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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Tracer is a double edged sword. Its good because you can definitely see when you hit someone but 10× more annoying when they dont call it and run off. Also unless you are a quick player who moves a lot you are basically gving someone else a target. As for protection good on you I am a firm believer in less is more in airsoft. Loose clothing, thick tops/jackets and plate carriers should all be banned in cqb. Anyone wearing hard shell crap should banned for life. Its not so bad outdoors because the action is usually a bit less frantic so you notice things more but in cqb with the adrenaline and noise its definitely not a good thing.
  2. Why isnt the krytac an option? As PT247 says it ticks all the boxes. It is probably the best performing gun off the shelf you can get. Its quality is as good as a real sword and its range and accuracy stock are awesome. For £300 you get a gun that is better made and performs better than guns that cost £500 even the much vaunted TM recoil range once you get past the recoil pales in comparison. Exactly what is your criteria?
  3. Yeah time to kick start the rivalry ☺All good fun though.
  4. Yeah but everyone agreed he was a c*nt. Actually now you mention it.......😂
  5. If you find getting bbs to the nob saucy you have serious issues.If you turn at the game in a leather gimp outfit your going straight home. 😯
  6. Nope my ideas better. As a naturally anti social barsteward it means I dont have to pretend to play nice with people I dont like and can just go around shooting with impunity. Sounds very cathartic to me.
  7. In that case as I grew up on the north side but am now down south I will be an army of one. That way everybody is a target, fookin perfick
  8. Was thinking about the midlands next. North vs South, meet up the middle and do battle.
  9. I wish I was a kid. It started out that way but its about the private game in February now. But carry on posting on here its not an issue.
  10. Damn right. Get off our thread, bloody trespassers 😒
  11. 5 weeks to go ☺ Collecting outstanding fees at the end of month. If anybody has any problems let me know. Those that have asked about adding other people get in touch to let me know. Forgot to ask is anybody bringing action cams?
  12. When you have learnt how to make a decision for yourself.
  13. Err its an airsoft gun other than looks its not really any different. As for adaptable, if you mean in a role sense its shorter than my Sig with my tracer or suppressor attached and I can use that for cqb or outdoors no problem. As for best starter gun there is no such thing outside of budget constraints. But yeah great advice. 👍
  14. Yeah check out; TM Krytac Ics Bolt Pts ERG Real sword All better makes of guns that will serve you better than VFC. As for which model its an airsoft gun not a real one so its all about aesthetics.
  15. The difference in size isnt huge. The 417 is still plenty manoeuvrable its no worse than a short m4 with a suppressor.You can get both guns for under £380 but still over £300 though. Pouches are not that hard to get as similar size as Scar H mags. 417 looks so much better with the big mag same as scar h looks better than scar l. Would be better buying a second hand tm hk 416/417 than the vfc though.
  16. Yes but as I am 40 in a few months its a touchy subject.😢
  17. Sorry but when you post a topic on an airsoft forum about how to protect your self from welts then your painting yourself as a target.As people have said welts are just part of the game. One of the biggest problems with hit taking is people padding up to much so they dont feel it. No ones seriously saying just wear a t-shirt thats for stupid people and was a joke. Cover all bare skin and wear a PC if you are worried, that will prevent a lot. Anything that you get after that is unavoidable it is after all a contact sport/game. If your worried about getting sweat into cuts though I honestly would say toughen up a bit it wont kill you. I go to work and get grease, dirt and all sorts of chemicals into the the open cuts and welts on my arms and havent died yet or given it a second thought. Youth of today really needs to toughen up and now you have made me sound old 😠
  18. Yes its much worse.The Ak is just a gun that an idiot has ruined and I am not sure what the other thing is but guessing its probably the same deal. The Amoeba is hideous from the off and that was designed by a whole group of designers not just a single person with no taste. So for that reason alone it wins the uggo competition.
  19. Thats why the private games are better. With less people you travel round and explore a bit more than you would on a Sunday. After doing a few of those you learn the layout pretty well.
  20. Just outside C&A basement round the corner from the stairs to Salisbury and other end of corridor to Pixie corner.I can draw you a map if you want?☺
  21. Stop being a girl. Getting welts is part of airsoft, if your not bleeding then your not playing hard enough. Wear a thin t-shirt to a few games after that you kind of become immune to the sting and stop caring about how the welts look.
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