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Good range for under £160?


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At skirmishes I feel like I'm always getting out ranged I've tried some techniques to try and increase the range but I'm still getting outranged constantly so is there any guns preferably m4 styled that would provide good range for woodland skirmishes.

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You could work on your existing setup. Maybe an R-Hop patch (or maybe just a better bucking) and heavier ammo. Would only cost you ~£15 to get done. What weight BBs are you using right now?


To answer your question though, the slightly lower end stuff around the £150 mark is probably not going to compete with stuff that people have tinkered with. That's why people buy nice looking receivers and then work on them as project guns over a year until they have something really nice.

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What have you got at the moment? Then we can advice on what you could do to help increase range. As long as it's a decent make gun to start with you can usually modify it enough to get decent range.

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Like proffrink says sort your existing set up ( unless its absolutely rubbish) the £160 you want to spend on something new can make what you have awesome.

I felt the same when I got my JG g63c and was playing on big sites outdoors. First thought was get something bigger and better then looked in to it more, and relised no matter what you buy new you'll need to upgrade if you want to have good range and rof, now I'm the one out ranging and have a higher rof than most things, and the best part is it's easy to do once you get all the info together

Trawl through all the forums and decide what's best to make your current gun what you want.

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Easiest option? Move closer!


Harder option is delving into mods. I'm not 100% up to date with things due to both a dry spell in chairsofting and actual airsofting.


Assuming you have G&G M4 you have a pretty decent gun to work with. 160 quid is good enough to get a very good performing gun.


Gearbox work is pretty much inevitable sadly... Not much point having PDi barrels and r-hop if your still getting +/-15 FPS inconsistency.


So here are my suggestions:


O-ring nozzle

Double O-ring cylinder head

Polished cylinder

AOE correction on Piston(Optional)

Stretch O-ring on piston (Optional but recommended)

Good lubrication on the cylinder,that's a given.


Hop parts:

You can either go for mad custom hop set ups,like R-hop,flat hop,etc.. but I would honestly say standard hop stuff is perfectly fine and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. R-hop will get you some fantastic range and accuracy but it requires a lot of work and tuning. Besides,you have rate of fire to make up for a lot of things.


New barrel- Laylax,Madbull(Avoid the steel barrels,last I heard they had some QC issues. Coated aluminium ones are fine) and Lonex should be plenty fine. Don't go tighter than 6.03 unless you want more power. 6.05 is pretty popular.


For hop up units and buckings I'm sadly far out of date. G&G green stock ones are fine in my experience. Laylax purple have QC issues but are good. Lonex are popular too but that's it really.


For units,again,G&G make some of the better stock ones. Lonex make good aftermarket ones and I've heard good things about SHS.

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Love all the advice but no one knows the starting point.

You wont get anything particularly good in that price range consider upgrading what you have. But before you do anything recommended answer a few questions.


What gun?

What is the fps?

What range are you getting now?

What range are you hoping to achieve?

Have you changed anything from stock?

What make and weight of bbs are you using?

Do you know how to set your hop properly and how to check your bucking is all good?


Answer all those and then maybe you can get the right advice.

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First step. Clean your barrel second step use 0.25 bbs or 0.28 bbs then come back to us.

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If you want a gun that has exceptional range for less than £160, there are a few but none of them are M4's.

Your best bet is to switch to heavier ammo and make sure the hop is well adjusted. This is both the most effective and easiest solution if you are being out ranged a lot.


M4's tend to have a less securely held hop unit, once you open the gun up you can just pull the hop unit and inner barrel out. This is the same with a majority of guns. It is the hop unit that determines the accurate range of your gun so the handful of guns that have securely held hop units tend to be the ones with that extra bit of reach. M14's are one of these so if you really want a gun for less than £160 that will outrange most people, Monty's suggestion of a CYMA M14 is a good one. The ASG Sten is the only other gun I can think of that can compete with an M14 for less than £160.

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Just chucking heavier bbs in might not be the answer. If the bucking is crap or the hop unit is off or a bit soft then using heavier bbs could be worse.

Heavier bbs work well in a well set up gun but not in a badly set up gun.


Next time your at a skirmish find the techy guy there and speak to him. He can have a quick look and either adjust your hop or point you in the right direction.

Without the gun in front of us we are all guessing.

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