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Sniper sidearm AEG / green gas or CO2

Guy elson

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So I am new to sniping, I have had gbb pistols before (custom hicapa ) …. And even this pistol was prone to gas out etc..

CO2 looks like you get a more consistent cycling and can run automatic pistols effectively? SSE18 


but….. AEG , I know they don’t kick, have less reactive trigger control and less range…. But as a sniper anything above 30m is rifle range and below 30m seems to be good working range for an AEG. Mags are also cheap !! 

so what are people’s recommendations for a pistol

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Lot of factors to consider ? 

For pistols summer or winter play determines gas efficiency, in winter c02 more reliable than gas, but aep more reliable than c02, but usually at the expense of fps

What kinda sniper are you ?, 100% committed to being the sneakiest motherfudger, so you'll want to consider a quiet pistol for med- kills in order to not give yourself away, so nbb such as mk23 or Ruger mk1. 

For less sneaky play you can consider any gbb pistol, whatever floats your boat cosmetically, I personally recommend the TM hi-capa 4.3 or ksc G19. 


Are you a player that likes to mix it up, happy to switch from sniper to assaulter as some games progress at a faster rate, in that case consider a stubby aeg, maybe an smg or cut down m4, but be aware this all has to be carried, maybe all day, so look at polymer bodies rather than full metal. 

Lots to consider, more info from you may help us tailor your needs ? 

PS I see you play at imperium, I'm in Kent & it's on my radar for a game as soon as I can🤞🙏

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Honestly, most things work and it comes down to personal preference. I've been sniping for a LONG time, so I've tried basically every type of secondary. Also, saying that AEGs have less range than pistols is just false and more often an AEG will have more range than a pistol, at least out of the box. With upgrades, they're about equal, but I think I'd still say a well-tuned AEG will out-range a well-tuned pistol. My order of preference is:

  • GBB pistol. Any TM pistol will do as long as you don't get rid of that lovely, super-efficient plastic slide. I've found they don't like it when temperatures are under 5 celcius, but much more and they still cycle no problem.
  • GBB SMG. My preference is an mp9 or mp7, something that'll fit in my SMG holster on my leg. Similar to the above, but can do somewhat reliable full-auto when it's warmer at the cost of being bulkier than a pistol.
  • Small AEG SMG. I have a Cyma mp5k and it's great. Shoots out to 60m fairly consistently with a new hop rubber and nub and gives me reliable full auto that will work in any weather. Only reason I prefer the other options is I like something I can holster. A small AEG needs to be slung, which means it has a tendency to swing around if you either move fast or need to crawl through the dirt or under bushes or through bushes.
  • Gas NBB pistol. The mk23 is amazing at what it does, but the trigger pull sucks. Gas NBB pistols are nice and silent, but awful for follow up shots, which is why I don't like it as much as a blowback; also the TM mk23 magazines are absolute wank, so you would need the ASG mags with better feed lips and possibly a better gas router so the cost goes up on that front. The silence is nice, but unless you're hitting first shot every time I prefer the ability to make quick follow ups and with how much a rampant twig or slight gust of wind has a tendency to ruin shots...
  • AEP. The dark horse option that has some great benefits (works in all weathers and often has full auto). Will easily hit to the ranges you need, but hit about as hard as you'd expect. Main issue is people won't always feel the hits from it, so you need to give them a bust of full auto, even at close range, which will make some people get all upset. I'd say about 70% of the time I've shot someone on semi with my TM mp7 AEP, they've either not felt it or not called the hit and I'm charitable enough to go with the former being more likely. They won't feel 1, but they'll feel a quick 5.
  • Full size AEG. If you're a big guy like me, it's possible to carry something like a regular M4 or AK alongside a bolt action without too many issues, but it's still bulky and entirely unnecessary in airsoft where something small will shoot just as well as something long, if not better because of how cylinder to barrel ratio works.

I don't like CO2 pistols because a lot of them tend to be more than 1.14J and I just don't like CO2 in general ever since I ran my VSR on it as I found it reliably inconsistent; the power will drop consistently as you empty the bulb, where green gas tends to be more consistent through the magazine, only dropping in power right towards the end, though it is more temperature dependent. Everything has its ups and downs, it just depends on what you want the most. I can't say what's best for you, as everyone plays this game differently and therefore everyone will have different views on what's best.

