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Looking to buy my 1st load out on a tight budget!! Help

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Really struggling to find a load a company that's tried and tested for a reasonable price or even second hand gear could anyone offer advice on what brands or gear they started off with?? 

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3 minutes ago, Jaimie said:

Really struggling to find a load a company that's tried and tested for a reasonable price or even second hand gear could anyone offer advice on what brands or gear they started off with?? 

Give us a toilet roll and we can give you a list ! 🤦‍♂️

To say your post is useless would be an understatement matey !

What kind of loadout you looking for ?

Regular army/special forces/foreign armies/PMC/sci-fi/fast and light/heavy assault/etc/etc

Give us some details of what you want and I’m sure we can point you in the right direction to what you need at an affordable price .

just saying “I want a cheap loadout” is about as useful as as an open fire in a wooden boat ! 😳


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If you want cheap in the UK DPM is normally the go to for a loadout.

You can pick up a boiler suit for £20 ish. PLCE webbing set for about the same.




Add a good pair of boots, and some eye pro and it's the most basic loadout you can buy.

The PLCE webbing is army grade. It's been tried and tested. It'll outlast any brand.

The boiler suit should be good for a couple of years of skirmishes, There designed for engineers and farmers, and are far more durable than a lot of the budget brands. 

When you get a bit more available cash you can pick up the correct trouser, shirt and parka. There is no rush to do this.

MTP camo is almost always more expensive. And if you start looking at modern plate carriers ect they can sell for a significant amount on there own. 



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Trawl the pages of UsedAirsoft and Prefired on the daily. That’s my tip. There’s usually someone flogging all their gear in one as a cheap bundle because they’re quitting the sport or something like that. A couple of mates of mine got their entire set of stuff from one second hand purchase for a couple of hundred quid. 

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To save money don't try to get all one type of camo. If you want quality instead of repro for trousers then get the same type of trousers a worky would wear from screwfix. Hard wearing durable and come in specific waste/leg sizes (a must for my short legs)


That PLCE webbing set is a steal I'm tempted to get it for the H harness alone altho I want to put a flack pack on it not sure it has webbing for that.

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Druid799 yeah I could have been a tad more specific😂 fast n light I'm not too worried about camo n things like that I'll probably go down the thick hoodie and work wear route. I've found a decent mask with built in eye pro. I'm more looking for tried and test brand that people have been using week in week out with solid reliability. Doa88 thanks for the websites I'll check them out 👍 

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Nothing beats a decent belt.

Even without suspenders.

Add a small backpack if you want to carry stuff like water and spare eyepro or bits and bobs with you.

As for camos pick something that blends in in your field, doesn't have to be fancy unless you're going for a specific look.


I currently run just a belt and a small pack for hydration, no extra mags, just a 1500/2300bb drum depending on the gun.

For tournaments I just switch the pack for a larger one if needed.


When I play with midcaps I swap the belt for a Helikon TMR or a TT Mini Mav, they're really low profile and light, I don't like having too much unnecessary stuff on me. You can check my kits in the loadout thread.


Remember though, there are only TWO things that you must NOT cheap out on:

Eyepro and boots.

First for obvious reasons, you only got one pair of eyes and they're quite rare to find spares for, and the second will make your experience much better, because going home with sore feet every time isn't exactly fun lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

current load out

boots = 25 on sale from 50 from silvermans

face pro= cheap mesh £6 sale from 10 from Airsoft Zone Romford

ess goggles 2.50 they were a mess so i have added a touch of fabric to the nose guard with glue gun 

ospray leather gloves 2.5 needed a little care from fb marketplace. 

next is the little webbing from above then it is a couple of mags and done. maybe a red dot.

@Jaimie the budget softer is strong and underesermated on the field, enjoy!


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@Jaimie - Have you played any games yet? If not I'd strongly recommend renting  until you obtain your UKARA (assuming you're 18+). The reasoning behind this is so that you can give the hobby a decent try prior to any investment beyond the cost of a few rental sessions.


I'd also suggest sitting down with pen and paper (or other chosen implement) and actually working out a budget along with a list of what equipment it needs to cover. Bear in mind that what type of site you intend to frequent will have a bearing on what sort of equipment is most suitable.


You say you've found a "decent mask with built in eye pro", out of curiosity what are/have you picked up?

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If you want outdoor stuff over military, get to Millets.


If you want camo, find your nearest surplus store. If you can get to Kent next week, drop in on the W&P show and you could get most of a loadout, with genuine kit, for <£100 easily.


Travel eBay.


Look in the 'for sale' section here.


Loads of options.

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If you’re playing indoors you can really skimp on loadout. Trackies trainers and a t shirt, maybe a hoody for the winter, gun, 1 hicap, eyepro and you’re set. Outdoors you can do the same but go for some boots 👍. Don’t need any of this tactical pish just dress like a junky and enjoy yourself!

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I wasnt ever going down  the full camo route imagine if you will a ghost recon look hoodie work jeans and maybe boots or trainers  depending on indoor out door games. Somebody asked about the mask it's from Amazon cannot Remeber the company name but it's been made for paint ball so should stand up to the test. Guys you've been a great help thanks again!!

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