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Describe your perfect Airsoft grenade...


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Just joined, thanks for having me, i hope to post more frequently as I am constantly playing airsoft and I am always 'The Grenade Guy'


I was thinking, what would make the ultimate grenade? My things would be:


- Self prime and loading

- Storage compartment for blanks

- Remote detonator

- Trip wire/Claymore style

- GPS locator (incase you lose it)


That would be an awesome grenade...


What else would be great to have on a grenade of your design? I'm very keen to know.

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I don't think I would want all the features an ultimate grenade might have, because it will make it heavy. Most sites already require an under arm throw of the grenade to avoid cracking skulls and it would be nice to have a lighter and less dangerous reusable grenade. Would also be nice to have them be easier to load especially with gloves on. A decent dispenser for shotgun caps would be nice to go along with this as well, compatibility between the two items so reloads are super simple would be great.


I have always liked the idea of a genuine M203 launcher for under barrel use which gives me the ability to launch smoke and grenades afar, its certainly a tactical element of airsoft that is missing. But due to the whole heavy flying projectile thing I fear its going to always be impossible as its unsafe.

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if you fill a 203 grenade with gas but not BBs then put an EG smoke down the tube, strike it and then fire the grenade you can launch them pretty well depending on temp! :-)

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Size and shape of a tennis ball, light enough to be safe if thrown and makes a big bang, possibly with a small smoke cloud.

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  On 21/10/2014 at 07:18, joshcowin said:

one that can be lobbed far like a round shape,light and reusable something similar to the tlfslx tennis balls but with reusable caps

This. Whoever makes something like this would make a killing.
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An ultimate grenade would be so nice! but as in the real world, there's different strokes for different folks! I really like the idea of lobbing smoke from a 203! (In fact I can feel a hole burning in my pocket as I type!).

In room clearing scenarios I favour the instant detonation type and I'm looking to purchase a TRMR. As for the remote det type, I'm sure I saw somewhere that did airsoft claymores with this feature, In fact I'm pretty sure I saw a vid with one being used to good effect to defend a stairwell?

Projectiles, even with the ballistic properties of a tennis ball, will always be a problem as it has the potential to hurt, but then again, so do BBs?

Maybe this is the next big step for airsoft?

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My ideal grenade? This one:



I can't be doing with having to stop and think about how high I throw it or going and finding it afterwards. Buy a dirty great box and it doesn't cost too bad (for me at least - I realise we all have different budgets).

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will do, they are pretty expensive for spamming the opposing team but I currently don't pay to play so allows me a little cash for sh1ts and giggles :D

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What is genius, James, the hf audio one? I want a bang!


For me, light weight and not sharp is essential - to be able to throw it properly without worrying about hurting people.


It should be modular so that the shells can be replaced to go with various loadouts.


The guts should be modular also so that the same detonator spring gubbins can have something else added/removed simply to change between impact or timed detonation.


It would be handy if the same mech could be used for timed or impact with just a twist of some rugged bit, like the position of the spoon relative to the body say.


Variable timer would be nice, but not really essential.


The guts should also be simple to repair when worn out - whichever sear/spring/whatever wear out should be available as a spare.


I'm not really bothered about 9mm, especially if it needs extra weight to prevent it jumping in a way which could hurt somebody when it goes off, but if it was possible to create a lightweight recoil absorbing mech so that it was louder, that would be ideal. But .209 primers are ok.


A built in screamer a la key finder fob would be nice, since they are lightweight, to aid finding it in dense bushes and make stealing it more difficult.

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A heat seeking grenade which explodes when in close proximity of an enemy would be cool. Oh, and it must be able to go around corners by itself :)

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  On 22/10/2014 at 11:31, Ian_Gere said:

What is genius, James, the hf audio one? I want a bang!


The rotating barrel of blanks built into the grenade so you don't need to faff about re-priming it in game, absolute genius, could be done fairly simply for an impact design too. For a timed grenade it'd be a much bigger challenge though.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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