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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Absolutely nothing wrong with the finish on ICS guns they are pretty much perfect. Would agree with going for the Krytac PDW if you want a stubby M4 style gun though. Edit; actually scratch that Krytac should be boycotted until they fit all UK guns with the same spec motor as the US ones.
  2. Not necessarily depends what gun he puts the £80 towards. I wasn't saying buy another £80 gun but save the money towards a much better gun like an ICS,Krytac or even a G&G as spending money on that M4 is the definition of polishing a turd.
  3. Wouldn't bother, put the £80 towards buying a better gun.
  4. Great player is another airsoft myth. Buy something decent so at least something works well all day.
  5. There is space on all three for a torch. Stop over thinking it all 3 guns are basically the same inside only differ slightly on the externals. Just go and buy which ever one catches your eye the most. At the end of the day all three are so cheap that if you dont like it you sell it and try a different one because you wont lose much in depreciation.
  6. If you have site membership then whats the issue? Site membership is your defence, you give your membership details to the retailer they verify it and voila you can buy a rif. You dont need to two tone it so all the talk of repainting is pointless.
  7. The Sig 552 mrs has the quad rail on front which is a godsend as it has more battery space and you get a lot more ris space. Its also got a full length top ris rail for optics. If you split the receiver you can see the piston through the cylinder ports. If the pistons black its got the newer box if its white its the original box which isn't as good. The madbull barrel is actually a downgrade the stock one is better.
  8. Is it a commando or MRS?Its not just when it was bought its when it was manufactured. To be honest I would think hard before buying a Sig. There is no after market support so upgrades are not as plentiful as on M4's, AK's or other more common models. The Ics Sig is great gun but it is flawed, it has probably the best stock V3 gearbox on any gun but a lot of it is proprietary. If your thinking of upgrading its not a good choice. I am part way through rebuilding/customising one so have some custom parts spare if you have really deep pockets.
  9. Sigs better than a combat machine but unless its an MRS version in very good condition and all the mags are ICS then the price is a bit high.
  10. Depends which version Sig it is. The full metal ones are more up to about £230 ish. They have gone that cheap because I think Ics are phasing them out. Not long ago the metal ones were £300+.Op needs to clarify which model and how old as the newer ones have a better gearbox. Also what brand are the midcaps because if they are Mag 100 rnd they are cheap and awful. The ICS ones are good but only 40rnds so more of a low cap. Also has anything been changed/upgraded?
  11. Because some guns dont need 11.1v. A really well set up gun will only need a 7.4v to run well. My Sig actually has issues with a 30c 7.4v and runs better with an old school 9.6v nimh and I still get 22rps and a good trigger response.Every gun is different.
  12. TM ran out of stocks of magic fairy dust years ago. Now they are more reliant on Placebo Powder. If you go to you local airsoft shop its usually kept next the the snake oil. If you hit the G&G section you have gone too far down the bullshit aisle.
  13. I think the best non impartial review vids were the Airsoft GI ones. The advertising was there without being so in your face so you kind of forget the reviewers were actually just salesman. Its all about balance, represent but don't oversell. Not hating just suggesting. Its a good idea what ICS are doing with the sponsor program more manufacturers and outlets should do it. No better promoters than the players themselves.
  14. Krytac have done a good job so far and have obviously listened to what players want. Just carry on doing that and keep the QC standards high and I am sure you will end up with a bigger market share. Have you thought about a different distributor or having more direct contact with the sales outlets yourselves. It seems like they dont understand the market and are the thing thats letting you down more than your actual product. As I pointed out earlier the advertising and product promotion has been poor and most of your sales success has happened because of word of mouth.
  15. What put me off most is the Ics logo everywhere in the vid. People would take you more seriously if you promoted the brand more subtlety it was like one of the dodgy shopping channel commercials. Take the gun around and show it off at games, nudge people in the right direction on forums and yes vids are fine but it all seemed too much and will put people off.
  16. Unkind but true ☺ But if you use the 30k with a 7.4v lipo and an m100 it works lovely and means people don't have to swap the motor out for a lonex or ultimate motor (both of which are cheaper than your 30k) to get the same trigger response as you get with the 30k motor. Yes you're listening but it is a bit of a mistake. I am not saying your guns are awful because they are not I have recommended them to enough people (probably responsible for more sales than your nonexistent UK advertising) just trying to nudge you in the right direction. Edit; Might see if I can sue for a sales commission.
  17. Prefer the Krytac PDW. Other than the split gearbox and a slight improvement on the internals ICS haven't done enough to push the brand forward.
  18. Don't worry no one else does. The only thing you need to do on here is sell your brand and explain why UK Krytacs have a crap 20k motor?
  19. Sod that wouldn't trust any of you f*ckers with my gun.
  20. Not necessarily the sale of goods act has one little line that comes in very useful "fit for purpose" it doesn't mention warranty it just states that all goods must be fit for purpose. Thats why if you buy a TV with a years warranty and it breaks down after 18 months you can still get it fixed by the company because you would reasonably expect a tv to last longer than that. If he sold the gun through the onsite shop for that price then you could argue that although second hand you would expect it to be checked and sold as fit for purpose. Second hand through a store isn't the same as a second hand private sale. If you can prove that he acted immorally and abused a trusted position to sell faulty goods then you could also go for that. The time is an issue but if you have a record of the gun being repeatedly returned and not sorted properly then it becomes irrelevant. I wouldn't think it would be easy to win in a small claims court but it is possible. For the sake of £240 it would be a lot of hassle I would chalk it down to live and learn. Edit; Gears breaking after 8 months isn't that uncommon to be fair. Airsoft gun failures are more about usage than time. Just take it into a different tech and pay for the repairs it would be easier.
  21. Tm are exactly as good as they used to be and thats the problem. If left alone they are ok but not outstanding in any area but if you are willing to spend a few quid on upgrades they become one of the best again. Tm really need to improve the materials they use on the gearbox and improve the motors and chuck in a basic mosfet, all the things that you would expect on a £400 plus gun. The 417 is very nice looking I prefer it over the krytacs it just needs a few upgrades to get it perfect. To answer the original question a huge resounding yes. The combat machine range has some good starting guns and the a few of the non AR15 range are ok but once you get into the mid price range there is always somewhere better to spend your money.
  22. 30k is so much better its like a different gun. With all this Krytac talk I am starting to miss mine, might have to get another.
  23. Even in the reliability front they are starting to fall behind. The quality of materials used internally isn't the best and the motors are average at best.They are well put together though which is why they work so well. Not hating on TM as the high cycles are great CQB guns and the recoil series are really nice, I still get tempted to hit the buy button on the g36 recoil at least once a month. Just think there are lots of other choices that are better value for money and recommendations should cover that. To the op most most big brands will be pretty reliable and will serve you well as for necessary gear; Decent eye/face protection Gloves Good footwear preferably boots Everything else is just down to choice you dont need camo or specialist tactical clothing to play just wear stuff that is hard wearing and comfortable.
  24. Doesn't matter whether its on a forum or not its still true. Tm aegs are out performed by a lot other stock aeg's. They are no more reliable or accurate than any of the other big brands and some of the smaller ones. There is a lot of rose tinted glasses and not moving with the times in airsoft. Tm aegs were the best and are still a very good gun but things change. Gbb pistols its still TM though. Real swords are £350 to £400 so cheaper than TM recoils.
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