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1 hour ago, Impulse said:


  • Full size AEG. If you're a big guy like me, it's possible to carry something like a regular M4 or AK alongside a bolt action without too many issues, but it's still bulky and entirely unnecessary in airsoft where something small will shoot just as well as something long, if not better because of how cylinder to barrel ratio works.


Just a hint of caution from own personal, and recent, experience :  if you have an M4 slung across your back, and it's banging around against your webbing, it's quite possible to pop a mag out.
I'm sure an experienced person would get it sorted out so the mag release was away from the body / webbing etc, and slung correctly so it wouldn't move around too much, but obviously I was not that man ;/

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Lot of factors to consider ? 

For pistols summer or winter play determines gas efficiency, in winter c02 more reliable than gas, but aep more reliable than c02, but usually at the expense of fps

What kinda sniper are you ?, 100% committed to being the sneakiest motherfudger, so you'll want to consider a quiet pistol for med- kills in order to not give yourself away, so nbb such as mk23 or Ruger mk1. 

For less sneaky play you can consider any gbb pistol, whatever floats your boat cosmetically, I personally recommend the TM hi-capa 4.3 or ksc G19. 


Are you a player that likes to mix it up, happy to switch from sniper to assaulter as some games progress at a faster rate, in that case consider a stubby aeg, maybe an smg or cut down m4, but be aware this all has to be carried, maybe all day, so look at polymer bodies rather than full metal. 

Lots to consider, more info from you may help us tailor your needs ? 

PS I see you play at imperium, I'm in Kent & it's on my radar for a game as soon as I can🤞🙏

I really don’t want to hump a big secondary around, the plan is to be stealthy and avoid detection. Close range engagement is something I want to avoid unless necessary.

35 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

Just a hint of caution from own personal, and recent, experience :  if you have an M4 slung across your back, and it's banging around against your webbing, it's quite possible to pop a mag out.
I'm sure an experienced person would get it sorted out so the mag release was away from the body / webbing etc, and slung correctly so it wouldn't move around too much, but obviously I was not that man ;/

What about something like an aap01 …. Looks like it can lay down some fire and much lighter. 
would love to know if anyone has had experience with the aap01

2 hours ago, Tackle said:

Lot of factors to consider ? 

For pistols summer or winter play determines gas efficiency, in winter c02 more reliable than gas, but aep more reliable than c02, but usually at the expense of fps

What kinda sniper are you ?, 100% committed to being the sneakiest motherfudger, so you'll want to consider a quiet pistol for med- kills in order to not give yourself away, so nbb such as mk23 or Ruger mk1. 

For less sneaky play you can consider any gbb pistol, whatever floats your boat cosmetically, I personally recommend the TM hi-capa 4.3 or ksc G19. 


Are you a player that likes to mix it up, happy to switch from sniper to assaulter as some games progress at a faster rate, in that case consider a stubby aeg, maybe an smg or cut down m4, but be aware this all has to be carried, maybe all day, so look at polymer bodies rather than full metal. 

Lots to consider, more info from you may help us tailor your needs ? 

PS I see you play at imperium, I'm in Kent & it's on my radar for a game as soon as I can🤞🙏


1 hour ago, Impulse said:

Honestly, most things work and it comes down to personal preference. I've been sniping for a LONG time, so I've tried basically every type of secondary. Also, saying that AEGs have less range than pistols is just false and more often an AEG will have more range than a pistol, at least out of the box. With upgrades, they're about equal, but I think I'd still say a well-tuned AEG will out-range a well-tuned pistol. My order of preference is:

