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high quality BBs


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I'm looking to stock up on .25s to replace my .20 blaster devils. Which brands are out there, no more than 15 quid per 1500 and high quality (good polish finish and consistent accuracy)


Many thanks

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hmm, devil blasters for sure, I can get a bottle for 8 quid which seems to be a good price. They are very good from what I have found, and not many air bubbles, of which they are only small clusters and no big ones...

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Devils are great (as said above)









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Bastards are said to be the best currently for sale in the UK - patrolbase have them. Never tried 'em so i can't actually recommend. Blaster 0.25's are good in my experience - i don't believe that the slight extra accuracy from Devils is enough improvement to standard AEG shooting to be worth paying extra for. In a DMR, yeah, but I'd be looking at a heavier weight BB in a DMR anyway.

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I have seen various reviews of BBs in the USA and there seems to be quite a wide variance in the groupings different types of BBs achieve. Unfortunately many of the brands they test aren't all that readily available in the UK. Worse than that we know that the underlying suppliers of them is constantly changing, at one point Goldenball were amazing and by far the best BB anyone could find, nowadays they are made by a different facility and are pretty poor. So any guides someone does produce on the accuracy of BBs quickly gets obsoleted by the industries constant shifting and moving to reduce production costs of popular brands and then runs those brands into the ground.


So I think these days a good quality BB manufacturer doesn't really come with a good independent review, it comes with "they don't jam my gun, they appear to be reasonably accurate and looking at them I can't spot any imperfections but I haven't really compared all that many brands". So in the sea of that how do you determine what the best BBs actually?


Worse yet different guns work with different BBs better. GG for example make a BB that is a little bit smaller than usual for its top tech guns, because they have tightbores (there is an optimal BB size to barrel size which we passed because a lot of people think tightbores increase accuracy, but the tests kind of show they don't, straightness and finish determine accuracy and the most accurate barrels are actually wider). so they need extra space for more accuracy. So you will often find that you need to try a load of different BBs and seem them in action to determine which is more accurate. Of course the difficulty is its hard to create a good control that can definitely prove one brand is better than another, especially if different batches differ.


So in the end the answer is really friggin difficult just due to a whole bundle of factors. If you intend to find the best BBs for your gun then you'll need to experiment yourself and likely repeat that experiment on different batches and brands as time goes on.

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BB Bastards.

Can you tell us which Bastards, what you're comparing them to, and in what gun/s, please?

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+1 to blasters in the 0.25 variety ... never had a jam from them, and they seem really accurate and consistent to me.


other brands used, zero one (2 jams in 1 bag), and some really cheap ones i got off ebay (not used on my main gun, mainly my mp5k and a claymore. 1 jam out of 2 bags used so far)

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I may; I have used them in several guns and magazines so far and they have exceeded my every expectation. I use them in my GHK m4, I use them in my G&G gr16 and I used them in my TM Glock, all running 6.3 TBBs.

To memory I have not had a single jam or blockage, well one time but the hop up was on full, wound it in and it shot again. I have never seen a double feed with them and they have never mis fed to my knowledge.


I have used both the .28 and the .25 flavors and found them both very accurate and consistent, on a 10m range they hit 10/10 on the base of a coke can in all guns, pistol to DMR. with the .28 offering a decent punch on metal competition "poppers" that the .25s struggle with.

The .28 were more accurate during an IPSC session than the .25s. In open field the 2.8s hold their trajectory and range with very little deviation, they will deviate obviously by external factors but they seem to be the most consistent. I use .25s for indoor CQB because they are slightly cheaper.


I'm also a big fan of Taiwanguns P&J Bio bbs, although I have had some in my garden now for over 6 months that still are not degrading, they are nicely finished, consistent and accurate.


I used to use Blaster Devils and they were good bbs, quite accurate, very rarely jammed and when they did I can't say for certain it was a bb issue or a gun/magazine feed issue, but I find the bastards more consistent and more accurate.

if im being critical I actually found the .20 black devils I have for chrono testing often miss feed and feel a bit greaser and appear quite shiny in comparison to the white .25 devils.


The BBB are quite smooth and matte with no visible mouldings or imperfections. The only thing that lets them down is the bag they come in can sometimes split in the corners, but I believe they are addressing that according to facebook.


Its all anecdotal and circumstantial of course and just my 2c, but they just seem to be a much higher quality and better performing BB, I don't know how or why, but they just work for me. Its only a couple of quid extra, (less than a pint) over a bottle of blasters and I would definitely recommend at least trying them. You may be pleasantly surprised.


It may be worth noting I use low caps and gas guns so i'm not shooting 2000 shots a day. if you are a bit ammo hungry I can for see the cost factor playing a bigger role in choice. I have bought some from Patrol Base and the seller on Ebay, who is slightly more expensive, but more convenient than driving from manchester to leeds.

Rumors are that Redwolf will soon be selling them too.


[ETA] Agghh zero ones! I forgot about those horrible POS, one of my local sites use them for a game where you have to find the ammo and are forced to use the bbs they provide, they jammed and broke the speed loader before they even got into the magazine.

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I was forced into buying .25 Bulldog BBs once as that was all that was available on the site and I had ran out and they worked fine in my G&G GR16, range was poor, but fed in a high cap firly well with the occasional jam.


In my pistol the first 5 or 6 fed fine, but then stopped firing and locked bas as if out of ammo:




They somehow manage to jam in the magazine and hold themselves there even with vigorous shaking, you have to bang it to shake them off, I don't know how? maybe static, maybe its the snoop doginess or maybe its all the Bitches, but it sure ain't physics!


so yes, I know the earlier post was in jest, but they truely are poor.

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So to summarise so far:


ASG Blasters = GOOD

ASG Blaster Devils = GOOD

BB Bastards = GOOD


Zero-One = BAD

Snoop Doggy = BAD

Bulldog = BAD

Anything less than 0.2g = VERY BAD


are there any other reccomendations? or does it just come does to ASG or Bastards in terms of reliable BBS?


Thanks guys

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I have used BB King 0.2s and they're ok - never had a misfeed or jam. I think that they're not quite as good as Blaster for ultimate range, but there's less than 5m in it. For CQB though they are fine and of course you don't need the performance at range of 0.25's either. What really recommends them is price - so much cheaper than Blaster that the difference is worth saving.


Don't discount 0.12's simply on weight. The problem is that most of them are really really poor quality, but there are high quality 0.12's. Yeah they are shit in any moving air, but for indoor CQB that would not be an issue. Better to use high quality 0.12g BB's in a low power pistol or shottie and get hits than watch people sit back and change mags while they wait to dodge a 0.2g BB which you also had to aim up to reach 20m...

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Excels are Z1 iirc... but i've never heard good things about them before.

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so, draft 2:


ASG Blasters = GOOD

ASG Blaster Devils = GOOD

BB Bastards = GOOD

Excel BBs = GOOD

Zero-One = BAD

Snoop Doggy = BAD

Bulldog = BAD

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dont forget G&G bb's, there supposed to be good, and the little bag of them i got with my guns ... i had no issues what so ever ... but i have not seen them for sale in many places ... and i buy blasters by the box load :lol:B)

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Let's have a link then, James?

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