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DMR rules in airsoft


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Hello everyone. 

Just got a question, is there any rules for DMR rifles like the length of barrel to make rifle being DMR

I got m4 and planning to upgrade it, so if i increase length of barrel and rails and change my spring, may it be a DMR or i need to upgrade something else? 

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It depends upon the sites that you play at. At the sites I frequent, there is no rule that states that a DMR must have a real world equivalent rifle that is employed in that type of role. But some sites do make this demand - e.g. that (with a couple of exceptions such as the Mk12 SPR), the rifle model is based upon a calbre larger than 5.56.


Other than that - the standard rule is that full auto capability  is deactivated.

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Can you use an M4 as a DMR - yes. Hell, some people have MK23's set up as DMR's.


Are there different rules for DMR's - yes. It depends on the site but at the very lease you'll have an MED due to the higher power and you'll need to be able to lock it to semi only. After that things can vary a bit more from site to site, eg physical / electronic locking to semi and type of RIF (and even then it may depend on whether you're doing a skirmish or milsim etc).


Essentially, check the rules of whatever site you frequent the most and do that.


My 308's a short-barreled one and I use it under 1.13j for CQB 😁

Edited by Madhouse
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DMR rules are the rules that vary the most across different sites. The basic premise is that they have higher power, but must be locked to semi-auto, have an MED and you will not be allowed to spam the trigger; usually the rule is "one in the air", so you have to watch your shot to completion before pulling the trigger again. However, there are things that can vary:


Power - I've seen lots of different power limits. 1.48J, 1.64J, 1.88J, 2.32J are all powers that I have seen for DMRs at different sites


RIF type - Some events and sites require the RIF to be a DMR in the real world. This usually means it has to be some sort of .308 calibre replica like an m14 or SR-25, or something like a mk12, VSS or SVD if it's not a .308 replica


Stock - Some sites mandate that a DMR must have a stock. Some don't. I don't mean like a fixed stock vs retractable stock, I mean in terms of not allowing something like a revolver or mk23 without a carbine kit to be used as a DMR


And yes, as has been said, people tend to look down on it when people put a scope on something like an m4 or arp-9 or something like that, up the power to DMR limits and then spam the trigger. It's mostly spamming the trigger though, that's the big no-no when it comes to DMRs. Cue the "that's not full auto, this is" video clip.

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Yarp, it's entirely up to your local sites, you'll need to ask them.  It's one of the most LARP-ish aspects of airsoft, as functionally, the BB doesn't give a stuff about what it came out of.


Locked-to-semi is both a site issue and a legal issue, as anything capable of auto and over 1.3J is a Section 5 firearm, not an airsoft gun.  It's easily enough achieved on most guns just by filing a small amount off the fire selector so that it can't push on the semi-auto cutoff lever.


My local is fine with me running a long barrelled M4 with a scope and solid stock as a DMR.



1 hour ago, Impulse said:

It's mostly spamming the trigger though, that's the big no-no when it comes to DMRs


They are indeed super-exploitable, and enforcement is essentially non-existent. With the best will in the world, when you're presented with a juicy target in the open, it's hard to resist the reflex to send two[*] BBs at them in short order.


My other local disallows them entirely, and only allows sub 1.2J auto guns, and bolt actions up to 2.2J, nothing in between. I actually agree with this.


[*] Ten.


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8 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

With the best will in the world, when you're presented with a juicy target in the open, it's hard to resist the reflex to send two[*] BBs at them in short order


The Perun ETU++ has a DMR feature that set a minimum time between shots. 

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49 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

They are indeed super-exploitable, and enforcement is essentially non-existent. With the best will in the world, when you're presented with a juicy target in the open, it's hard to resist the reflex to send two[*] BBs at them in short order.


[*] Ten.



I don't find it that hard, however I'm very used to using a bolt action sniper rifle, since that's what I've used for over a decade, and I like to remain undetected. Nothing gives your position away more than a bit of trigger spam; you'd be surprised how much a single shot can go unnoticed.


But yeah, it's unfortunate that a lot of people can't control themselves :( 

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

My other local disallows them entirely, and only allows sub 1.2J auto guns, and bolt actions up to 2.2J, nothing in between. I actually agree with this.

I rather like that idea.

