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  1. RED


    Hi if I have to pay for entrance? yes. generally £20-40 per game, plus expenses what additional costs? Are there any local shops? When I must change this spring? if do not have my weapon here i can rent for play ? yes. Almost all if not all sites will rent. What are the costs of rent? Looks like I need to buy a case of ammunition or when renting a gun got,? When are the meetings? Sorry for so many questions but in my country you are buying a gun you go into the woods and play anything more on the law in the UK, I need to get acquainted I have a G36C JG608 in my country (Poland), if I send this gun here I have registered the gun, or not? You can only legally * send it here if you paint at least half (51%) are in a bright color (red or green, for example poison. blue is not legal, it is not white or dark green). However, it is not necessary to register. I do not quite understand what's going on
  2. How its work UKARA ? takes 3 months of playing in the UK on registered sites. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/12-uk-law/ where i can find some map where we play in Airsoft ? http://www.airsoftmap.net/ if I have to pay for entrance? yes. generally £20-40 per game, plus expenses. what i must do to join Airsoft in UK ? nothing, just attend skirmishes if do not have my weapon here i can rent for play ? yes. Almost all if not all sites will rent. i have G36C JG608 in my country (Poland) if i send this Gun here i must registered this gun or not ? you can only legally* send it here if you paint at least half (51%) of it in a bright colour (red or poison green for example. blue is not legal, nor is white or dark green). no registration is needed however. i know i didn't ask this question (thank you two_zero!!), but is there anything else i should consider? yes there is! our airsoft guns are regulated by law to 1j power output*, meaning you most likely will have to install an m100 or m90 spring. *if full auto. if not it's generally regulated by site rules, sometimes allowing slight higher power output.
  3. Sorry for late reply, didn't see this until yesterday. Here are some pics of the join, top down: My mate gave me these with the RAS as well: Anything significant about them aside from the crushed section of the barrel nut?
  4. The Mk12 uses a heavier 5.56 round than the standard M16s though, so it will likely have higher penetration. It actually helps back up the fact that heavier ammo goes further with greater accuracy lol, it's just like airsoft. 3 brick walls sounds about right for a 7.62, I'd have put that on the lower end of its penetration tbh, would've expected more. Though I'm thinking 3 brick walls that are set up on a range with only 2 inches between them, whereas it probably means, through one house and half way through the next one... Also, I've seen videos on YouTube of people hitting balloons at 900m with AR15s, whether or not they were modified or there was some dodgy camera work going on, I've no idea, but it can be done. So anything that's been altered to be better at that is going to be capable of it and I also know a guy who used to be an LSW gunner and an ex para who claims to have hit targets on a range at 900m with an LSW, so if they can equip them with the same ammo the Mk12 uses they'd probably be pretty effective. The Sharpshooter is supposed to be for targets around the 800m mark though, but a site owner at Skirmish once casually implied whilst giving me a lift to the site that he'd dropped a guy at 600m with a standard L85, which are only supposed to be effective to about half that, so I guess the only limitation is the shooters ability lol. That said, the longest range kill with a 7.62 is in the 1200m region, so 800m for the Sharpshooter sounds about right considering the record was done with a bolt action, getting that range accurately and consistently with a 5.56 would be exceptionally difficult/impossible. It was probably just the volume of fire that made it possible to hit targets at 900m, that or utterly perfect conditions.
  5. Sorry I wasn't thinking drilled you're right the refraction and diffusion from the drilled surfaces would be really bad but maybe a purpose made moulded set with rows of holes. I was mostly thinking out loud as I have neither the time or ability to make anything like this, maybe in the hopes of someone who has the tech to make it work might give it a go and test it.
  6. Thought I'd make use of the way my doctors are yet again experimenting on me to get some authentic looking rough stylee Soviet gear pics, but I had to mess with them summat bad to get anything half recognisable and there's only this one worthy of showing. More for the lols than anything. I spose the background leaves posibilities...
  7. Problem is with most anti-fogging stuff is that come the summer I always found sweat caused more problems than anything - moved over to mesh but prefer glasses. What they need to invent is see-through mesh glass :-)
  8. Anybody played at either of the East Anglia sites ? Couldnt find anything in the review section.
  9. Hi all. My new store www.ak2m4.co.uk, is up currently up and running. It's primarily focused on selling the best Chinese/HK aftermarket parts like SHS and the recently popular ZCI and CORE brands which are popular in the US currently. ZCI products in particular offer great quality for their price, they just don't come in fancy packaging like SHS. As well as internal parts we also offer external accessories such as stocks, sights, grips, rails, mosfets etc. If there's anything I can help you with please get in touch. Regards Pete www.ak2m4.co.uk [email protected]
  10. ^^Yeah that charger will do the trick and having the PS built in makes it a fair deal at that price - especially if you're going to split the P&P by buying a battery at the same time. I forget the numbers exactly but I don't think you're supposed to charge 1600mAh batteries at higher than about 2/3A, so 700mAh capacity is not going to lose you anything in most instances that a more expensive </=5A charger would provide.
  11. I've got deans already installed in my M4, the gun came with a deans-tamiya adaptor, so I'm fine for anything from that end. Componentshop offer deans on their batteries with installation for £1 so I'll get it ordered with that option ticked. (not sure about the difference aside from appearance however if you guys recommend them, I'll take it ) Oh yeah is this charger any good? 700mA Charger for 1S to 3S (3.7 / 7.4 / 11.1V) Li-Po and LiFe battery packs
  12. I have emailed Gunman to see if they have anything interesting happening that weekend. I think Coventry is just one of their sites and I didn't specify location.
  13. Yep, i am up for anything Milsim but although WW2 does interest me, I do not have anything that would be suitable and I have already spent enough in prep for the cancelled Op: Shining Light
  14. Grab a Lipo? Plenty of those that'll fit inside a KAC RAS replica without breaking a sweat. No jury rigging required, no fake PEQ box or anything else like that. If you've got to make do with what you have that's absolutely fine don't get me wrong, but NiCd & NiMh are the battery equivalent of a VHS tape.
  15. Landwarrior have redesigned their web site, now I can't find anything!

