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  1. Probably. I bought the mask, modified it to fit better, found out the lenses weren't secure enough so reinforced them and when I tried skirmishing in it it worked better than anything I have tried so far to solve the glasses misting issue. I'm confident that upgrading the fan will be the final step needed to make this the perfect face protection. If I had known all the issues beforehand, it would be a different story.
  2. as hearing protection I can't recommend the z-tactical sordins, dunno about their comtac replicas but the sordin model is just a moulded PVC earpiece shape with a (really quite uncomfortble) pad round the edge and a couple of circuit boards inside. They do certainly dull your hearing when you wear them but since there's no actual insulation I'd say they're a no go for anything other than looks. That and the sound reproduction from the in built microphones isn't very good. Saying that though, for real shooting I don't wear real sordins either (who needs comms on a range?), I tend to wear yellow foam ear plugs and a set of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peltor-H64FB-Shotgunner-Ear-Defenders-BNIB-Army-Issue-/350928524757?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item51b4f855d5 If you're looking to really protect your hearing that is absolutely the way forward. Unfortunately it does make you quite deaf which will effect your situational awareness while playing.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking! I sold a spare ceramic plate for pre-Osprey British body armour to a lad in Japan on fleabay - the plate got up to about average price but the shipping was about another £25. He was well happy with the deal though. What we need, Cypher, is a bilingual person to translate a sale format, like the one we have but including anything which is usual in Japanese ads, and classifieds rules so to indicate that you not only have to say what damage anything has sustained, but where possible photograph it. With a bit of forethought it should be possible to make a Japan/UK swaps forum that Google Translate would cover. Oh yeah, and someone who can float the idea on Japanese airsoft forums...
  4. I work in an engineering stores so safety glasses are easy to come by. I've read the safety specs on them and they've been tested on with metal BBs, so no chance of breaking The only problem I'm having with the torch now is that is has become very temperamental. It works fine then for some reason won't turn on. The batteries are fully charged. Give it a few minutes when it's faulty and it's as if it corrects itself because it starts working fine again. Anyone experienced this? It doesn't feel hot so it isn't overheating or anything.
  5. That's pretty much all I and some other guys do. In a free for all game mode, a few of the guys I squad up with and me completely smashed them, to the point that they were accusing us of cheating despite there being a marshal stationed directly behind us. All we were doing was occupying a couple of the huts in this 'village' area of the site, but they didn't have the brains or balls to do anything to counter it and there was only 4 of us and 9 of them!
  6. Also I am starting to realise that there are many different types of airsofters. Airsoft ticks a number of boxes for different people but the Airsoft gun is what binds them together. For example, there is a group of airsofters who don't really see it as anything to do with war or the military. Its just a game like playing tag. They know nothing about the guns they carry and they are looked upon as a fashion accessory. Others like to dress in authentic BDU, others like tactics and so on. There is nothing wrong with these different variants, but they can be quite different. These groups overlap in places but not totally, so you get splinter groups who want different things. I guess what happens is that this evolves so people gravitate to the site that gives them what they want. The problem starts when people want to have a serious tactical game but you have people, often kids, running round with orange guns charging everything down. This is often used by the serious regulars as target practice. Does it matter providing everybody enjoys themselves and nobody gets hurt ?
  7. Couple of kids at my local site with bright orange Tommy guns who shoot at anything no matter the range because 'if you don't try you'll always miss' the bastardisation of gretzkys quote aside I always walk in the opposite direction to them because you can guarantee they give away your position.
  8. Tan anything will go with MC. Even some olive drab stuff.
  9. Would it be possible for an SVD mag to fit one? I think that's look cool but have no idea about AKs or anything lol. Bloody nice gun though
  10. Nicknitro


