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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. A gun doesn't have to be shooting hot to do either of those things. I have had my finger broken once and bb's or fragments of bb's stick in my skin a few times and that was at the mall where every gun is checked. Wouldn't class them as severe injuries either just all part of the game.
  2. Worst one I saw was when the piston spring went up some guys left nostril. It was like that scene from Total Recall watching him pull it out. Never trust a Chinese clone of a German gun they are just evil.
  3. Thats not a severe injury thats just an owie.
  4. They are awful bbs only travel 10ft and after a 100 shots the end falls off and the battery explodes, its one of those lipo nuclear bomb thingies.
  5. A shop is usually the best place to start. Look for one that sells bb guns and go from there.
  6. Dont worry you will have a great night. You will be the centre of attention all evening, you should feel honoured.
  7. After a certain amount of hits within a certain amount of time he stops moving for a minute. It will either be just to slow him down or to capture him and have him fight on your team for a few minutes. Will discuss with the marshalls which is the best game to run on the night.
  8. Nope unfortunately not. Terminator games are always semi auto except for the terminator. You either have to get a few people to go at him or one person who is prepared to do a bit of run and gun.Most fun way is to do it on your own.
  9. If we run a Terminator game going to have it so you can drop him with sustained fire. Its much more fun that way.
  10. Think I am getting bored of airsoft. Any ideas for a new hobby?

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Aengus


      Bit out their but make songs. I found it fun even though I was sh*t at it :P

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      sounds like me on Saturday - but wtf lets 'ave some

    4. Josh95


      robot wars is coming back? that was my favourite show as a kid

  11. Dont worry about how productive you are because none of that matters just have fun.
  12. Looking at the map is a good idea for the landmarks on the concourse. Bet you still get lost though the basement level looks nice and simple on the map but in real life its a maze until you get used to it.
  13. 8 days to go. Basic rules for the game and site and a few tips; Doors open about 6.30pm try to be there a few minutes early and please dont be late (Esoterick 😉). Free parking is over the road under the office building, there will be a marshall there to open the barrier. Final game finishes at 11.30pm. No pyro after 11pm Max fps 340 Semi auto only Bfg's are same level use only, no throwing up or down stairs and all throws must be below knee height unless its a direct downward drop round a corner or similar. Cardboard pyro can be used anywhere. No CO2 guns allowed No blind firing. No riot shielding round the glass doorways. Lasers and strobes are ok No med or capture rules. No bang rule. No coms on the private night. A few people using coms can really unbalance a game with so few players. Full face is highly recommended. Those players who have played the mall without it on an open day this isn't the same thing its faster and usually closer. I usually get a lot more welts on a private game than on an open day. Boots are recommended, it is nice flat concrete floors but have seen quite a few people twist their ankle on the stairs. Torch is a must its pitch black in a lot of places in there during the day at night its worse. If its chucking it down bring a change of clothes. There are lots of leaks and the concourse gets some nice puddles. If you slip and get soaked it will ruin your journey home. The small shop on site sells most common bb weights but dont carry tracers. There are chargers on site. Most importantly have fun and dont take the games too seriously, this night is more about the social aspect but would still like some good game playing and lots of laughs. The crappy bit; The rules will be a bit more relaxed than on a normal open day but there is zero tolerance for any aggressive behaviour. No cheat calling, its ok to politely point out if you hit someone and they didn't feel it but no yelling "take your fookin hits". Any players who feel like having a tantrum just go stand in corner and swear at the wall because if you do it to another player you're going home. Any questions PM me. Looking forward to meeting some of you and really looking forward to shooting some of you (Sacarathe). 😃
  14. Yes http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=R092
  15. I will have a quick chat between games sometimes. I just dont do the whole lets team up and be buddies bit, airsoft for me is my time without being bothered. Simple rule of thumb is if I am smiling come say hello if I look preoccupied or have my headphones in then leave me alone or be prepared to be told to go away. Friendly takes too much effort sometimes.
  16. It's not like anybody knows the place well enough to be able to sneak around behind someone to do it on purpose anyway.
  17. Will talk to you about it properly at the end of the month.I am always helpful and never sarcastic, I am starting to feel quite offended on here lately. Is this that internet bullying I have read about.😔
  18. That sort of behaviour is not allowed it's very bad. But if it happens by accident..............
  19. This will help but wont completely solve. Modifying the gun for a shorter trigger pull or replacing the standard trigger with an etu will also help. Or you could just pull the trigger properly.
  20. I will lay money that you either freeze or have a flapper. Rational thought goes out the window when one of those is fizzing away in a bad place.
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