    1. TomC


      Looks lots better though!

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I had never been on it on my computer until last night and I thought that I might have just been looking at the mobile / tablet version. I agree it does look better though.

    3. Nickona


      the multicam model they have on the left is hilarious!

  16. am gonna be trying 0.3g BBs in my G5 soon, will be the first time I'll have tried anything over 0.25 except for a brief stint on a 0.28 with my Mini Patriot. Guessing your 0.4g BBs are for your sniper?
  17. The wood does look more worn than this pic shows, I spose I could add a couple of gouges though. I've distressed the PBS-4 since I took this and it looks a lot better now... but... for no reason at all it has stopped feeding BB's. I hadn't done anything to it mechanically. It won't feed from any of my AK mags - the ones it has always worked with nor the 5 new ones i've recently acquired. I tried swapping back to the original mag catch. Dismantled the hop unit: everything seemed just fine, so I swapped the barrel too (which is something I've been meaning to do for a while). Dismantled the gearbox - the tappet plate, its spring & delayer are fine / so I regreased the piston head and checked compression = better than fine. Nothing has made a difference. It fires the odd shot but usually just doesn't. Checked to see if it could be mags - it fires fine with no mag upside down feeding BB's by hand/gravity - but these mags have worked with it for ages and they work in other guns V^^VGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  18. I can't bring myself to recommend a BWKK. They are very complicated to change settings and not reliable as far as i can tell. It's also damn difficult to know if it has broken or if you have fucked up the settings. Plus the entire concept of plug'n'play MOSFETs is bollocks. 1/2 the point is to streamline the circuit so it is low resistance - if you just plug the thing in between the battery and trigger, you don't gain anything other than the bells and whistles the programming allows. But BWKK's can be wired properly. I spose that if you don't mess with it much, just wire it with a 3rd wire to the trigger and set your burst control to 1, then it may well be ok. Seriously though, don't mess with it's more complex functions and don't ever swap out a low charge LiPo (when the LiPo alarm signal sounds) for a NiMh with a higher voltage, because doing that freaks it out so badly that the factory reset procedure no longer works...
  19. WTF why can't I post pictures? Am I the only one? I've tried posting both the image link and BBCode into the image thing but whenever I press ok it doesn't do anything? Clicking cancel doesn't do anything and pressing the cross to exit comes up with a dialogue box saying something like do you want to end, clicking either yes or no does nothing either....:\

    1. Deva


      What's the URL of the image?

  20. It's a good show. They do the 'army' stuff well the writers were both WW2 vets who were in ENSA (every night something awful) like a lot of that generation of entertainers and a lot of the audience were vets as well so they would always complain like hell about anything too obviously wrong.
  21. they are useful helmets, you can use them for anything up to the 80s
  22. One British youtube channel that does get a lot of views is BohemianEagle AKA the mighty Jingles. He does mainly video game videos (world of Tanks and War Thunder) but mentioned airsoft and his subscribers persuaded him to get back into airsoft and make videos last year. Very different style of video to anything else I have seen because he usually does videos of computer games. He has had to start by going through the basics for his subscriber base. It's all his fault I got into this, I ran out of War thunder videos one day.
  23. Easier to grip in gloves more than anything, plus I'm a massive CoD fan so when I saw the Badger Latch I had to get it.
  24. I find a 6.03mm to be the best bore size, as with 6.01 almost anything will jam it, and that's never any fun. The downside to L96 is the barrels have a specific cut although you can get aftermarket hop-up chambers that fit AEG cut barrel (PDi makes a good one I know, have it in mine.) If you ever need help with this rifle, pm me. I have been working on mine and it is now a trigger away from having all internal stock parts out of it.
  25. Got to play around with a WE MSK for a game today, absolutely bossed it, got some of the best kills I've had in ages with it. However, my cameras both decided to be cock ends, so I don't really have anything to show for it. Pissed off has been redefined by my mood right now.

    1. GiantKiwi


      What's the gas efficiency like? Always find WE to be a bit meh, however I really want one of those..

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      It was good enough to get by on, it was firing shots and they were hitting people, I was really impressed with the shot to shot consistency and the accuracy, it hadn't been lubed in ages either apparently and I could tell because the bolt was sticking and being very sluggish.


      But it was getting through full mags and locking on the last shot, if it had been lubed properly and the hop had been set I don't think it'd be possible to have more fun with an airsoft gun, becau...

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      because I've not had that much fun in weeks despite the hop being miles off and the lack of lubrication. I imagine the whole thing would've run flawlessly if it'd been properly kept.


      I was using my own mags in it, which had been performing abysmally in my L85, so it certainly functions better than that does.

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