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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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6 minutes ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Dogtag is adequate, Driver Wood is pretty good in my view. But then i haven't been to Worthing or Southdowns, so i can't form a comparison for you I'm afraid. My slight whinge in my post above aside, I'd be interested to hear what other negatives that you've heard for Driver Wood.


I can't in good faith recommend Worthing Airsoft at the moment and Southdown Airsoft can't run through the winter due to the local wildlife, so I'm more than willing to give Driver Wood a try. Honestly, seeing that they're experimenting with longer games at Driver Wood only encourages me to try it more as I like longer games. What I've heard about Driver Wood is:

- Marshalls that don't really care and don't enforce rules

- Rampant cheating

- An example of someone using metal BBs and shattering someone's eyepro and blinding him

- Long pauses between games

- Imbalanced teams to help regulars


Honestly, I'm critical enough to not believe it all and the truth is usually in the middle of the positive and negative viewpoints. I reckon there is some cheating as you'll always have non-hit takers anywhere you go unfortunately, but especially after going to Southdown despite hearing similar negatives and having most of them being pure fiction I reckon there's definitely some tribalism affecting what I've heard about other sites.

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11 minutes ago, Impulse said:


I can't in good faith recommend Worthing Airsoft at the moment and Southdown Airsoft can't run through the winter due to the local wildlife, so I'm more than willing to give Driver Wood a try. Honestly, seeing that they're experimenting with longer games at Driver Wood only encourages me to try it more as I like longer games. What I've heard about Driver Wood is:

- Marshalls that don't really care and don't enforce rules

- Rampant cheating

- An example of someone using metal BBs and shattering someone's eyepro and blinding him

- Long pauses between games

- Imbalanced teams to help regulars


Honestly, I'm critical enough to not believe it all and the truth is usually in the middle of the positive and negative viewpoints. I reckon there is some cheating as you'll always have non-hit takers anywhere you go unfortunately, but especially after going to Southdown despite hearing similar negatives and having most of them being pure fiction I reckon there's definitely some tribalism affecting what I've heard about other sites.

That's really interesting. I have a fairly positive view of the marshalls there - there is usually 4 or 5 per game, and 2 or 3 are usually older, more mature, and happy to get stuck in to sort issues out. The younger ones, much less so. I've been rather a lot, and only have seen one proper incident of aggression between players that left a bad taste. To be fair, the marshalls were right on it that time. Cheating, I've not really much of a barometer, but generally not something that I feel happens enough to spoil a game.


The teams are never deliberately imbalanced in my strong view, but I can see where that accusation might come from - briefing takes place from a stage, and then the players are divided down the middle, counted, and the requisite number of people asked to volunteer to swap to the other side. BUT - it is always the case that significantly more young kids and rental players always stand on the left hand side (when facing the stage) - not really sure why this is - but probably because there is more space, and its less intimidating to be a little further away from the regulars/more seasoned players. This does therefore mean that there are usually more rentals on one side than the other - definitely something that the site ought to sort out!


Re. pauses - I only play mornings - yesterday's 2.5 hour game aside, usually you get two games in a morning - 09:30'ish to 10:30, 30min break then 11:00 - 12:00. I presume the same pattern for the afternoons, but I wouldn't know! I'd definitely like a shorter (or no) break - 10 mins to grab a quick drink and bomb up the mags would be plenty.

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24 minutes ago, Impulse said:

Marshalls that don't really care and don't enforce rules

I've only been there once for an evening game and that was the impression I got. After arriving late due to trains being cancelled the guy running the place seemed more interested in moaning about covid (it was just after lockdown) than actually answering any questions. For example when I asked about pyro rules the answer I got was "I wouldn't bother, nobody takes them". 

12 minutes ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

I'd definitely like a shorter (or no) break - 10 mins to grab a quick drink and bomb up the mags would be plenty.

Agreed. I've paid to play not sit around in the safezone chatting 

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3 hours ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

then the players are divided down the middle


One of the many great things about the Depot 1.0 site (really must try 2.0) is that the direction of their "down the middle" slice changed from day to day: horizontal, vertical, or one time along a diagonal.  It's a small thing, but it demonstrates that they weren't just doing things by rote over and over.