    Age Limits The minimum age to play is 16, unless both the following conditions are met. 1) You are accompanied by a playing adult (over 18). and a parental consent form is to be filled in and signed by their legal guardian. 2) Your accompanying guardian has signed the insurance disclaimer on your behalf, Game rules Cheating will not be tolerated. Notify a marshal immediately and they will deal with it. NOT a couple of hours later, as the issue will have passed and this makes any resolution hard to deal with. The BANG rule is not enforced in game; it’s more of a polite way of saying your hit than blatting away at someone from point blank range due to the density of the some parts of the site, so expect to be hit at from close contacts. However at close range we do expect common sense from all players. Random Chronoing will be in operation at all events during game play. Any weapons found to be over the limit will be labelled and held in the admin vehicles until end of play Sunday to ensure the hot weapon won’t be used again. All players are asked to ensure that your weapons are under the MAX FPS limits for our site. Chrono will be available on site for players to check. See a Member of the admin at the safe zone at startex. Medic & Regen Rules Each player will carry 2 white bandages in their kit. Please supply your own when possible although we will have plenty to issue. When hit you will call out hit & LIE DOWN where you are with one hand in the air. Any team member can medic you back on your first hit. They will apply the bandage you will be carrying by tying it around your arm. Note: (This doesn’t mean you have the bandage out in your hand or already half way on). You are then immediately back in the fight. Note: If you have been shot and medic’ed back in by a team member the first hit lasts 30 mins before the bandage is removed. Then its back to the start of the medic rule. When hit for a second time (within 30 mins of the first), you will call out hit & LIE DOWN where you are with your hand in the air, you MUST BE attended to by a team medic, (To be sorted within your own sections at STARTEX), They will apply the bandage you will be carrying by tying it around your arm. You are immediately back in the fight. A third hit within 30 mins of the second hit you will call the hit but this time make sure you notify the opposing force that you are dead man walking and make your way back to your TAC location for a 5 min wait & re-spawn, this can also be used as chance to bomb up. If you aren't tagged/medic'ed within 15mins of either the first or second hit you bleed out - make sure you notify the opposing force that you are dead man walking and make your way back to your TAC location for a 5 min wait & re-spawn back into the game area. If any re-spawn points are overrun or in the middle of a heavy contact make your way to the nearest other re-spawn. Section Commanders to advise your troops of re-spawn points at all times. Remember……dead men don’t talk Hit taking Airsoft relies on honesty - unlike paintball there are no marks left by airsoft bb’s. Nothing ruins an airsoft game faster than players not taking hits. Please help us to provide top quality airsoft game by being an honest player. Definite ricochets do not count as hits. When you are hit, shout 'Hit' and raise your hand and play down on the floor. When you are hit, do not talk to active players. "Dead men don't talk”. Capturing the enemy. If you wish to capture the enemy you firstly have to search them for hidden weapons and ied’s etc. However should you miss anything during your search then they are game on and the detainee can use his own initiative. No need to remove weapons as long as the player is happy to have them removed this also goes for Pyro. Any weapons not removed from the detainee should be made safe. You must medic him with a bandage and then he is alive for you to take back and keep for up to 20 minutes. Unless he is happy to stay longer?. Wet’s and nutty usually do the trick and under no circumstances should there be any type of torture techniques be used. Escape from your capturer. The only time a player can escape is if he is left unattended and is able to sneak away ! No Exceptions. SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS. Unless stated otherwise, all of our events will run straight through the 24 hour period, normally with a 4 hour period in the middle of the early hours to down tools and give to everybody for some shut eye before endex. The need for enforced rest will be catered for in a realistic manner throughout. Therefore a safe zone will be put into place to allow people who have travelled from afar to get some shut eye if they should require it. This will usually be in the vicinity of the car park. Players will be deployed out into the field and will operate from their Bergen’s rucksacks etc, from Lay up Positions (LUP), TACHQ, and Observation Positions etc. It is down to individual teams OC’s to create a rotation system where possible to achieve this. We do understand that the scenario on the day may not allow for this so OC’s need to be aware of all members attached under there guidance. Personal kit You are responsible for your own kit and TFBK cannot be held responsible for kit lost, stolen or damaged. Arrival times Time on site is 11.00hrs Saturday to allow for time to get people moved across site for various reasons & equipment divvied up & loaded onto wagons unless otherwise advertised. Note. (This only applies to weekend events, Single day events will be posted accordingly) With ALL TFBK events, please try to make sure you are as ready as you can be with regard to kit & weapons prep. As soon as you arrive on site, or if your really good the night before. Once on site. Complete site admin if required & sign in. This will then be followed by the Site Safety briefing and event overview.
