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where to put bb's


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i have just bought one of these viper tactical chest rigs




(sorry for the oversized image feel free to edit)


and i have been storing a bottle of bb's in one of those pockets, but its has been making too much rattling so i attached the lid of the bottle to a sock to make this.





Last game i kept the sock in one of my trouser pockets and this was very irritating to run and now i have no where to put it ? should i attach it to the belt and their are clips for drop pouches, or should i buy a drop pouch and keep it in there and use it as a drop pouch and also put the bb's in there?


Any other ideas of where to put my sock of bb's please let me know thanks?

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N.B for reference, why not use the quick questions thread?


I would suggest getting a plastic bag like thing that has a clickable close, like a kitchen bag. I normally get some onsite with the BB's I purchase, and they cost pennies. Then why not put them in one of the larger side pockets on the side, I have a rig like that.


Yeah bottles make way too much noise, bags are much better with this however I find, and also they become smaller but wider and easier to fit in smaller pouches

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I made exactly what you show about three years ago, it lived in a double M4 pouch much like the ones on the front of your rig. However more recently I've stopped using it for three reasons,


1) it holds lots of bbs like easily 2 or 3 000 and I don't use anywhere near that many over a whole game day let alone during a morning game. If I drop the bag say in a puddle or mud I will pretty much loose all the bbs as they are now contaminated to a degree to which I will need to wash them.


2) it was bulky and means I have to carry in the double M4 pouch which I don't use any more as I prefer running midcaps but only stacked 1 deep in my rig.


3) it allows dirt/water to get to the bbs, especially over extended use.


What I do now is use 2 or 3 plastic sandwich bags (of the ziplock kind) each could hold many bbs but I only carry somewhere between 500 and 1000 in each bag, these fit in smaller pouches, mean that if I drop the whole bag I loose very little, and keep them cleaner and therefore my mags and barrel cleaner. I keep my main bb stash in large plastic bottles like coke bottles which is easy to decant into the bags.

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I might be odd but I don't carry BBs into the battle with me. I fill my mags before the game and then I go onto the battlefield with the rounds I have, which is 700 rounds. I do occasionally also dump a speed loader (another 700 rounds) somewhere like a FOB is the game is longer but I find that I am carrying enough ammo for most games. UCAP sandpit and its 2 games (one morning, one afternoon) is one of the few places I find where ammo was a genuine problem for me.


So while perhaps not the answer you are looking for but buying more mags is another way to solve this.

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Put BB's into mags and just carry mags, BB's stay in safe zone. On an all day game, carry a backpack with your lunch and BB's in.

Carry a full speedloader in a shirt pocket or pistol mag pouch for that 'oh c**p that was my last mag' moment.

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I did exactly what you did, using a small sock (just under 1000 bbs) so it would fit in the largest utility pouch on the vest.


And also, keep a knife or small tool handy when you wear that vest. The zip on mine has broken twice, leaving me no way to remove the vest :P cutting the bottom tooth off the zip fixed it, but its easier to do this at home with tools than at the boot of your car in the woods with a cheap screwdriver :P

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Apart from not being waterproof, this is the ultimate BB bag:
IMAG0372.jpg IMAG0373.jpg IMAG0374.jpg

Just a shame it's shaped like a massive cock'n'balls :lol:


The scoop shape of what's left of the bottle adds enough structure so that you can use it 1 handed easily, which leaves the other hand to form a funnel around the opening of whatever you're pouring the BB's into. The interior of the plastic bottle, and inside the lid, is all covered in that white packing foam, so no rattle; it can hold about 5K BB's at max capacity; the lid can't get lost; and the shape of the bottom is the same as a canteen pouch, so that's the way to carry it.


Personally, as others have said, I wouldn't usually carry it into the field - I load my mags with enough ammo (I also used to use speedloaders when i didn't have enough of all the types of mags I use). But for the National Airsoft Event, where I may be in the field all day, it is perfect. I hadn't even considered that it ought to be waterproof before, but I'm shortly going to buy some liquid latex to make my Soviet tank crew trousers look like they're stained with engine oil, so I may paint this with it also...

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Leaving at respawn is my tactic for places I know we will be using for a long time, eg at the sandpit we play 2x 2 1/2 hr games with a static respawn, if i'm highcaping it I carry 2 mags in my vest and one in the gun and no loose ammo. If it's mids I carry 3 x 190 rnd mags, two 130rnds and a single emergency 100 rnd VN mag. The water, bbs, gas and speedloader live in my hydration carrier which stays at the respawn as I know I will be returning there at fairly regular intervals.


If I'm playing a new site or somewhere I know we will be playing lots of fast paced short games I carry about 1000 to 1500 bbs in a pair of plastic bags, they fit perfectly in a ball grenade pouch that I carry on my rig. I'll carry less than a half litre of water in a small bladder (cheap from sports direct) in a double M4 mag pouch. And fill the bags again at lunch.


I go with the premise that mags should always be full. So I always fill them between games as my first priority, then comes personal admin like snacks, drinks etc, or if I have been playing for a while in a single game I may reload on the way to respawn. I find that topping up frequently means that it doesn't take very long and therefore I don't hold up game play and I'm always ready to pay attention to briefings.

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