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Had another good day as Spec Ops MK on Sunday.  Despite being the only field we've ever played at, we never seem to get bored of its compact woodland map and if anything familiarity is starting to create some new gameplay options (beyond running like a headless chicken into or away from fire).


Game two was a good case in point, being a flag based bridge building game. The assault team are tasked with placing three flags in three corresponding barrels spaced equidistant along a line dividing their half of the map from the defenders, only once all the flags are in can they advance across the imaginary bridge.  


As soon as the start whistle went me and the boy knew precisely the point we wanted to get to; a defensive barricade in a metal shack village named PingPing City that provides overwatch on one of the barrels, attackers either have to cross our line of fire at 90 degrees or skirt some buildings and come at us head on.  This little set up allowed us to keep the barrel flag free and rack up the kills for what felt like an age.  In the end an enthusiastic rental youngster ignored a hail of BBs pinging off his body and placed the flag.  I mentioned it to the marshals, but let it go as by that point we'd been overrun anyway.


After lunch the boy decided to swap sides so he could play with some of his mates who were on the arm-bands team.  First time we've played opfor aside from the usual Zombie games.  I got the first kill on him, basically trading BBs at 40 or so meters until one of us got hit.  After that though he racked up his tally, killing me three times during an attempt to clear his team out of a defence.  Then later delivering one of the most painful shots of the day, shooting me right on the tip of my nose.  


Bit of drama on the day, caught the tail end of an angry exchange after some chap's tooth had been shot out at close quarters by some other guy.  Not sure if he'd been wearing face protection or not but it all ended quietly if not peacefully.


Food was excellent as ever.


Double Eagle was reliable as ever.


Might start thinking about some winter gear as we head into the October games.

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As a fellow Spec Ops player this weekend I am feeling all the runs on the lower back and knees still.  A fun day was had of course.  Baby Specna is not firing consistently, but then that's why we have backups and backups to the backups, then the friendly pew to keep them company.  So The Double Eagle, L85, and Rando Long Specna we bought from here for £120 were guns of choice with the latter being possibly the most fun due to its fancy scope and laser like firing - marred by a few lockups.


The bridge building game seems to be the marshalls new baby and it is a great game as there are three distinct phases for both sides to attack and defend through.  My only wish to change is the respawn point for the defenders when they are holding the tents during the second phase needs to be a bit further away (not often you'll hear me saying that).  At the moment the attackers have very little chance of breaking through unless you have a very speedy and or stealthy boi to get in and out - I think @Gunboat Diplomatwas the closest to achieve this.  As the dead players are back in hte game too quickly.


When we were attacking I was one of the bridge builders and did a pistol only juggernaut charge through the trees and planted the flag somewhat amazed that I wasn't shot.  Out of breath, I promptly tripped over a root and knocked what little wind I had out of me.  Even after slowly picking myself up and looking around (think of the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan looking around shell shocked) I realised I still wasn't dead, and the marshall looked at me with the "why are you not shooting people" look, so I spun around with the pistol and promptly shot someone less than 15 feet away.  He half challenged me thinking I was dead to which i replied "well you should have shot me then".


The rest of the games seemed to flow pretty well, and I thought the hit taking was pretty good on all sides, with the exception @RostokMcSpoonsmentioned where some of the newcomers considered being shot through slots to not count.  I know at least two on the blue team will have a nice collection of welts.  One was the father of the "player of the day" who was hiding behind a barrel.  I was pinging him with my pistol (BB's flying so slowly there was no doubt where they were going) with no call - so out came Mrs AEG and her high cap of 0.28s 😁.


His punishment was also that his daughter was nominated beast player of the day winning a free game day - and she was pretty handy for a first timer at the age of 12.  So now for her to have the prize he has to come back and pay for his day - and by default I am sure, the younger brother will insist on coming because talking to him - he had a blast of a day too.  He took great delight in coming up to me laughing at how he got me from under the sniper tower.