  11. FPS Limits. Chronos will be carried by all site admin staff during game days and reserve the right to randomly chrono any RIF in game at any time. Failure to comply with the info below could mean you have an early drive home 370 fps maximum. With .2g BB's Please if possible only use .2g or .25 g bb's. (Please don’t turn up thinking you'll get away with being chronoed with a .38g bb running at 370 fps and then drop down to a .2g bb and be allowed in game. It won’t happen) and that’s not what we want. Sniper rifles. 500 fps maximum – minimum engagement distance 20m. With a .38g BB at most. Fixed support weapons. 400fps maximum with .2g BB’s But they should. Only be used as fixed support weapons, we don’t like Rambo moments on site. GAS RIFS. Please use your common sense when the weather and climate changes as we don't want to be pulling Airsofters out of the game for running HOT guns. Any Airsofters who would like to attend but don't comply with or don't like the above rulings then don't bother. (WE WILL FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE). TFBK encourages but does not insist on the use of LO-MID-cap mags. We do however; have an ammo limit of 800 rounds. Normally a 800 round limit for AEG’s will be in place. No loose ammo can be carried except in certain circumstances. Support gunners can carry one full magazine or load with the weapon, This accurately reflects the role of support weapon gun team. L86 or similar magazine fed support weapons a limit of 1200 rounds is allowed in magazines. This limit can be carried by the gunner & his No 2. Support weapons must be of a type used & recognised in the real world ie. GPMG, M249 Minimi, MG3 etc. Box or 'C' mags on M16's, AK47's are not support weapons & cannot be used as such. Pistol ammo is outside of the limits but is restricted to one magazine loaded in the weapon plus one spare. Sniper rifles are limited to the same 800 rounds. Be advised that if you do not have the total magazine capacity to give you the allowed maximum load then you will be able to carry any loose ammo WHICH BRINGS YOU UP TO THE 800 ROUND LIMIT. Pyro's Only TLSFX and Enola Gaye products are to be used on site. Anybody found to be using any other PYRO will be at the first point advised to remove it from the gaming area, If it is found again then the Admin team reserve the right to eject you from the property with no refund. Any explosive pyro thrown within 3m of a person not behind hard cover is classed as a kill. Hard cover is defined as: a wall, a large tree, (Not a few twigs or bushes) or in a ditch, (This would class as a large crater or trench like system )Not a pot hole. Smoke grenades are not classed as explosive pyro’s & have no effect on personnel other than producing a smoke screen for an advance to target or an exfil from a contact. To disable a vehicle using an explosive the pyro must be thrown within 15ft of the front of the vehicle, this is to allow the driver to brake in time. All occupants are considered dead & the driver & his vehicle are captured for a period of 15 mins should the OPFOR decide to use it. During the 15 mins the driver will obey the orders of the senior NCO/commander of the enemy team or by the senior commander at that time. Captured vehicles can be used for any purpose. (Apart from a run to Maccys) IED's & booby traps can & may well be used during this time so beware that the vehicle and or driver are searched correctly as the medic rule also applies to the driver. If anything is triggered within 6m of you & you are not behind hard cover as described above it is deemed a hit and the above actions should then be taken.
  12. Yeah, I use topcashback. It's rarely anything more than a couple of quid, but it adds up. Every few months there's enough for something or other that I fancy from Amazon (for the extra few %), but one time a payment from buying a DVD player coincided with a tenner they gave me for someone signing up through my link and I was about to go beyond my agreed overdraft so I had the cashback sent directly to my acct and saved myself the bounce fees
  13. Yeah i was on X-Fire on Friday - waiting for a shipping quote for a 127mm x 6.01mm PDI barrel & W Hold Bucking - for a Vz61 Scorpion. But i've just been told that the ASG is a rebrand on the Well R2 TM clone. Can't remember anything good written or said about Well guns...
  14. TBH I wouldn't know megablocs from megabollox. In my day getting blocks with a 45deg flat face was amazing progress from the 3D pixelated universe our imaginations had to work with previously and blocks in colours that might make anything look even vaguely cool were the tiniest part of anyone's collection, kept in a separate container, hoarded against the depredation of siblings! Whatever it is though, I want to see the vid of you blowing it up!
  15. Uh oh, just realised the piston on my m4 is all the way back, and has been for a day now. Anything I can do to de compress the spring? (Bare in mind that it doesn't fire and I cannot access the gearbox.)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monty


