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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Well after listening to that song you linked you might have huge taste but not good taste. 😃
  2. Agreed a lot of airsofters are great people but there is a certain sort of person who gravitates towards airsoft that really bugs me. They are the person who is basically a weak person the type who was bullied but put them in an environment where they feel safe and they are a total dick. The sort of person who becomes a manager and then precedes to bully their underlings to feel better about themselves. These people when they get on an airsoft field because they feel safe because there is always a marshall on hand turn into the worst airsoft player in the world. They are the first to scowl and come out with a crappy comment when someones high cap rattles. They will always try and act superior to the kids and rentals. Even worse is when they snap at or come out with a snarky comment to a player who they wouldnt say boo to on the street. I hate people like this they need to learn that just because they have a toy gun and a face mask on its not time to try and make up for the fact life has pushed you round. Cheaters I can ignore, the over the top load mouth is no problem but these sort of people I just want to grab by their twiglet neck and shake. Thankfully they are still a minority. The only thing worse is when one becomes a marshall. Rant over carry on ☺
  3. Love airsoft the game Love airsoft toys Not a big fan of a lot of airsofters.
  4. Before you try ordering do you have a UKARA number or some other form of defence?
  5. But you didnt have to post Born Slippy. I am now on music of my youth trek myself and just ordered Trainspotting on dvd. Time to bust out the Prodigy CDs.
  6. Yep it just killed my belief in the music industry. 🙉
  7. Fuck it thats what happens when trying to reply while playing Destiny. Will edit it now.
  8. I know you have been there but dont know if you have ever done a small group in there.Thursday nights are full auto same as normal but this is a private game and from past experiences of doing games with only 15 to a side full auto just doesnt work. You can imagine how easy you can lock down and defend the shops when there are so few attackers it ends being a war of attrition with pyro.
  9. If the wife will let you out to play on a Saturday night YOU'RE more than welcome.
  10. Yep evening game is semi only and it has nothing to do with being pussies its just that with less people semi only works better.Its so easy to hold down the shops on the concourse with full auto that if there are a couple of objective points defended by people on full auto a a small group of attackers has no chance getting near.
  11. Yeah it will make him easy to pick out of the crowd
  12. Thought the whole point of an mp7 was to be fast and agile. Must be difficult with the scuba tank and flippers.
  13. Ignore original post just read the one above.
  14. Had a few Pm me to show interest but no one has committed to it yet. I am trying to avoid inviting the people I know to get the numbers up because they know the venue too well. So come on people get your names down.
  15. I honestly think some people forgo a face mask because they think it makes them look tough and more tacticool, these people are idiots.
  16. Really wish I had filmed it, it was funny and a fitting end to a G&G.
  17. Because 9.6v is a nimh battery which doesn't deliver the power as efficiently maximum of about 12c I think.You get slighty better results out of a 7.4v 25c+ lipo battery than you do out of a 9.6v nimh. The lipo is smaller, more power efficient,holds charge better and will last longer. Nimh batterys can work fine in a really well set up gun (I use them with one of my gun set ups) but rof and response in a standard gun will be better with lipo as its discharge rate is higher and that makes it more instant on the power. There is a lot more to this explanation, Google lipo vs nimh and have a read as I hate typing out long posts.
  18. 7.4v 25c lipo. Which type depends on your gun as there are lots of shapes and sizes. Stick to Turnigy, Vapex or Kong power brands and you will be ok.
  19. Yeah try one of these rof goes through the roof, takes a bit of jerry rigging though.http://www.tomsgardenequipment.co.uk/category/Accessories/product/Greenworks_24V_2AH_Lithiumion_Battery/
  20. There are lots but just upgrade as things break.
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