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camouflage clothing. what do you use?

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I am looking to see what camouflage patterns other airsoft players like to use and why?


In my own opinion formed through camo tests on youtube and my own personal experiences....


dpm,strichtarn and klmk/berezka are the best

 the worst being mtp multicam, any desert cam, asat, realtree.


This applies to 90% green foliage such as a british field or forest.

In desert gravel or natural rock this of course is reversed.


All of the above camos can be found doing camo tests on youtube if you wish to look into them.



i have some 58 pattern dpm clothing and after seeing the strichtarn in action i am investing in that. 


But i wandered what other players are using and to what effect it has on your gameplay?


Love to hear thoughts on this as a good camo can seriously upgrade your effectiveness








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At Airsoft ranges of doesn't really make a whole lot of difference. Movement, Silhouette and background are far more important. You can be wearing the best gillie suit in existence, but at 80m a moving bush is pretty bloody obvious!

Don't over think it, Just go with whatever you think looks good, but give a little thought to breaking up your outline. The rest is fieldcraft.

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Here in Italy, at our field, multicam/a-tacs fg work wonders, along with flecktarn and, to some extent, m81 woodland.

British dpm is too green and sticks out a lot. Same goes for the Italian camo, vegetata, it's like having a huge arrow on your head xD


I personally have a full set of a-tacs fg and a crye cut (cheap) woodland top + fg bottom, they both blend in very well..


The main improvement you can do on your camo is something that breaks your outline, so having a boonie with a few pieces of jute or even camo strips stitched/tied onto it really crank up your "camo value" as long as you don't move like you're having an epileptic attack ;)


I'm making a small "ghillie hood" to wear over my cap, just a piece of net scarf with some strips of dpm, vegetata and flecktarn tied onto it.

If I get the chance to complete it I'll post a picture :)

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I always take the 5 s' into account. Im not knocking any individual camo as they all work in certain environments.


In uk it is mostly lush green fields and small woods hence why the dpm pattern is so green and gives a dark silhouette.


I personally wouldnt bother with ghillies as sight picks up on movement and ghillies move alot and may not match the environment your playing in. I.e using camo patterns or died strips of material. 


The best camo will always be natural camo so stick some twigs and grass in your boonie and inbetween the webbing/vest on your back.

Much more effective than making or buying a ghillie suit or hat.


Yes i agree its down to personal preference but if it increases ability during gameplay thats a win win win 




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As Hangtight mentioned, in the end it doesn't matter too much. Just stick to dark colours. I have a mix of MTP/Multicam but that's just my preference. DPM would probably work best in a woodland environment but staying still and close to the ground will have the biggest impact on being seen. 

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I disagree on the unsuitability of MTP in British woodland - it’s not the optimised colour scheme as is temperate/woodland DPM but as in the name is for multiple terrains

On a colour basis true Crye type materials take a level of absorption from the environment and will have a different look in different places



On a scientific basis our automatic sentry gun with high definition camera tracking and AI in testing preferred to target my torso when in a t shirt (biggest and most predictable target) but when in MTP the displaced camouflage pattern affected its ability to recognise, track and predict a torso shot and it changed preference to goggles and a head shot


In filming with Joel Dommet this was repeated with me running the practice runs for the camera being able to distract with tyres etc allowing me to run through the open space, but on jumping into the safety of a van it would recognise me as a figure and headshot me through the missing windscreen.

Also in our MTP Joel the AI aimed for headshots  and gave him a 3 round burst across his neck

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(Goggles are off as we had shut down and made safe)

But note Joel coming back near the left with the AI placing a green rectangle around him as an identified target, yellow circle pointed to his head for preferred point, red circle as predicted point of impact 

Big red rectangle is the authorised kill zone, and another green rectangle around me as another tracked target



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6 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

I disagree on the unsuitability of MTP in British woodland - it’s not the optimised colour scheme as is temperate/woodland DPM but as in the name is for multiple terrains


As I mentioned, it's my personal preference. I don't think it's the best camouflage for a woodland environment and it wouldn't be my first recommendation. I chose it because I like the style. :)

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3 minutes ago, Gepard said:

As I mentioned, it's my personal preference. I don't think it's the best camouflage for a woodland environment and it wouldn't be my first recommendation. I chose it because I like the style. :)

More of a reference to Pegasus including it in the worst list.

