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British airsoft show

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That is just disappointing and frankly an embarrassment to airsoft if JBBG is the biggest f*cking stall. Not to mention the sh*tty organization you've talked about.

I looked on their website and I can see airsoft only have about 6 or 8 (If I remember correctly) exhibitors, two of which being big paedo Mark and the other is ONLY BB GUNS!! WTF.


Evidently the organizers are only interested in monies given the £44 entry fee (which is bollocks), rip-off food prices, and the fact that they have the bloody 'bb gun' sites there.

It makes sense that nobody else wants to go then.


If any of you are going, someone please interview him and ask why he is so persistent on trying to get into airsoft and why he likes to rip everyone off or something.

By the way, very well said Ed. I genuinely feel for anyone who spent their hard earned money on it - and if you were planning on going this year do you think you could get a refund? If not hope it is okay for you...

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a chance to get to meet some airsofters and maybe make some deals`? I dunno!


guess JBBG are those that are most likely to make the most money out of a such event..

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This year it seems like it should be better.. many more actual airsoft retailers like JD, PAS and LWA.


There's also a few others going not mentioned like Dave's Custom Airsoft.


I think if you only go for one day it could be worth while

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No, all the stalls were barely 15 x 15ft, the JBBG was more than 3 times the size of most of them.

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ok well reading this glad i did not pour any money into it, as for shows what does everyone like?


US shot show but for airsoft and in the UK?


not sure if I'd go to an airsoft show other than to meet other airsofters and forum members tbh.... maybe a AFUK skirmish with decently priced decent food & BBs and maybe a retailer or two would be better? being aboard as for now I couldnt come anyway thou..

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The more I think about this, the more I become convinced that the purpose of this show is to draw newbies in who might be walking the rest of the show.

It always amazes me how many people come on this forum having already bought really cheap guns and then expecting to skirmish with them.


If you knew nobody who did Airsoft and hadn't looked on forums before hand, I can imagine its really easy to walk into a show, see the Airsoft weapons and low price tags of the budget models and get seduced.

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You'd think with redwolf having a better store in the uk now and with them down for attendance that they will have a large stand but checking their website they seem to have very little in stock, I was all up for going but am now seriously second guessing it

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I think redwolf's uk store is acting more as an importer than normal store

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I think redwolf's uk store is acting more as an importer than normal store

It's a full on shop and online retailer now, their store is pretty big and full of stuff. They used to just import and do wholesale stuff but now are moving more towards selling stuff themselves- at very high prices mind.

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ahh okay. it just seems like everything is out of stock. Although they may be doing the normal airsoft retailer routine of not updating their website quickly

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  • 4 weeks later...
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So then, who went? Pretty sure I spotted you nick on the Saturday? (galil and rhodie camo)

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I was busy eating :P and you were talking to one of the guys from rift, planning on making the trip there at some point this year.


I honestly thought the airsoft section was a huge improvement over last year, but again there's more room for improvement as with anything

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Haha fair enough. Yea I was helping them out with their stand. You probably sw the bit when is just got my bayonet for the galil :)


It wasn't as bad as it could have been bit could have been a lot better!

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Yes you were faffing with a bayonet ;)


Indeed, a step in the right direction, hoping next year continues the improvements


Now to see what the arms fairs 'big' announcement is...

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I don't think I'll be able to make the AAF but it does look good.. far better for consumers according to Custom Dave


Oh and the bayonet is awesome!

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planning on making the trip there at some point this year.



Sorry to double post but you should come to the RIFTsim event on the 9th of March. I should be going

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