The rolling retreat game was also a lot of fun - the defenders (a lot of whom were young kids) were well set up in the tented city; to the point where we were struggling to break through.  I managed to clear two particularly troublesome tents by again dropping the rifle and going in with my pistol.  It was good to see the younglings having fun and taking part - although a few on our team did want to have a chat at respawn instead of charging back in.  One tent had a disgruntled man in there who, when he was finally shot out, complained that one of us wasn't taking his hits - well the marshall who was playing on our side in the afternoon was thinking the same thing about you - good job I got to you with my pistol before he did with his LMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣, because he was the next player coming up behind me.


Had an interesting chat with some South Africans who played the game there but with the added bonus of having choppers flying players around the game zone - makes RIFT's Snatch Land Rovers seem a little meh by comparison LOL.


Next game day already booked for two weeks time - hopefully my aching bones will be ready for more punishment by then.  Once the leaves start dropping I will be taking my SVU so I can try some sneaky peaky roles instead of my typical Juggernaut Tree Felling charge style.

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Well I had a blast at Players of War near Falkirk, it's my local site & I'm finally getting used to the layout, not a huge turnout but more than enough to be a good day, My L85 Carbine performed well. (last time the motor screw unscrewed mid game(locktite FTW)) but I deffo felt the extra weight. My Polymer Scar-L was as reliable as ever. Took my P90 too as I've finally got enough mags to field it properly but it stayed in my gun bag all day (truth be known it's only been re-racked in the past hour or so).

Tried a rotation of mid caps in one game, then hi caps in the next & pretty sure I prefer the hi caps, not so much spray & pray as in earlier game days but certainly used plenty of BB's.

I'm a big unfit chap so usually prefer to creap forward until I'm in range of actually hitting some 'enemy' but noticed a lot more forward progress in my last attacking game... (must try harder in future).

I have noticed I seem to lose my motivation in the 4th game in the past few game days so I'm going to focus on staying hydrated & getting shot less as the walk to & from the spawn point is doing my head in.

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2 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

the walk to & from the spawn point is doing my head in.


I hear you there brother.


I think dispensation should be allowed for bigger/older players to get well out of contact with the fight, but wait the requisite amount of time before going back in.  As long as they are offsetting the walk by the effort they put into the game. 😁


Just seems a waste of game time and energy sometimes traipsing up a dirty great hill LOL.

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7 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

Aye, but where does it stop?


Yep - I wrote that half in jest, half seriously - you'd need a marshall at the back of every game just to make sure people didn't take the piss.


I'm 45 years old, 6'7" and 130kg usually wearing a full plate carrier and camelbak.  That's a lot of gravity to drag around all day at full clack. 🤣



On 25/09/2023 at 10:37, Impulse said:


I can't in good faith recommend Worthing Airsoft at the moment and Southdown Airsoft can't run through the winter due to the local wildlife, so I'm more than willing to give Driver Wood a try. Honestly, seeing that they're experimenting with longer games at Driver Wood only encourages me to try it more as I like longer games. What I've heard about Driver Wood is:

- Marshalls that don't really care and don't enforce rules

- Rampant cheating

- An example of someone using metal BBs and shattering someone's eyepro and blinding him

- Long pauses between games

- Imbalanced teams to help regulars


Honestly, I'm critical enough to not believe it all and the truth is usually in the middle of the positive and negative viewpoints. I reckon there is some cheating as you'll always have non-hit takers anywhere you go unfortunately, but especially after going to Southdown despite hearing similar negatives and having most of them being pure fiction I reckon there's definitely some tribalism affecting what I've heard about other sites.



Driver Wood is a great site - my criticism would fall in line with the above about the respawns being a long way from the action fro no real reason.  Certainly in high summer where the line of sight can be pretty short. Ic an see a reason in the winter when there is less coverage from the trees.


The safe zone is one of the best, I've been to possibly along with High Wycombe.


Having only been the once, and having a "personal down day" I can't really fairly comment on the way teams are put together and the marshalling, but I didn't notice anything too bad.

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22 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

Driver Wood is a great site - my criticism would fall in line with the above about the respawns being a long way from the action fro no real reason.  Certainly in high summer where the line of sight can be pretty short. Ic an see a reason in the winter when there is less coverage from the trees.


The safe zone is one of the best, I've been to possibly along with High Wycombe.


Having only been the once, and having a "personal down day" I can't really fairly comment on the way teams are put together and the marshalling, but I didn't notice anything too bad.