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1 hour ago, DanBow said:


The Perun ETU++ has a DMR feature that set a minimum time between shots. 


Most programmable MOSFETs do to be fair. Equally, if you're the kind of person that's going to spam semi with a 1.8J DMR, then that isn't going to stop you being a dick.

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3 hours ago, DanBow said:

The Perun ETU++ has a DMR feature that set a minimum time between shots. 


And site's always ask at chrono for confirmation of how your controller is configured, hooking up GATE GCS or looking for the right blinking Perun LED's ;) 

3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

My local is fine with me running a long barrelled M4 with a scope and solid stock as a DMR.


Personally I've zero interest in Milsim and the four places I semi-regularly play at have no "real steel" rules for DMR's, so I'm fine as well. However, under all the camo I have now on my DMR they'd only be able to identify the base gun if I removed it all.

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7 hours ago, DanBow said:

The Perun ETU++ has a DMR feature that set a minimum time between shots. 


My AB++ has it as well, and I should really turn it on.


Sadly, my local doesn't require it, and you're lucky if you even get checked for semi-lock at chrono.  But that's a different, and more general, rant about the uselessness of pre-game chronoing for catching chancers.



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As many have said above... site specific.


e.g. at my local site everything has the same fps limits (doesn't matter if the pew is set to single shot only) except bolt action.

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On 23/04/2024 at 12:53, DanBow said:


The Perun ETU++ has a DMR feature that set a minimum time between shots. 

Some sites have a rule that fet only locking is not allowed.  Stops you fucking about with it in game I expect.

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6 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Some sites have a rule that fet only locking is not allowed.  Stops you fucking about with it in game I expect.


Wonder how they'd handle my SR-25 then. It's locked to semi by a perun, but then the full auto sensor has electrical tape over it as well, so when flicked to full auto it doesn't even shoot. Only way to undo it would be to take the gun apart and remove the tape :P 

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16 hours ago, Impulse said:


Wonder how they'd handle my SR-25 then. It's locked to semi by a perun, but then the full auto sensor has electrical tape over it as well, so when flicked to full auto it doesn't even shoot. Only way to undo it would be to take the gun apart and remove the tape :P 

I think Josh says that the lock must be 'mechanical'.  Since a definition of mechanical is 'relating to machines' i.e. 'a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work,' I think you're fine modifying one with tape.   


I cannot believe how much thought I've just put into responding.  I feel like Prof Lunn now.  😆


All you need is ultra smart use of a cable tie and a jubilee clip and you're officially Chief Forum Tech.


Wilf Lunn's wonderful bicycles (Gallery) - YorkshireLive

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On 28/04/2024 at 00:23, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Some sites have a rule that fet only locking is not allowed.  Stops you fucking about with it in game I expect.


The counterpoint being that filing a bit off of the fire selector does nothing to prevent trigger spam.  I honestly don't think there is a way to keep them honest in-game.

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48 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


The counterpoint being that filing a bit off of the fire selector does nothing to prevent trigger spam.  I honestly don't think there is a way to keep them honest in-game.

No, but the filed selector and 'fet set to DMR would; if subject to random inspection I suppose.   If briefings were more than words, safety systems actually honoured etc etc repeat ad nauseum...


Can any fet be locked?  Is there a non-programmable DMR fet?   Would a site crack the rif open to see if one's fitted?  


Expect that you're right tbh.

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8 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


I honestly don't think there is a way to keep them honest in-game.


Proper marshalling.

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Fortunately the number of players who use DMRs tends to be fairly low; at least at my site, I'm one of the only players who uses one. So if I were marshalling, I'd make a mental note of the players running DMRs when chronoing and I'd keep an eye on them through the game day and make sure they weren't spamming. 


8 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Can any fet be locked?  Is there a non-programmable DMR fet?  


And I don't think so. All the non-programmable mosfets that I know, things like the gate nano aab, also don't lock them to semi-auto.

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I used a dmr for the first time ever yesterday and I must admit, I caught myself a few times flinging more BB's than I should have at the start of the first game.


It took a bit of mental work to make sure I only sent one bb down range at a time, however personally I found once I had got into a routine of the timing it soon became almost muscle memory!


The play style was rather fun too, it was nice to change up the pace from normal running and gunning.

Edited by JinxDuh
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