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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. They still make the best tracer rounds its just the rest that were iffy.
  2. Actually they are hugely over rated. There are several manufacturers that are producing better guns for less money like krytac,real sword, some ics and a few others. Tm recoils are nice guns and the recoil and bolt stop are nice functions but the PTS RM4 has those for a lot less money. Range, accuracy, reliability and trigger response are only average compared to a lot of stuff on the market now. Nice guns yes but the best thats very debatable.
  3. Look up the definition of a keyboard warrior pal. Anyone who has met me will tell you I will say it quite happily in person not just hiding behind my keyboard. By the way I am using my phone so its more of touchscreen warrior ☺
  4. I am a dickhead but at least I am honest about it and dont need to live in fantasy land.
  5. There wasn't a load of stick I just voiced the opinion that airsoft guns are in no way realistic and that a Krytac is real enough. Its based on the AR15 platform. If someone doesn't like it then thats wholly their personal choice but anyone who thinks airsoft is in anyway real is slightly delusional. Wanting nice guns I get but realism in airsoft sorry it doesn't exist. The OP never asked about realism he asked about how it performs.
  6. But the Pdw is so unrealistic its just awful to behold😉
  7. 50 to 60 metres same as any good aeg. Its got a good inner barrel,hop up and the bucking is probably the best stock bucking out there. More importantly it all goes together very well.
  8. Hilarious cant believe I have never seen it before.
  9. Yes my post count is high and yes its a little bit sad I totally agree. Never used the words "cool enough" once in this thread, or ever I think so dont see where your coming from. My point is the Krytac looks real enough for most people so I think its a bit daft worrying about the realism too much when you are using a bb gun. A lot of my posts are replies or trying to help people out and the odd occasion I feel the need to wind up someone who takes this crap too seriously. Sorry for having a different opinion Cheesy I forgot yours is the only one that counts. I will try to take it more seriously and forget it's a game and eventually when its no fun anymore I might start to agree with you sometimes. Until then though I will just carry on smiling and telling everyone to just go have fun and dont take it serious as its just playing with toy guns.
  10. Then they need to get out more. Cant believe anyone would be bothered about realism that much when using a toy gun to fire plastic balls at each other.
  11. They look real enough that it doesn't matter. As for suspension of disbelief disaggree with that entirely its airsoft and if people remember its airsoft and only a game its generally more fun for everyone.Leave being a soldier to the real ones.
  12. Yeah because its so important that your toy bb gun is just like the real thing 😞
  13. Bravo 46 task force!WTF? Really? Take it a bit serious? Stuck in fantasy land? Can't read a date?
  14. Just use a 7.4v 25c lipo and it will work fine.
  15. Unless someone puts up a five star hotel on the site and zero one drop all participation no chance.Beards would need to be banned also.
  16. Exactly what is Ursas vaga meant to mean?Because when I googled it I got a vague translation as female bears.
  17. Its not the site thats broken its people. You take a game that is based on honour and you should get honourable people. Unfortunately its then played with toy guns so you get all the people who want to believe they are a some uber warrior not just an insurance salesman. Then you get the scuzzy lot who turn up act like chavs and then try and sell their guns for way more than its worth because its ok to rip people off because its their fault for being stupid. Then you get a huge quantity of people who are just plain weird. You are lucky if you get 20% of players at a game nowadays that are normal balanced people who just want to turn up and have a fun and fair day. If you have a forum dedicated to a game that has become the home of some very off people then eventually its going to have issues. No sub forums or anything else is going to make it better. The only thing that would help is mods who rule with an ironfist but this isn't nazi Germany and therefore freedom of speech and the written word is everyones right. Instead of hassling the admin enjoy a site that allows you to have your say and and not be controlling and is free. If you dont like things you have three options. (1) Ignore it (2) Join Zero in (The Gestapo aisoft site) (3) Quit airsoft as its only getting worse. (My choice)
  18. Is it just me or does mancraft sound like a gay escort agency? Puts me off just hearing the name.
  19. Do a bit of research yourself and narrow down your field of choice. Google Ukara so you know and understand the laws on purchasing a rif. Try to figure out how you really want to play because lying on the floor in a wookie suit will get boring very quickly. When you have done this come back and ask for pros and cons of your weapon choice.(try and keep it to 3ish)
  20. Nope I like the classifieds and dont really want to edit out but might have to. It has got a bit much which is a shame because I liked the simplicity of all new stuff in one click.
  21. Worse thing is I always just go for new content to see what's new and now it's classified after classified.
  22. What about all the people on here who dress up in all their gear and then take selfies?I personally think thats sadder than Facebook selfies. I have never not even once put all my kit on at home let alone felt the need to take a picture. Why do so many people think the world needs another picture of a geeky 18yr old or a fat 40yr old stood in their lounge wearing pretend army clothes? I did do one gun pic but that was a bit of a joke about the fact I ran round the meet up armed with a squeaky pig and party poppers. Even that made me feel a bit of a saddo. Give everybody a hint if you look like where's wally or a fat bearded dungeon and dragons player putting on camo really doesn't help. Lets ban all selfies.
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