Guess I'll find out myself as a few of us are planning on going to Driver Wood this weekend. I see their DMR rules are 1.88J and a 25m MED so the MWS is going to be set up for that for sure!

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18 hours ago, Impulse said:


Guess I'll find out myself as a few of us are planning on going to Driver Wood this weekend. I see their DMR rules are 1.88J and a 25m MED so the MWS is going to be set up for that for sure!

which day? I might try and nip along myself if i can one morning.

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1 hour ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

which day? I might try and nip along myself if i can one morning.


We'll be there on Sunday

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On 09/09/2023 at 21:14, Dan Robinson said:

Hope the boy doesn't read this....but it was a real banger of a day at Special Ops.


About 50 - 60 turned up, but a lot were new players and  younglngs.  One of the Marshalls had their kid's 15th birthday there so a lot of teenagers rocked up which was a little worrying at first sight, only for them all to be really great kid's who made the most of their time. 


A lot of regulars were missing, which was shame, but not a surprise given the heat.


Games were the usual fair....zombies to warm up, then some attack and defend.  We on the skins side had the most familiarity with the site, so the day was a total wipe out, with one game won in 90 seconds, which on turnaround  I think we timed them out....  the objective being to run through the church entrance, get the bomb and then get it to the tent.


Had a few awkward moments, one being during Team Deathmatch,  where I snuck round a tarpaulin barricade only to find a poor solitary teenager.  I decided to switch to my pistol to be kind, only to find it wasn't cocked....but poor lass didn't see me until I put my RIF down and cocked my Glock and ....well...🤣🙊.


The next was almost a carbon copy but with said teenager's friend....all I could see was a face mask....so face mask was what was shot, again though, I could tell it was a youngling, so switched to the Glock because the L85 was right in the limit again.


Baby Specna and Double Eagle didn't get a run today as I was using the boy's Longer Specna we picked up secondhand from here.  A very good £120.  Thing is as we bought it, plus a good LVPO and bipod and was shooting like a laser.  Only problem being a little mag fussy.


L85 was a little temperamental, but that was due to overspin because I put an 11.1v in it.  Switched to 7.4v and it was a dream until the riser came lose without my noticing - apart from having to aim into the next county to hit anything.


Lunch as always was free, tasty and plentiful.  Water was guzzled by the gallon (11 litres by my count) but I'm still thirsty as anything and peeing treacle.




Fan powered antifog Once again was flawless,  although the battery died about halfway through the afternoon. 


Looking forward to going back in a couple of weeks. 

one cheeky bastard using my specna.  break it and ill find away to whoop your arse from 6000 miles away. 

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11 hours ago, son of dan said:

one cheeky bastard using my specna.  break it and ill find away to whoop your arse from 6000 miles away. 


Child, you have more pressing concerns.  I can see your school grades online remember....better keep them where they are. Or the L85A1 will find its way here....






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Just now, Dan Robinson said:

Both ICSs 👍😎

I don't mind haggling... £10 & a mackerel, family sized jelly babies.


On another note... I'm gutted the L85 with UGL in the classifieds is sold already

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10 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

Swap the mackerel for a bag of Cough Candy and you're there....


Trying not to think about UGLs.... could have done with one last gameday.

You could buy your own with a mackerel...


Like 90% of my collection my UGL's are purely ornamental.



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I don't disagree with anything you wrote, and it's interesting to see the "bad" points line up with the "less good" ones I experienced and put down to me having a shitty day.


I didn't think the food was that expensive for what it was, btu equally I am used to Spec Ops which is largely homemade and included.  I did take my own water with me as i always do in warm weather, and no one said anything despite me filling my hydration kit openly in the safe zone.


We played the VIP and card games when I was there and they were very enjoyable, despite our team getting a pasting - I helped retake the tower for our team half way through reclaiming our cards in the nick of time.  Eventually we got taken out with extreme prejudice by what must have been, as you discovered regulars (we were on the Orange team).


Chrono seemed fairly well run I thought - they even, to my annoyance but understanding, cut off all my chrono tags from past games.  


Sort out team balance, and it would make a massive improvement.  As you said it is great well thought out site.  I'll definitely go back to give it another day.

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