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Best M4

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Hi everyone


I'm returning to Airsoft after taking a break for a year.


I want to get an M4 as they are good platforms to build on both internally and externally and I also like the way they look, I'm not adverse to getting a rifle then upgrading as I do know a reliable tech.


I would like to add that my play style is very varied, one minute I could be at the back taking long shots and the next I could be face to face the opposing team.


I always see people on the field with M4's hitting people at long distances and have always wanted to be able to do the same, I'm looking for my new rifle to be able to do and have a few things which I will list below, as stated before I don't mind if I have the upgrade my rifle to achieve any of the filling points.


I would like my rifle to be able to


Hit targets at long distances

Good fire rate

Good accuracy at long range

Rail system for accessories


Any recommendations are welcome, I hope I've provided enough information but if you want any more info just let me know and I'll let you know,


Thanks in advance guys.

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I'm treating myself to a new M4 soon, I too want 'The Best'. From extensive procrastination reading I've decided to go with an ICS M4 with RIS, I'm not that bothered about blowback so haven't gone with the EBB model ICS or a TM. 

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I suppose a budget would help but my Krytac spr has great range and rate of fire for a standard aeg. I’ve added a flat hop bucking and nub to eek out a few extra feet but only bothered as it was cheap and easy to do. Can be had with either keymod or m-lock rail.



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TM recoil, they're expensive but there's a reason because they are so good.

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First of the fact you’ve seen players getting good distance from there m4’s has F’all to do with the fact it’s an M4 , ALL Guns work the same way , compressed air shoots the bb down the barrel simple as that .

its the internal components quality that’s what matters if the gun has internals made from frozen Yak snot then it’ll fire like crap no matter what .BUT you have good quality components ? and funnily enough it’ll work well !😂

In the end it'll come down too you doing your own research unfortunately , you ask on a forum or Facebook and it’s very unlikely your going to get an unbiased review of what ever you fancy all your going to get is the guy who either absolutely hated it or the one who loved it as if it’s the best gun in the world ! Definitely use the posts but look on shop web reviews , bloggers clubs , etc .👍

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All depends on budget. What do you like the look of? What attachments? Rails? Length? Colour?  


You can upgrade any RIF to fire as well as another. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest VeniVidiVici

Let's hypothetically say that budget wasn't a problem here and you were only looking for performance I would look into a Krytac or a G&G Combat Machine. The Krytac out of the box is a monster, but even my 9 inch barrel can be annoying to say the least. After owning a G&G Combat Machine I can say whole heartedly they are truly a piece of work. A great platform to upgrade easily with tons of rail space

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31 minutes ago, VeniVidiVici said:

Let's hypothetically say that budget wasn't a problem here and you were only looking for performance I would look into a Krytac or a G&G Combat Machine. The Krytac out of the box is a monster, but even my 9 inch barrel can be annoying to say the least. After owning a G&G Combat Machine I can say whole heartedly they are truly a piece of work. A great platform to upgrade easily with tons of rail space


This did make me chuckle. I've never seen in sentence where 'budget is not an issue' a combat machine put forward.



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Guest VeniVidiVici

All right fair point. You got me. For a budget rifle a combat machine would be good, but if there's literally a money pit lying around you could go with something like a Systema PTW.

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38 minutes ago, VeniVidiVici said:

All right fair point. You got me. For a budget rifle a combat machine would be good, but if there's literally a money pit lying around you could go with something like a Systema PTW.


Never understood the fan fare around systemas, are they that much better than, for example, the universal yard stick of a Marui recoil? 

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Guest VeniVidiVici
1 hour ago, E21A said:


Never understood the fan fare around systemas, are they that much better than, for example, the universal yard stick of a Marui recoil? 

I've never handled one personally, but from what I understand people put the money in and never buy another rifle

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3 hours ago, E21A said:


Never understood the fan fare around systemas, are they that much better than, for example, the universal yard stick of a Marui recoil? 


Good guns, very solid, about as realistic as an airsoft gun can be. But require some work to perform really well. 

Are they worth the cost well to most people no as yeah other than trigger response a recoil is just as good. But then again you can buy a gun for half the price of a recoil that performs just as well so whatever makes you smile is worth it.


1 hour ago, VeniVidiVici said:

I've never handled one personally, but from what I understand people put the money in and never buy another rifle

That's because they are skint after buying it.  Also where else can a geardo go after Systema?


Best not to recommend something you have never actually used.

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What exactly is realistic about them besides the dimensions? It’s a TM recoil without the recoil. GBBR is the way 😎

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11 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

What exactly is realistic about them besides the dimensions? It’s a TM recoil without the recoil. MWS is the way 😎


Corrected... :lol:

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13 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

What exactly is realistic about them besides the dimensions? It’s a TM recoil without the recoil. GBBR is the way 😎

Dimensions and weight are the main things. Very interchangeable with real steel parts but other than that not really much.


Yeah there are several gbbrs that tick the boxes except weight but that was a comparison against aegs specifically the TM recoils/judders/trembles.

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2 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Dimensions and weight are the main things. Very interchangeable with real steel parts but other than that not really much.


Yeah there are several gbbrs that tick the boxes except weight but that was a comparison against aegs specifically the TM recoils/judders/trembles.

How heavy are they? My MWS CASV is like a boat anchor😂

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Just now, Wo1f said:

How heavy are they? My MWS CASV is like a boat anchor😂

Meant to be same as the real one but never fired a real one so fuck knows if true. 


Personally not a fan of the systemas as too expensive but do appreciate the quality feel of them.

2 minutes ago, E21A said:

Never understood electric recoil guns, nothing like the real thing. Besides, lack of recoil is a good thing in my opinion! 😂

Totally agree.


TM recoils go wrong way and just judder weakly not real at all. As for ebb...... just fucking why it is even more pointless.

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1 hour ago, Wo1f said:

How heavy are they? My MWS CASV is like a boat anchor😂


Stock MWS is about half the weight of a real one. (ooops... lol :lol: dumbass comment left in...) I've fired a real one and the recoil is far more substantial (naturally).


M9, M4A1, M249... funnily they are in order of ease to shoot (the latter being the easiest). The pistol was far harder to control with the most kick.


A kitten could shoot a RS M249 with ease... :lol:


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According to google, stock Mws is 3.7kg and a RS m4a1 is 3.51kg.

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8 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

According to google, stock Mws is 3.7kg and a RS m4a1 is 3.51kg.


You're right... lol :lol:  I looked at lbs for one and kg for the other. DOH! Should put my reading glasses on next time.... (me ye olde fart)


Have to say I didn't recall it being as heavy as I read and I was surprised! :blink:

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