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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. But he is basing his opinion on the one yank hes met at airsoft. 😉
  2. That must of been a really bad batch then but I havent found any like that and have been using them for a while.They are not my favourite but not as bad as some people make out. Edit; The air pocket comment wasnt to do with structural integrity although it does make a difference it was to do with how well they fly.
  3. I have had bbs break up when hitting me loads of times seriously doubt they were all Nuprol.I tested it out last year with various makes of bbs shooting into a catch target with different materials at the back. The amount they broke up was pretty even across the makes the only one that broke up more was bulldogs and bio bbs but that no surprise. I actually found blasters were worse than most for air pockets. Which is why I think Nuprol's fly better.
  4. But no worse than blasters and a lot less than some other brands. The whole shattering thing was urban myth crap, the big issue was the first batch were jamming in everything.
  5. 0.28 are ok not 100% sure on 0.3 but guess they would be fine ICS use really strong springs that take for ever to wear in so should lift most bbs and last for quite a while.Give Firesupport a call they are the main ICS dealer and will and know their products pretty well.
  6. Isnt it amazing how jealously can make you dislike someone you have never met. 😉
  7. Yeah I know they are pain to get hold of. I have been tempted a few times to try and get one but always get sidetracked into something else. It would be shame to just use it as a showpiece.
  8. Think I would look into a way of making the hop adjustable. It might be a major pain but worth it. You dont see many older M9's they are all M9A1's. Think its a nostalgia thing like the famas.
  9. Edit; Ignore that just noticed you said its plastic bodied and I linked a full metal one.
  10. Found a picture for you to copy for your loadout. ☺
  11. Will admit the nasty side of me did chuckle at that and think what a girl.
  12. Kid should be banned permanently, doesnt matter what the reason behind it is. To just stand there and calmly shoot that lad in the back like that shows a serious character flaw, airsoft doesnt need players like that. Makes me think of that video from the mall when some nob shoots his own teammate for being in the way, cant find the link but sure someone else can. As for high rof cant see the point anything over 25rps is just overkill.
  13. Best just using the ICS 180rnd tmags. Ics have always been a problem with using cheaper mags but make up for it because their own brand are some of the best feeding mags you can get.
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha think I am going to be sick hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. This looks like a good choice http://www.turnerrichards.co.uk/rohm-starting-pistol/
  16. Shop around and you can find some good scopes. I do have a good red dot from Hong Kong but its sight and mount in one that I find too low when using full face. But the view is good and again its taken a kicking and still works. Try places like airsoft club, they quite often have a couple of sights that look exactly the same but one cost £35ish and the other costs over a £100 the dearer one can be quite good but it is a gamble. I have binned more red dots than any other airsoft accessory.
  17. Red dot sights are a pain in the arse for me. I have astigmatism so the dot blurs up and can look like a bunch of grapes. I found in certain light conditions that a blue dot worked better. I tried a few from hong kong and the uk but the quality was garbage. So in the end I looked on some American shooting forums and came across a recommendation of a three colour aimpoint clone that had good reviews. Ordered it from some hillbilly store and can honestly say its been great. Externally its no better quality than the chinese crap but internally its really good. I have been using it for 2 years and have given it loads of abuse and it never moves off zero. Think it cost about £120/130ish plus postage.
  18. Whole evening is semi auto only. Full auto doesnt work with less players. Death match only works with last man standing rules and even thats normally crap. EDIT; Not doing a side arm only game either. Mines ended up in the bin and if I replace it before then it will probably stay in my bag. A few people there wont have sidearms anyway.
  19. Err no. Might do capture the chair, get to it without being shot and sit down on it for a slow ten count to score a point. While you are on it you are invunerable but people can still shoot you and you have to live with it for 10 seconds. No PC's or padding allowed.
  20. Will play a similar game. Personalities go rogue and you have to capture them. When you do they join your side but you have to stay with them for two minutes and keep them alive to score a point.Kicker is if you dont stay right by them they can give it legs and go rogue again and personalities will not respond to orders and want to be rogue. The right personality can make life very difficult.
  21. Sod that best thing to do with the Terminator is go all out attack on him much more fun.
  22. Will be discussing games with the marshalls on the 7th. A lot of the games will be more localised as smaller numbers but this makes the action a bit faster as well. There are a few games that we play on private nights that you cant on a normal day. Will obviously have the terminator out as well. Starting to look forward to this now everything is organised. And must say thanks to Prof for sorting out the bulk buy on the pyro it will save everyone a bit of cash.
  23. Only 20 you need to get stuck in more.
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