      I'll give that a go, firzzle

    3. Monty
    4. AK47frizzle


      congratulations, you have now unlocked the next stage of gearbox maintenance!

  16. Jammy bugger is all I'll say to that. I never thought to search eBay for that sort of thing, didn't expect it would come up with anything!
  17. Anyone know anything about Bournemouth?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proffrink


      Same here; live in Christchurch. What do you want to know?

    3. Finius


      Pretty much anything and everything useful, airsoftwise and general living wise. Work are relocating my there next month.

    4. M_P


      It's nice enough, ground zero woodland is in ringwood which isn't far, not sure where their urban site is but I'd have thought it'd be close-ish too. Combat south and ucap have sites more towards portsmouth but that's a bit of a trek if you dont have your own transport. Can't really give any tips on whats around but the beach won't be too far :)

      Not sure what actual airsoft shops there are close as z1 doesnt have a walk in store. I'm sure there's othe...

  18. I have a thing about emails and response times. Email is a staunch part of modern businesses these days. People will readily answer a phone and take your money. If they cant be bothered to sit and write a reply to a sensible email, then it usually means they have the wrong kind of staff, they have too much business already, don't have time to attend to you or they are very disorganised. None of these things are good for the aspiring consumer. In Airsoft, many of those behind shops and sites are relatively young so they don't have the excuse of not being up on modern technology. Thats just my thoughts on the subject, but I like email as you get written transcripts of both sides of the conversation. Its easy to get it wrong with phone calls. Ive found that shoddy companies will answer the phone and tell you anything. The measure of them is how often they will return a voicemail message that you leave. There is a fine line between hobbyists and business people. The trick is spotting the ones that differentiate.
  19. Hi ive been playing airsoft for just less than a year so im still learning, im planning to go to JD airsoft just before xmas but the guns i want to have a look at they dont have in stock. I have emailed them 3 times in the last month and had not reply. Is this a well known thing for JD to do or is it just me. And do they tend to have more guns in stock than it says on there website because it looks like hardly anything is in stock
  20. utility on a drop leg... have fun running if there's anything in it! also, your freaky lefty-rightyness makes it look completely wrong, but I'm guessing it's all right where you can reach it with whatever hand you use for whatever action!
  21. The one you linked is much better than a Lenovo Ideapad Z580, regarding specs. I've never heard of 3XS though, so can't comment on anything other than the specs and price. No idea what quality they are or how long they're likely to last. From experience, here's a few brands I'd avoid/look out for; Sony VAIO - I had a Sony VAIO, was my favourite laptop I had. Wasn't the best spec-wise, but build quality and ergonomics, it was amazing. It was also the most expensive I've had. I could play games on it with it being on my bed, without it getting hot and overheating. Reason I got rid of it was because I dropped it and fucked it up. ASUS - Good specs:price ratio, you get more for the same cost as another brand laptop. I'd say poor build quality though, the keyboard/keys were flimsy and the keyboard started to bend inwards in the middle. The speakers went 'rattly' after about a year or so. The subwoofer port stopped working completely, so after just over a year, I returned it to Amazon for a full refund. Toshiba - Had two of these, both the same. Worked well, quite good quality, better than ASUS, worse than Sony VAIO. Bear in mind, these will not survive if you drop them down the stairs, I accidentally tested this twice. HP - Avoid like the plague. My dad had one, my step-dad had one, my brother and sister both had one, my nan and grandad had one. They all, without fail, overheated and fucked the processor within a year. Not the best build quality, no too expensive, but seem to have massive cooling issues. If anyone else wants to go against what I've said, for whatever reason, feel free, this is from my experience, of 1 laptop from each of the brands (apart from Toshiba and HP). Finally, if I was going to get myself another laptop, which I might for Uni, it would definitely be a Sony VAIO.
  22. This reminds me, the last time I was at a game, I was approached by a group of posh boys with all the tac. gear, but JBBG guns - in which they were using bulldogs (They sadly had no knowledge any other site existed, and swore by JBBG) Anyway, they were stuck up twats, drowning in multicam,wearing their Air cadet rank slides, bossing everyone around and thinking they were the shiz. In walks a lad with a G&G Top tech M4, they scream out in jealousy, "OMG IS HE USING YELLOW PELLETZ? LOLZOR" Jambwow has created his own airsofter, idiots with too much of daddy's money, no idea about airsoft, or any care about the sport. Their disregard for the sport and other players was proven throughout the day, I heard them discussing how one of them was going to sell his broken gun, as working, for full price to another regular and tell him to f*ck off if he said anything about it. The other shot me, full auto, from 2 ft away, in the groin.
  23. Had a pretty good birthday, first time I've not asked for anything airsoft related since I was 13 lol!

    1. AK47frizzle


      happy birthday if i'm not too late! In your 20s or still in your teens?

