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SCAMMER strikes again.... STEVE GLENNIE


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Alright lads/ ladies, Im brand new to this forum, i apolagise in advance for the lenghty and first negative post.


Ive recently been scammed by this w****r STEVE GLENNIE, northern ireland, now going by the user name chris001. 


I recently went through a swap deal with this steve over on airsoft hub. I quickly sent off my items to him. Providing tracking and proof of postage like we all do. As we do.


Im still waiting 2 weeks on for the items in return. Excuses after exuses saying hes in the hospital because someone hit his car or his missis is poorly or hes out at the minute he even told me hes just lost his kids!!!! Ive asked for the delivery tracking numerous times and get nothing back. 


Upon digging into the forums its now completely clear hes scammed me. I first gave the benefit of the doubt but now its gone too far.


Any advise on what could possibly be done? Im absolutely raging at this man and his lies. I feel like i should of looked into his name prior to sending but at first, he seemed legit.


I have now messaged him to return my items which in all honesty i cannot see happening. 


Attached a photo of his mug and most recent contact of to the post.










Edited by Jack91
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Unfortunately, you are out of luck I think.


Next time, the easiest way around it is to pay g&s for the parts you want, then the seller pays you g&s for your items, no scamming then

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I think your right mate, dont know how they sleep at night. Lesson learned for me although this is the first time ive ever crossed a scammer in airsoft.

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Thanks alot mate, i will get a repott raised. Ive tryed to report it this morning but the site is under maintenance, this steve is currently replying to my whattsapp messages as we speak with some fredh exuses as ive adked him why he scams people. Lol. 

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If the main website isn't working it might help to contact his local police station directly as you have his address. When you do report him don't let him know so he doesn't go quiet or disappear, the more bullshit he gives you the more evidence you'll have to pass on to the relivant authorities. 


Also, as tempting as it may be, try not to make any threats (either directly or indirectly) as it may harm your case

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Thanks for advice mate, ive have now contacted the police station nearest the address he has given me, ive been given a reference and the police were very helpful. I dont like ringing and thinking im wasting their time but this mans is taking peoples money at the end of the day, i have now been advised by the police to give it a week for him to return my items as ive requested steve to do, which he also replied and told me he would post them back. Cheers again 

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I hope it all works out for you. With a little luck the thieving piece of shit will be keeping a tight grip on the soap in the showers 

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Thats true mate, its the fact hes been around scamming for years now. Its not the fact that hes taken my kit, its that he did it so easily and he doesnt give a toss about it.

The times ive swapped, bought or sold items on forums ive never had a single issue as we are here for the same reason and for the same hobbies and interests.

Hes just a wanker mate.

He also told me this morning prior to me contacting the police that 'with me getting my stuff back, the police cant do anything' thats his words. 

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He's utterly amoral, and he's realised that the airsoft community is very trusting, and ripe for exploitation.


He even scammed money off the back of Help For Heroes.  This resulted in a criminal conviction, which you might want to mention to PSNI.



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As has been mentioned, it's not your fault arseholes like this exist.


On a lighter note:


18 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:



"Airsoft is a game or sport where those taking part eliminate their opponents by hitting them with non-metallic pallets"


Just using one wrong letter turns that sentence in to quite the humorous image!


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5 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

As has been mentioned, it's not your fault arseholes like this exist.


On a lighter note:




"Airsoft is a game or sport where those taking part eliminate their opponents by hitting them with non-metallic pallets"


Just using one wrong letter turns that sentence in to quite the humorous image!



anyone got a catapult??

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Sorry lads for the late reply, i reached my max posts yesterday. Rogerborg and Cr0-Magnon, i spoke to the NI police again yesterday afternoon to pass on the information on the H4H scandal and add the the report already raised.

It will definately help in the police doing something because he is a convicted criminal. I hope karma ruins him for good this time.

Thank again gents for all the replies to the post. I feel less of a stupid twat now for sending off my kit to that lowlife now.

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My advice would be stay on this forum, use the classifieds here, check the trader history of anyone you're considering dealing with.

That's how I do it and I've never had a bad transaction (well, one pistol was a little unwell, but not awful).

Plus we're not a bad bunch of wankers, mostly.

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I intend to mate. I need to get myself 2 pistols and a rifle somehow now because i can 99% garuntee i wont see the ones i sent off. They werent anything special but still i liked em. Was a WE glock 19, a socom gear 1911 double star and an ares amoeba (with aimpoint and 4 mags) 😪😪 .... absolute fool. 

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22 hours ago, Jack91 said:

He also told me this morning prior to me contacting the police that 'with me getting my stuff back, the police cant do anything' thats his words. 

Make sure this is in your report as it shows intent so he can't claim its a mistake which got out of hand 

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22 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

What a complete tosser.
I imagine he only does this to people that have the Irish sea between them and him, or he'd have been stomped by now. 

This 1000%, if he was anywhere near me I'd pay him a visit just to read him his "horoscope" 😏


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Blimey, can't believe I'm seeing this name come up again.  He's been scamming longer than I can remember so I'd certainly bet he's gotten incredibly good at it by now, had more than enough experience to be a real pro.  Won't help much I know, but I wouldn't feel anything negative about the fact you thought he was genuine.


As has been said here and a million times before (addressing all potential readers) - never ever ever undertake any transaction of any kind without paying the few extra £ to paypal.  Normally I tell retailers in a polite way to get bent when they offer the 'extra insurance cover' bla bla bla, but with person to person business while the risk is actually low in the grand scheme of things it's just not worth the risk.  Especially if you're on a budget and aren't conducting many transactions overall.

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Aup pal. I totally agree with what your saying. Its a joke that hes still going strong in regards of still scamming, im currently waiting now as HE has 'assured' me that all my stuff is getting posted back to me tomorrow. Which obviously will not happen,  he said the same thing last monday right before i contacted the police about the whole matter, if he doesnt send them back tomorrow then the police are getting called as they advised me to do and they can theb do something as hes on their radar from previous.


Lesson learnt on my behalf now in the future im going to be buying and selling locally in person from now on. Thanks again for your reply, all the replys mean alot.

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