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Hello folks,


45 year old bloke here.


Love the game and still think  I can keep up with the young guys, until faced with stairs (god damn those stairs!)


I just needing to know there are others out there like me, as my wife thinks it's odd for me to be running round pretending to be Peter Skellen.



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I can assure you, you are not the oldest around here that likes to run around like Peter Skellen. Myself I'm only a few years behind you and am enjoying just starting in airsoft. 

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14 hours ago, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

45 year old bloke here


Get off my lawn and turn your darn music down.


Folk do much weirder things on a weekend, like stabbing hooks into worms and fish, or screaming hysterically at 22 blokes kicking a piece of dead pig around.  You're not on a rehearsal, and there's no do-over on life, so why waste precious moments in regrets, or caring about what folk think?



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Hello and welcome.


Many regulars on this forum are older than you, myself included.


Oldest is 70 AFAIK.




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Welcome to the forum mate.. 

Although I don't run around no more I don't think I'll ever stop shooting one way or another but yeah we can assure you your not the oldest, in fact I know an 60+ year old that still skirmishes, he don't run around but that don't stop him having a great time.. :)


Happy shooting. 

ATB Marc 


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Cheers folks.


We I'm 45 but can still do my own stunts. I will think about CGI when I need a hip and knee replacement.

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2 hours ago, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

I will think about CGI when I need a hip and knee replacement.

To be honest I have seen people kicking arse in Airsoft in crutches or a wheelchair.


The thing with projectiles is they do most of the moving for you!

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45 ? youngster ! I'm 50 and play in a group where we are all mid 40's to late 50's. Let the youngsters tear around like their hair is on fire, we 'proceed' at various speeds and just play to our strengths, its great and we all thoroughly enjoy ourselves . I honestly don't see age or even fitness level being an issue for anyone playing. 

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4 hours ago, Nick G said:

Let the youngsters tear around like their hair is on fire


They're very handy for drawing fire and letting you know when you're in contact. ;)

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10 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


They're very handy for drawing fire and letting you know when you're in contact. ;)

Your welcome. 

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At 45 I was just past my peak your a youngster still.


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Welcome :).

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