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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I think the main point is that most good players dont want or need high rof. Which means most of the people who want or have high rof guns fall into the bellend category.
  2. They do but they won't like me dropping a mk5 in one of those.
  3. To be fair the most painful hit I have ever had was a single bb. It broke my little finger and it was sub 340fps because that was at the mall.
  4. A lonex A2 would lessen it dramatically as well. It will give a faster trigger response and because its a higher rpm there is less chance of you letting go at the point it stalls.Change the the trigger over to an etu or modify it for a shorter pull. You will get the trigger response you want without ruining whats best about the krytac, spending a large chunk of cash and most importantly not having to do the Scuba Steve goes to war impression.
  5. You have a point but I have to agree with loz on this. A lot of people who want high rof do it for the overkill effect. Only last week waiting for chrono I had to listen to some lad laughing to his mate about how he wanted to rip into someone with his 35rps gun. That's someone who gets enjoyment out of hurting someone, that's not airsoft thats being a twat. I regularly run into groups of people knowing I am going to take 30 or 40 hits from multiple directions and dont care but everytime I get overshot by one of those idiots I have to fight back the urge to bitch slap them.
  6. Never understood why anybody wants high rof. I have a dsg set up box that pushes 40 but never comes out of semi. Generally I run 19 to 22 rps and thats plenty, but who really uses full auto unless its a support weapon? I reasonable trigger response and the ability to hit your target and read the game is more important.
  7. Its better just to wear it. It would be the best distraction device in airsoft. At least half of the people at your average skirmish would be so transfixed at the sight of a ladies undergarment that they wouldnt even notice at first if it was a man or woman wearing it. You could just walk round picking them off as they stand there dribbling and fidgeting and not knowing what to do. If you sent your missus into the middle of the field wearing it you could sit at the back with your new sniper rifle picking them off as they wander out the woods like something off the walking dead.
  8. Magazine fit on the ape is an issue ICS really messed up with that one but its an easy fix. You can dremel or file a bit out the receiver at the rear of the mag well where the feeding section of the mag collides. Not really something you should have to do to new gun but there it is. As for the tmag not lifting anything heavier than 0.2g I am not sure what going on there. I have set a couple of the newer ICS guns up to fire 0.3 both were using tmags with no issues. I was using 0.3 Blaster devils. The double fire on the first shot is crap but a small price to pay for the spring release mech. Just as you start a game knock off the safety and shoot at the floor. Could be a pain if you are the sort who knocks your safety on and off during a game but dont think most people do. If that 260fps was with 0.2 I would send it back. You would expect 310fps to 330fps on a stock ICS in the UK, they are usually one of the most consistent stock guns you can buy for FPS.
  9. There you go all corrected. I apologise for my lazy grammar but these things happen sometimes when you do a quick post while doing several things at once. It's one of the side affects of having a life.
  10. 2 weeks to go. All fees paid ☺ The few who are playing Sunday hope your hotel and place is booked because the mall is fully booked for Sunday.
  11. You're right I am of a fragile nature and take everything to heart. It's such a burden.
  12. Until you say something stupid then they turn on you like a pack of hyena's.Some people on here are really mean 😢
  13. Just take the hit. If its a little high don't worry about it unless the player is constantly doing it. If they are point a marshall in their direction but still take the hit its a marshalls job to monitor the players not the players themselves. If you catch one on the noggin though then you have every right to say bollocks as thats just plain dangerous.
  14. Thats actually not bad at that price with everything with it. Had a scan over the pictures and there is no marks I would expect to see on a used Sig. If its a year old then it will have the newer version box so probably good for at least 50000 rounds without a hiccup. Very accurate too,I would take it at that price if I didn't already own a Sig.
  15. An airsoft team is those people who are stood around talking about what to do while the rest of us getting on and doing it. You can normally find them 10ft from respawn talking tactics or explaining in the safe zone how working as a team is more effective (to those who just won the game while they were talking tactics).
  16. The mall is 340 maximum limit.Set your hop to optimum, if you are firng below 337 with hop set you will probably be ok.
  17. In that case for a reference both of mine are within 1% of the malls chrono.
  18. If they can fit it in the hop unit like that the bucking is the least of their problems.
  19. You file the mound and guide down then seal the end with ptfe. Pain in the arse for sod all gain unless you use a scs,hnub or bridged nub.
  20. When you say x3300 do you mean the tracer with built in chrono? Mall is 340 max even 1fps over is a no. You test the gun with the hop set. Dont worry about with it off they dont dial your hop off.
  21. They are using flat hop buckings when they are turning it to use as a flat bucking, I presume. Best thing to do though would just be to use a Firefly and forget the whole flat hop thing.
  22. I know there was quite a few people slating them at one point. I know that with the so called g hop mod purple was recommended over blue as well. Prommy purple is still what most people including techs swear by. As for the other comment that was more leather. You need less talcum powder and it doesn't chaff as much.
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