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"Account Issue?" 🤔

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Hey, ALL! 👋

Like many New Players, who have joined and want to purchase 🔫'S on this site. Particularly if we've got our UKARA numbers. How do we proceed with this "Account Issue"? 🤔

Any helpful advice? 👍😜🔫


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Guest Yukarin

I believe your account has to be a certain age / certain post counts in order to access classifieds properly, this is to stop scammers. 


Also holy fuck the emojis are triggering me, people actually communicate like this?!?

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Mite be an idea to ease up on the emojis , they get very old VERY quickly ! 😉

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Yeah, feels like I'm about to get a message asking to join some MLM pyramid scheme. 


Genuinely curious.. why do you type like this?


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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

Hey guys 👉,


There isn't technically 📈📊 a rule 👮

About emoji use 🤔🧐😅

But hopefully he might consider changing his ways🤞if it bothers you 😂😡😤 




@GAMBLE, maybe just ease up on them a little?

If it comes to it, we can always have a discussion about a very diplomatic vote about emoji use with Proffrink.

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Thanks, for the replies!

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We enjoy this hobby/sport for different reasons and hopefully good intentions, I do! The reason I use emojis is simple, it catches people's attention and can tell it gets a lot of different responses! At the end of the day, I may not appeal to everyone on this Forum! So you can say what you want, that's ups to you? I'm not trying to start anything here, I joined for a number of reasons, the main one to meet like minded people and thanks to those with the POSITIVE responses! 👍😎


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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

I think you're alright @GAMBLE, don't worry about it.


Crack on being you :)

We're all grown up children playing hide and seek with toy guns anyway, so a few smileys shouldn't upset anyone.



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2 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Nah I find all the cheerful exuberance refreshing and much better than all the Autistic acting fuckers crawling out the woodwork.


Crack on and emoji away.

I feel personally attacked 🤣


@GAMBLE your not offending anyone directly so keep being yourself you crazy unicorn.



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53 minutes ago, Musica said:

your not offending anyone


* you're


3 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

all the Autistic acting fuckers crawling out the woodwork



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13 hours ago, L3wisD said:






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After searching other adverts on guns for sale.

You can get through to new ads, but older ones have this account issue, which means most likely they have been sold!?...

Has anyone else encountered this? 🤔


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If they've expired you can no longer comment etc, but there's nothing to stop you clicking on the members name, going to his profile page & messaging him.

obviously if the ad says "completed", then it's likely sold & not worth contacting them.

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