  24. BRITISH ARMY 'PRO BOOT' REVIEW This is just something written out of boredom. I'll update this tomorrow or later this week with pictures and more thoughts after I've used them for a more extensive time. (They are more matte in the other pictures from insane amounts of wax) I got them from Army Bargains in Dublin for 35 Euro. Great price for the condition,I'd rate them at Grade 2,toured in Afghanistan apparently but only minor wear on the soles but a good few scuffs on the front. They look pretty good as seen in the photo(After a metric Fcukton of Shoe cream,shoe shine and anti bacterial spray! I wouldn't want all that nasty squaddie stuff getting on my innocent civvie body*.) I was going to buy German Para boots,but they unfortunately fit me very badly. I will be comparing them to these as both are strikingly similar. You can hardly tell the difference at a distance! The boots are Goretex and Thinsulate lined. Very comfortable padding wise,good ankle support. I do recommend wearing these with thicker socks however. These are already broken in a fair bit,so flexibility is excellent. These are much lighter than German Para boots,but at one expense,shock absorption, which I'll explain a bit further down. Soles are moulded,very soft and acceptable shock absorption,which I'll explain more further down. Grip is excellent,However I did roughen up the soles a bit with sand paper,though I do this with most of my footwear. Leather quality is superb,stitch work and overall craftsmanship are great. Considerably better than alternatives made in China or Vietnam or some other Asian sweatshop nation. The British can still make great footwear. I am concerned however for the sole grips,they are very soft which gives good comfort but they seem a bit on the weak side. I have read of report of the grips coming off and leaving smooth rubber. Lacing system is far superior to it's German cousin. It's a speed lace type,the eyelets are pretty good and easy to get through. I am however left with a lot of excess lace due to my skinny little leggy bobs,I simply weave them through the little leather hooks at the back. The one drawback comfort wise is the insole,or lack thereof. The German paras have a nice and soft insole to absorb shock, but this feels like walking on wood or steel. I remedied this by jamming in some sorbothane insoles from some worn out runners I had. Coupled with some nice Russian Army wool socks it was a very soft and secure fit. Light weight and good grip meant sprinting and sneaking about was very easy,handy for my sneaky bastard/Sprinting nutter hybrid playstyle. Very little side to side movement so twisting an ankle is very hard. Shock absorption was acceptable maybe a bit mediocre,I tested this by jumping off a 3m wall onto concrete,standing,which did earn a few odd looks from the neighbors! Without the insoles i did feel some hard hits to my heel,which was a particularly tough area. With the insoles however it felt very light,but you knew you hit something. I'm guessing shock absorption would be far superior on the German para side. Incidentally,climbing up the wall with no support with these was very easy,thanks to the good grip and flexibility I've yet to test these in the Irish forest,but I expect them to perform well. I've also got a skirmish on next sunday and I'll report after that. Those two events combined will probably end up with 8 hours worth of rock climbing,hiking on rocky and muddy terrain,sprinting about on various woodland floors and more jumping on to things,with a greater height hopefully. I've also heard there's a clusterfuck with the quality of these. There are a few version around,ones with red lining,ones with white lining,new version and old versions and such. I noticed a lot of the problem ones are newer ones sold as 'Pro boots Classic' with the little Gore-Tex tag on the shin side of the boot. I'll read into this a bit. Minor issues and abnormal reports outside,Highly recommend these so far,rugged,comfortable and light weight,great quality. I'd almost go as far as saying these are something along the lines of the AK of boots. UPDATE: I've taken them on 3 hikes and a bike ride now. I've beaten the ever loving sh*t out of them,waded in water for a good 20 minutes,climbed rocks,trees and sprinted about the place like a squirrel on crack. My fears for the soles were confirmed,3/4 of one of the grips was torn off,and one part has cracked. I don't know if this is from my very sharp bike pedals or rocks.However everything else is fine. We do have an excellent cobbler in town so I can get them resoled and improved hopefully if anything happens. They are fully waterproof,waded in water for a long amount of time and not a single drop got through. Past statements stand,excellent grip and support,very comfortable and lightweight. Shock absorption seemed a bit better but still average. Another neat 'feature' is that you can only the writing on the gore text tag underwater,though I'm not sure if this is intentional! Still recommended them,just make sure to get some sorbothane insoles and you know a good cobbler if anything happens! PROS: -Light weight -Good construction quality -Good quality materials -Great grip -Excellent support -Flexible -Rather Bombproof -Waterproof CONS: -Really tough,requires an insole -Mediocre to average shock absorption -Bit of a clusterfcuk with versions and quality,though they are isolated reports. -Grips/soles are good quality but not too strong -Not very comfortable with thinner socks *sarcasm!
  25. Baptised my shotgun today. Got a grand total of 15 kills with it, and made sure that the other team suffered from it's 390 fps muzzle velocity. Have yet to try anything heavier than .20s in it though, moar experimentation needed!!
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