remember its not the size its how you use it. Which reminds me your wife asked to give you some tips, will PM you. ☺
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