  • GBB pistol. Any TM pistol will do as long as you don't get rid of that lovely, super-efficient plastic slide. I've found they don't like it when temperatures are under 5 celcius, but much more and they still cycle no problem.
  • GBB SMG. My preference is an mp9 or mp7, something that'll fit in my SMG holster on my leg. Similar to the above, but can do somewhat reliable full-auto when it's warmer at the cost of being bulkier than a pistol.
  • Small AEG SMG. I have a Cyma mp5k and it's great. Shoots out to 60m fairly consistently with a new hop rubber and nub and gives me reliable full auto that will work in any weather. Only reason I prefer the other options is I like something I can holster. A small AEG needs to be slung, which means it has a tendency to swing around if you either move fast or need to crawl through the dirt or under bushes or through bushes.
  • Gas NBB pistol. The mk23 is amazing at what it does, but the trigger pull sucks. Gas NBB pistols are nice and silent, but awful for follow up shots, which is why I don't like it as much as a blowback; also the TM mk23 magazines are absolute wank, so you would need the ASG mags with better feed lips and possibly a better gas router so the cost goes up on that front. The silence is nice, but unless you're hitting first shot every time I prefer the ability to make quick follow ups and with how much a rampant twig or slight gust of wind has a tendency to ruin shots...
  • AEP. The dark horse option that has some great benefits (works in all weathers and often has full auto). Will easily hit to the ranges you need, but hit about as hard as you'd expect. Main issue is people won't always feel the hits from it, so you need to give them a bust of full auto, even at close range, which will make some people get all upset. I'd say about 70% of the time I've shot someone on semi with my TM mp7 AEP, they've either not felt it or not called the hit and I'm charitable enough to go with the former being more likely. They won't feel 1, but they'll feel a quick 5.
  • Full size AEG. If you're a big guy like me, it's possible to carry something like a regular M4 or AK alongside a bolt action without too many issues, but it's still bulky and entirely unnecessary in airsoft where something small will shoot just as well as something long, if not better because of how cylinder to barrel ratio works.

I don't like CO2 pistols because a lot of them tend to be more than 1.14J and I just don't like CO2 in general ever since I ran my VSR on it as I found it reliably inconsistent; the power will drop consistently as you empty the bulb, where green gas tends to be more consistent through the magazine, only dropping in power right towards the end, though it is more temperature dependent. Everything has its ups and downs, it just depends on what you want the most. I can't say what's best for you, as everyone plays this game differently and therefore everyone will have different views on what's best.

Thanks for your reply, what aeg pistol would you suggest. Is there anything out there with 11 lipo and good mosfet, what would you suggest?

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If you're a ghillie sniper, the mk23 is the classic choice. Lots of aftermarket parts to make it hit long ranges, and it's functionally silent so even at close range people wont hear you. As said though, it's not something you'd use for aggressive play. 


AAP01 is also popular recently. Though a friend just bought one through me and it didn't work right out the box so I gotta have a look at it, hopefully it doesn't need an RMA. 

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17 minutes ago, Guy elson said:

I really don’t want to hump a big secondary around, the plan is to be stealthy and avoid detection. Close range engagement is something I want to avoid unless necessary.

What about something like an aap01 …. Looks like it can lay down some fire and much lighter. 
would love to know if anyone has had experience with the aap01


Thanks for your reply, what aeg pistol would you suggest. Is there anything out there with 11 lipo and good mosfet, what would you suggest?


AAP01 is good and will shoot well, but on full-auto you lose the efficiency and with gas cooldown you quickly lose range as well. They also tend to explode after a while, so require a bunch of reinforced parts eventually. I have one and I've converted mine to a ruger so I can use it for Vietnam games. It's a great pistol, but you have to bear in mind that you will have to swap out parts eventually which can get expensive.


And in terms of "AEG pistol" what do you mean? AEPs and AEGs are built differently (and it's why AEPs rarely go over 0.6J). You'll never get an 11.1v battery into an AEP, nor would I suggest it as they flat out aren't built for that and will probably die. Some of the Cyma AEPs have MOSFETs and they're okay, especially for the money, but don't expect miracles. AEPs have some inherent limitations due to their size and around 0.6J is all you're going to get out of them because they're so small, so the cylinders are also tiny. Any AEP on a 7.4v lipo will be good enough and that's what I run my TM mp7 AEP on.


If you plan on being stealthy, the mk23 is the classic choice, but it will limit you on what you can do because of that squishy trigger. Best hope you don't get caught out or suddenly need to play fast :P

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5 minutes ago, Impulse said:


AAP01 is good and will shoot well, but on full-auto you lose the efficiency and with gas cooldown you quickly lose range as well. They also tend to explode after a while, so require a bunch of reinforced parts eventually. I have one and I've converted mine to a ruger so I can use it for Vietnam games. It's a great pistol, but you have to bear in mind that you will have to swap out parts eventually which can get expensive.


