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Preston private game

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Most sites do private hires odds of you being able to get a hire this week end are not high. Google is you friend Preston + Airsoft will find your nearest sites contact to them and see.

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47 minutes ago, Jackrudd said:

Anywhere in Preston where me and couple of mates use BB guns just for some private games this weekend any help would be much appreciated 

It really doesnt work like that. Hardly anyone with land would want to or risk allowing people with toys that look like firearms on their property. Unless of course it's a registered airsoft site. 


Some sites do private hire if that's what you are after. I dont understand the aversion to just going to a standard skirmish day though?



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To be fair unless you have 20 mates and are all willing to chip in more than a normal walk on fee I doubt you will be able to hire a site. They wouldnt just allow you the use of the place, they would insist their marshals are on hand as they would still be liable if your paying money and would need to exercise some control and safety element.

I may be wrong but I doubt its as simple as paying for the land and you all doing what you want.


Just find your nearest site and ask about normal games

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47 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


I dont understand the aversion to just going to a standard skirmish day though?



Yeah, @Jackrudd  why don't you explain to us exactly what your aversion to going to a normal game day is and we will do our best to clear everything up for you...


Most sites and airsofters in general are very welcoming to new comers, you may have some sort of perception of a bunch of ex spec ops types who have zero tolerance or patience towards newbies, but honestly that really is not the case.

And one of the great things about joining in on a normal game is you will see all the equipment people have and have the opportunity to go over and ask some questions and have a closer look.

You see this all the time and i don't think I've ever seen anyone taken aback or offended by someone asking questions and taking a look - without newcomers we would be a dying sport. 

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I'm going to hazard a guess here with the issue being either age (read no parental consent) or cost due to age being a problem.

As much as you "may" get away with this style of game play once or twice, if something goes wrong which is unforeseeable you will be in such a world of the brown stuff.


Do it legitimately and properly or don't do it at all.

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Or is the OP


A. Very young & immature, clearly not to be trusted with anything gun-like ?


B. Tighter than a gnats chuff, so tight he squeaks when he walks, & not prepared to pay the "exorbitant" fees that the average well organised insured site charges ?


C. Someone who knows it all & will keep asking variations of the same question until he gets the answer he already believes he knows ? (usually when C is the answer, A is also applicable)


D. All of the above & should pack up & head back to FB ?



(I'm only a soft southern Jessie, is there a high proportion of mental illness in Preston ?)


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I started airsofting at the age of 32 and even I felt a little intimidated arriving for my first day in my jeans and hoodie against a horde of experienced players wearing camo and rocking expensive looking RIF's. However it took me all of five minutes to realise that they're all too self-involved to judge me negatively and even if they did, would I really care!?

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But I doubt they will find an empty field/woodland willing to allow a few people to run around with RIFs for twenty quid all in. 

To hire a site would be a few hundred for the day surely!


This is reminiscent of the chap who wanted to use his local abandoned asylum as an illegal game site. Great in principle but a very silly idea really and the main reason we have insured sites with the proper policies and quality assurance.

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nevermind someone to accept responsibility/ pay insurance for if something goes wrong...  

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3 hours ago, Jackrudd said:

Anywhere in Preston where me and couple of mates use BB guns just for some private games this weekend any help would be much appreciated 


The answer hasn't changed since the last time you asked.


On any private land where you have the express permission of the landowner.  And you'd better be sure that you don't shoot off those premises.


In practice, that means an insured airsoft site.  Turn up with your two-tones and eye-pro, pay the walk-on fee and have fun.  Nobody is going to judge.


If you're asking where you can get away with some free sneaky shooty shooty, I doubt that anyone here is going to give you pointers even if they knew.

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Note to self: keep an eye on north west press reports over the weekend for "terrorist" incidents.

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