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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Ask mightyjebus who posted above he can probably do it for you.
  2. My bad I thought you wanted it to use in an M4 not a speedloader.There are a few people on here who should be able to help you out.
  3. Sorry for the huge necro post. But got to add everyone who played at the mall on the 27th. Some very good players and an extremely fair and honourable bunch, even the first timers. You all deserve to be on this list.
  4. Most people would just buy M4 mags as mp5 mags in an AR look stupid.
  5. Torches are for girls. Prison sounds like a good shout, we could a weekender.
  6. They would certainly be covered as two tones. Seen that half white Aug's picture before and it looks awesome. Edit; Not the camo ones obviously just the brightly coloured ones.
  7. New members is great, the guy who joined doing the custom paint jobs is definitely an asset. Its all the iffy sales threads that are not so great. But as you say its a free country so what will be will be.
  8. Its the unauthorised/private sales that are under the cosh. The shops and legitimate companies are fine.Hopefully it will all get sorted soon because as much as I dont like Facebook its popularity benefitted airsoft.
  9. No go back to Z1 they are far more professional. This site allows freedom of speech and everything, bunch of bloody liberals.
  10. There was less people playing then though so less private sales. The increasing popularity of airsoft means that the number of sellers on Facebook was huge and those people have to go somewhere. "Just because it was doesn't mean it will be" as the saying goes. Hopefully your right but I still think we are going to see a lot of "hardly used, as new combat machine, bargain only £400 sales popping up for a while.
  11. I have noticed a few silly priced guns appear on here today and one seller that appears to be a business as hes offering a warranty. This got me wondering if its a coincidence or with the facebook ban is this site and many others going to get swamped with all the iffy sales. This site is good because you dont get too much of that on here and the community is relatively small. Does anyone else feel like this is going to have a large negative impact on the site?
  12. Absolutely brilliant laughed so hard I hurt myself. Want one but crap on the computer 😟
  13. One of the best players I ever saw was a girl and she was a stunner. Lots of guys making wisecracks that soon stopped when she ran around duel wielding pistols like she was out of a John Woo movie.
  14. My issue is you open the link and are greeted with the words "be your own hero" then you have to read through someones best war story glory moment and its written out like its a serious war story as well.Cant help it I hate self love from players, a bit of bigging up banter is fair play but dont believe your own b*llshit. My favourite airsoft moments seeing some poor buggers body language as hes informed we are about to play duck hunt, horror and utter defeat was what it looked like. Things I have done, I cant remember any glory moments because all they are is being lucky and they dont mean anything. Lets enjoy the game but not get too caught up in the crap because we are just a bunch of idiots with toy guns and probably nowhere near as good at it as we think we are.
  15. Self love thread. Free box of clean up tissues to everyone who posts a profile.
  16. Yeah but we were talking about good players 😂 Only joking, hows life in Murica? Edit; Its a shame you wasn't in the country for the private game you would of loved it.
  17. Lithium grease is fine just dont go overboard with it. I prefer a red lithium complex as its a bit thicker and creates a better seal in the cylinder.As for the motors I have never used a CA motor so don't have a clue. Shs and Zci motors are pretty cheap. I can vouch for shs personally and zci I have never used but reviews are good.
  18. Go for the tunnels that way it cant be affected by the weather and cqb is much more fun than leaf shooting.
  19. Wise words, I always say the same to people when they ask me about high rof. You only need 1 or 2 rounds to get a player not 30. Work on your guns accuracy and when thats right work on the player. Standing back and spraying rounds is always less effective than just getting in there and making sure you hit the target.
  20. I didn't kick anybodies ass, everybody played well and gave as good as they got. I didn't play any better than the rest of you. It was good to put a face to the name and voice though mate just glad you and your brothers enjoyed it and made the effort to travel all that way
  21. Came with mini tamiya and regarding price gun is cheaper but the remailing servive wasn't cheap and I didn't bother to sit down and work it out.
  22. Like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&ei=EmbTVtO-Iay26ASAxL_4Cg&q=us+remailing+service&oq=US+rema&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.3.0l5.3313.7753.0.11400. Cant remember which one I used, will ask the wife in the morning if she still has the receipt and PM it to you. I used the Krytac store and they wont ship outside US.
  23. As far as I know all the ones coming into the uk are the 20k motor. If you want one with a 30k motor use a remailer to get it shipped from the US. It is worth it the 30k is so much snappier than the 20k.
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