A measure of ‘seeing’ a camouflage isn’t necessarily the same as an ability to act upon that seeing and to eliminate the opposition first 


The right ghillie and being still gives a great level of almost invisibility, but with disadvantages in mobility that instantly make the ghillied sniper visible - not necessarily recognised, but the human motion betrays the ghillie  

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Comparing a computer controlled system to a human eye is a MASSIVE difference. An ai will have certain figures or shapes to go off of that are preprogammed. 

The human eye is dictated by your multiple senses which is why the 5 s' was developed.


As for multicam/mtp


If you take your shirt and lay it on some grass, against rocks, and or on sand. 

Youll notice it does not effectively blend in very well.

This is because you cannot truly make a multi terrain camo that effectively blends everywhere. 

From a distance mtp turns greyish and amongst natural green foliage such as grass or brush the wearer is immediately different to the surroundings and lighter tones are naturally picked up quicker by the eye whereas darker tones are percieved as depth 


Below is mtp in grass





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53 minutes ago, Samurai said:

For the UK, DPM is bestest.


Might depend on which part of the UK.  My local woodland sites are brown-on-brown pine forests with precious little green to be seen.


But as noted, at airsoft ranges it's not going to matter hugely.  I'm tempted to get some desert camo because... mmm, beige.

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1 minute ago, Samurai said:


That's why we move a way that's beyond human. I personally like to teleport. Makes the enemy team crazy.


Made me jump, there I was lying in a defensive position along a trench line shooting at the other team when suddenly Samurai appeared next to me as if by magic from out of the trees :).  I find wearing a hi-vis jacket works really well, players just ignore me and I blend into the background without getting shot at. :P

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I see your point about ghillies, but they're made for people that piss in a bottle for 3 days and sleep on their rifles xD

So they don't move a lot.

With ghillie I meant something to break my head outline, whether it's by dyed burlap or that net material the Amped guys use for their helmets.. You get the point though, breaking the outline is key..

13 minutes ago, Jedi_Master said:

I find wearing a hi-vis jacket works really well, players just ignore me and I blend into the background without getting shot at. :P

Hide a pistol inside a camera and pretend to be a photographer xD

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i play in woodland, i use a mix of realtree and mossy oak. works amazing. i always make sure to cover head face and hands, and travel light.

i find mtp stands out in woodland badly, as does the shape of a helmet and plate carriers with a hundred pouches. 

my motto keep it simple. as little uncovered skin and equipment as possible. i carry my gun (with either two hi -cap mag clipped or a drum mag) one spare mag in pocket and one bag of ammo. minimum outline, minimum noise.

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For me, I've got Flecktarn combats and shirt with MTP belt, pouches and yoke, either a Flecktarn or DPM boonie (depending on which one can be worn without having to kill it with hammers first) a choice of a couple of scrim scarves (see note about choice of boonie...) and some grey armored 'Tactical' gloves. I will then usually go arse over tit into a really muddy patch for the full on 'Arnie in Predator' look within ten minutes of the game starting. ;)

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11 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

a Flecktarn or DPM boonie


God damn Yankism.  If it is DPM then it is a bush hat, see https://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Bush_Hat

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we all know that nothing really works in airsoft as we are moving to much....in some cases back to respawn!!....you may as well wear pink camo!....its all about dressing up and having fun! :lol:....and if in full MTP, being shot at by ITH! :)


BUT me, well...i wear ATACs AU at urban...cause i like the colour not because i want to hide with the bricks

Generally at other sites its a Coyote top with either Marpat, ACU, ATACs FG or Camogrom trousers....i pay to shoot and get shot at not hide in a tree all day, there is no fun in that


as long as they have pockets im happy :)


p.s its early so excuse the rashness etc......:lol::lol::rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, djben9 said:

we all know that nothing really works in airsoft as we are moving to much....in some cases back to respawn!!....you may as well wear pink camo!....its all about dressing up and having fun! :lol:....and if in full MTP, being shot at by ITH! :)



My kit is predominantly ranger green, works well for both woodland and CQB scenarios. In woodland ive stood still in a relatively open area (while still having a fair amount of foliage about) and still manage to not be seen, I like to think of 99% of airsofters much the same as a T-rex from Jurassic Park... keep still and it cant see you (unless your sitting on a toilet screaming)

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