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What qualities to look for in M4 magazines.


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I don't think there is a functional/compatibility difference between m4 and M16 magazines, in airsoft, from what I can tell it's purely cosmetic.


I ascertain m4/m16 magazines are available in capacities of:20,30,40,50,79,80,82,85,120,130,140,170,300,350,450,850,2500 and several others.


I have no idea where the transition point between low and mid cap falls on the list above, I don't know whether low cap are just "anything wot is realistic".


Personally I think I'll be looking to run with four 120rds and six 30rds mags.


So, what makes a good airsoft M4 Magazine? This question absolutely goes to cosmetics too :)

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There's no functional/compatibility difference between M4 and M16 magazines in the real world. They're just 30 round 556 mags, of the many that are out on the RS market, barely any are weapon specific.


They come in dozens of different capacities, mid and lo cap work just the same way (purely different capacity for BBs inside), only when you get in to hi-caps do you start needing to wind wheels.


I'd advise that 10 mags is excessive personally, your gear will be so much less heavy and bulky if you just drop those 6 real-cap mags and carry maybe 1 more mid-cap. That's the way the majority of players run their gear for a reason.


A 'good' mag is robust and feeds consistently, that's all that matters with a magazine (unless you personally want a certain look and that's up to you). I rate the PTS EPMs as the best on the market right now:




You can drive your car over them and they'll be fine (I know, I did it). I'm not sure what's good as far as availability in the UK for cheaper mid-caps these days. G&G get some mixed reports but I'm not seeing a lot else as far as 4-5 packs of midcaps in stock anywhere. I always used to recommend these:


Very much worth it if you order some other stuff at the same time (given the enormous selection that WGC has compared to british shops).

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King Arms m4 mags are working well for me at the moment, they come in packs of 5 & in the usual black colour or tan colour


I paid £50 for a pack of 5 on eBay

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Low caps - spring loaded from the top, usually upto about 40/50 rounds. Also called 'real caps'

Mid Caps - Spring loaded from the top, usually as many rounds as can physically fit inside the magazine under pressure from a single feed spring, tend to be between 90 and 140 rds

Hi Caps - loaded via a hatch either on top or near the top of a magazine side. Feeding is caused by winding a clockwork mechanism putting a coil spring under tension. Any mag with this style is called a 'hi cap' but capacities vary from 150-3000 rounds depending on what you choose

All electric magazines are hi caps with a motor to save you having to wind the mechanism manually.


Best AR type magazine on the market is ALWAYS PTS's offering. Originally the P-Mag (Emags too), then the T-Mag and now the EPM (enhanced Polymer Magazine) they're basically indestructible for all intents and purposes. Yes, they're expensive new, but second hand ones are always around and you can be pretty sure that they will function as new after a quick strip and clean (if needed)

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I've (as have many other players, im sure) played around with lo/mid/hi cap mags to say that it's really up to personal preference and whichever suits your playstyle. I dread to think however, of an LMG player that is going to run around the map only carrying 10 locaps and not cover the team, due to the fact the 2500 round box mag was too heavy.


In reality, the "qualities" you want to look for is that the mags you choose feed well, are easy to obtain and operate (Not a highcap missing the fill hatch that you'll tape over; I have one and it fed terribly because of it). I didnt include cheap considering that most magazine sets of 10 are around the £40-50 mark, just for 85rds per mag.

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ASG midcaps are fantastic. £50 for a box of 10.



Agreed - I've been using these for 2 years and haven't had a single problem.

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Agreed - I've been using these for 2 years and haven't had a single problem.

3rd vote for these.. work a charm in my combat raider after a nightmare with other brands...

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3rd vote for these.. work a charm in my combat raider after a nightmare with other brands...

Good point - mine have been used with Classic Army, G&P and TM guns

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Good point - mine have been used with Classic Army, G&P and TM guns


I ended up with loads of mags which miss-fed before buying those...

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honestly get a box of them mid caps they are the dogz nutz

the picky 416 loves them and I may have to get another box

they joy of unleashing bb hell without the winding/feed issue/winding etc.....


you can get them from:




or if ya want 85rnd ones:




not used the 85 rnd ones but if they are like the 120/140 ones they should be very good indeed

if ya buy a nut/bolt or any other item - you get 10% off and delivery is free (my favourite price)


bollox - seems like they have drpped the 10% discount and free delivery very recently

used to be a 10% discount code but can't see where that would be entered on the site's recent update

ah well they have dropped price as they were £55 free del

so now the 140rnd box is £50 + £5 delivery so it kinda woreks out the same I guess - still good mags/price


so it is worth considering grabbing a box and maybe sell on half on fleabay or something

(shame they don't do say 5 of each and you should be sorted for normal skirmish or more serious low capicity mil sim sites)

but if those M4 mags don't work in your gun then you gotta be trying them in an AK or G36 or something

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Loooong ago, back in the dark times when there was barely any selection on the market, there were a lot of TM 68rnd lo-caps at most stores. Never seen an exactly 60rnd mag though, best to just get some normal 100-140 midcaps and have a quick count of how many BBs your loader dispenses per push.

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I've currently got 1 dytac hexmag and the G&G mag, which you were right, is not so great, the feeder pops out so far that i think it would be damaged if I dropped it on it. A very strong part of me is just leaning on buying 5 more, but LWA and the UK does not seem to have the OD ones.


Loooong ago, back in the dark times when there was barely any selection on the market, there were a lot of TM 68rnd lo-caps at most stores. Never seen an exactly 60rnd mag though, best to just get some normal 100-140 midcaps and have a quick count of how many BBs your loader dispenses per push.


4, which is how I ended up with 60 instead of 30 :D



Use my new set up today, got pouches for 16 M4 mags - (ok, that's not true but the Flyye LT6094 has built in pockets for 8-10 M4 mags).

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I've currently got 1 dytac hexmag and the G&G mag, which you were right, is not so great, the feeder pops out so far that i think it would be damaged if I dropped it on it. A very strong part of me is just leaning on buying 5 more, but LWA and the UK does not seem to have the OD ones.



4, which is how I ended up with 60 instead of 30 :D


You'll have to explain that last part?


WGC shop have all the different HexMags. I, of course, wouldn't tell you to do anything illegal, but they have certain options while going through checkout related to the import VAT which mean you can get stuff from there pretty cheaply, quite probably cheaper than buying them here and there's the option to pickup other stuff that UK stores don't have while you're at it.

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You'll have to explain that last part?


The TM speedloader dispenses 4 BBs.


Four goes evenly into sixty (though really it's 59).


For 30bb it's 7 pulls of 4bb and then 3 more pulls of 1bb - and when you release the speedloader 1 bb falls off leaving 30 in the mag.


What is WGC Shop's shipping like?

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Gotcha. I've been using the TM loaders myself for ages now, I always fill my mags but I find it handy to count in 4s just to get an idea when the mag will be reaching capacity so as not to over-stress anything.


WGC used to be really slow on dispatching, but they're decent now. You can pick between EMS, which is just the normal post in Hong Kong that all the stores there use, or one of the international courier services of your choice (think UPS was the main one they offer AFAIK), but you'll see all the options if you go to the checkout.

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