And in terms of "AEG pistol" what do you mean? AEPs and AEGs are built differently (and it's why AEPs rarely go over 0.6J). You'll never get an 11.1v battery into an AEP, nor would I suggest it as they flat out aren't built for that and will probably die. Some of the Cyma AEPs have MOSFETs and they're okay, especially for the money, but don't expect miracles. AEPs have some inherent limitations due to their size and around 0.6J is all you're going to get out of them because they're so small, so the cylinders are also tiny. Any AEP on a 7.4v lipo will be good enough and that's what I run my TM mp7 AEP on.


If you plan on being stealthy, the mk23 is the classic choice, but it will limit you on what you can do because of that squishy trigger. Best hope you don't get caught out or suddenly need to play fast :P

Thanks for your reply, it’s a difficult one , I want the snappy response of a gbb but the efficiency of electric!! Have you ever tried the SSE18?

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Guys beat me to it, no aep will take an 11.1, & if you tried to convert it to take one it'd probably implode on its first outing. 

Cyma do some OK variants in aep, p226/glock/hi-capa & desert eagle, possibly more ?. On a personal note I've just picked up a umarex H8R c02 revolver, gen2 (with hop👍), 5 disk mags for £50 s/h, initial test was excellent on .28's in 200ft garden so looking forward to gaming it, it's a definite willy extension, dunno if that's your thing lol😜



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2 hours ago, Tackle said:

Guys beat me to it, no aep will take an 11.1, & if you tried to convert it to take one it'd probably implode on its first outing. 

Cyma do some OK variants in aep, p226/glock/hi-capa & desert eagle, possibly more ?. On a personal note I've just picked up a umarex H8R c02 revolver, gen2 (with hop👍), 5 disk mags for £50 s/h, initial test was excellent on .28's in 200ft garden so looking forward to gaming it, it's a definite willy extension, dunno if that's your thing lol😜



Very nice looking…. But you got to make those shots hit with such low shot count

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30 minutes ago, Guy elson said:

Very nice looking…. But you got to make those shots hit with such low shot count

10 in a mag, if I don't hit my target with the first couple, I'm playing the wrong game lol. 

Seriously though, while I don't play as a sniper, I do only use single shot generally & where possible play as sneaky as fuck, so pistol is usually a last resort versus a rifle mag change or malfunction, most days I'll end up emptying it before going in to the safezone for the last time, so the mag capacity really isn't an issue for me. 

If anything, I really really enjoy games with tight enforced ammo limits, makes you think hard about how you play & really levels the playing field, those are feckin fun days, without the usual hose fests. 😃

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3 hours ago, Guy elson said:

Thanks for your reply, it’s a difficult one , I want the snappy response of a gbb but the efficiency of electric!! Have you ever tried the SSE18?

I have a CYMA aep 1911 with a li-po fitted using a battery adapter that fits the standard nimh slot.


It's a useful thing for CQB but bulkier than a standard gbb 1911 and heavier too.   Full auto is useful but my lads G18 TM is fun and uses gas.  

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3 hours ago, Tackle said:

no aep will take an 11.1, & if you tried to convert it to take one it'd probably implode on its first outing


Hmm, I have one that's already in bits awaiting conversion to a laspistol (the better to server the Emperor), and wired to Deans.  If I ever get it back together, I might see if I can blow it apart again.



1 hour ago, Guy elson said:

But you got to make those shots hit with such low shot count


Try running a 6 shot revolver at 0.5J with no hop up. Every hit is a triumph. ;) 


If you want performance, then I'd find reasons not to get an MP5K.

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1 hour ago, mirinjawbro said:

where can you find the cyma mp5k these days? are they easily upgradable?

The stockless Cyma's are thin on the ground at the mo, but the pdw variant is available, run as is or just change the stock for an end cap. 

Alternatively pay a little more & get TM's version...... 


Why talk about upgrades before you even own one, most brands are competent & will hold their own in all but the longest engagement distances. 

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If you're thinking MP5K (I was going to suggest that) then take a look at the galaxy ones. I run one as a primary and the only issues I've had have been down to me being an idiot.


As above regarding upgrades. Don't even think about upgrades till you've taken the gun to a game as you may find nothing needs doing or you'll spend as much as the gun for only an extra few feet of range

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6 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

If you're thinking MP5K (I was going to suggest that) then take a look at the galaxy ones


Yup, mine has performed like a champ, for all its bargain bin price. The stock motor isn't great, it's a looooong trigger pull, and the hop unit adjustment lever screws wanted tightened, but pew-per-pound it's probably my best buy.

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