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  1. No need for that stuff before getting mags and boots! Plus they're generally known as modifications, you won't really be upgrading anything except maybe your stock's quality
  2. OP Archangel 24 hr E&E With a twist. Sept 13th-14th 24HR event Site1 Ceri forest. Should you decide to sign up to this event as Russian forces then please pm me and we'll add you under a different name. Spetsnaz Special Forces from alpha group GRU have supplied a lead element of 6 scout sniper teams who have been deployed from their base in the southern district of Russia. The main tasking is to take out 2 key figures of the Ukrainian militia. However during the infil both key targets gave the command to deploy SAM rockets and shot down 2 Russian Mi-26 helicopter troop carrier helicopters in separate areas of a large forested area on the outskirts of the Crimea region in the Ukraine. During the attack both sets of pilots gave the order to ditch all kit in an attempt to lighten the load prior to impact. FSB have intercepted icom chatter giving a rough outline on their position and that they are currently patrolling the forest for any survivors and intel they may have with regards to the ongoing situation in the Crimea region. The four pilots of the downed gunships survived the attack as well as the sniper teams and require an immediate extract, unfortunately for them the kremlin have advised they will firstly have to locate any possible intel around the crash site area and if their equipment is serviceable then they are to carry on with the mission and make it to extract at 12.00hrs the following day. Ukrainian Militia. Key targets. 2 Places. Uniform. Black military type jacket black beanie or pukol and a cam chest rig or plate carrier. Unlimited places for the militia Alan Sladen Damian Sladen Deano Bore Sam Ingham William Pethard Llb Michael Corcoran John Milosevic Jamie He + 110 milispec landrover Samantha Allen Uniform: DPM,MTP,DESERT,ATACS, FLECKTARN. ALL ARE WELCOME Weapons. Anything goes. Bring everything Objectives: Protect the key members of the militia. Defend the SAM sites. Patrol the local areas for the downed pilots and any potential threat from enemy forces. Locate all of the pilots and the sniper teams, interrogate them on their mission brief and retrieve any intel which they may be carrying. Pilots Mr Maverick Mr Goose 4 Places Uniform: OD coveralls or OD uniform. Weapons. Pistol with one mag only. Objectives. Avoid capture at all costs. Survive the 24hrs until exfill. Assist the sniper teams should the opportunity arise. Sniper units. Sniper Team 1 Mr Smith 1 Mr Smith 2 Sniper Team2 Sniper Team3 Sniper Team4 Sniper Team5 Sniper Team6 12 places. 6 teams Uniform: Ghillie suits or any other type of sniper cam. Objectives. Locate as much of your kit which you require to complete the mission. Search the local area for the key militia figures and gain as much intel as possible, from weapons and munitions to enemy numbers and vehicles etc. The high profile militia targets must be PID’d photos taken if possible and the kill shot taken should should the opportunity present itself. Locate and kill the high value targets. Link up with the downed pilots prior to extract. If the sniper teams or pilots are captured they will have a 2hr interrogation time frame. After the 2hrs is up you will then merge into the the militia team and assist as new team members.
  3. Hi guys just been to my second skirmish (1 more then im getting my UKARA still unsure as to what gun - i want so many!!) im after some advice. i purchased a pair of ESS Profile NVG goggles from ebay for about £25. went to my first skirmish, and they started flaking on the inside - i read somewhere that this was most likely the antifog coating flaking off. i emailed the seller who said they hadnt had any problems previously, and they sent me another pair. i used this second pair today, and the same thing happened. i figure there is either one of 2 things: a) the goggles are fakes, and therefore the lenses are not proper or, i sweat so much that it is too much for the lenses. im would like to know whether anyone else has had similar issues - im happy to buy a proper lense if you think that could be my problem. or i need to start looking for something else. im a little reluctant to purchase mesh goggles due to the potential risk - had some shards go through one of the guys airsofting today with his mesh goggles. Should i go for some smaller goggles that cover each eye individually - if so what recommendations? or should i look at going for a BBA rampage mask (or similar) and have some ballistic glasses underneath (to provide the protection)? or have i overlooked anything else? thanks in advance Chris
  4. Its June and we haven't heard anything. Any update on when/if you are intending to open?
  5. Fair enough... I've got the barrel and as far as I know... Installed the rhop correctly. I've gone for a m nub in a lonex hop... As soon as I can get out to some range... I'll see if I can get it working. I can't say as I can do anything conclusive... I just haven't got the time. But I can certainly give the differences in std vfc vs upgrades.
  6. None of the reviews I have seen of R hop have really shown the difference of just the R hop or different barrels they are used on and certainly not at the sort of FPS we typically use in the UK. The few reviews I have seen often show a default 6.08 barrel and basic bucking+nub compared to a tightbore with R hop, ie none isolated testing. When someone says an R hop is more consistent what I expected to hear was something like - "on 100 0.4g BB shots the 99% grouping was 12 inches at 200feet, but with the R hop that grouping was reduced to 7 inches". Good isolated testing of the high end options and how they are combined just doesn't exist as far as I know. Even in a lot of the tests where we see them comparing groupings there isn't a lot in it, the pattern is pretty wide and the variance is very high that its hard with the number of shots they took to draw any useful conclusions from the performance difference they are claiming. There is this guy in New York who did such a video with R hop and a tightbore at 60 yards and looking at the two sets of groupings there really isn't much in it. He would need hundreds of shots to determine if there was a difference, and due to the variable wind on the day and his own inaccuracy it was very hard to tell if there was an actual measurable difference. There is one guy on youtube who did good comparisons of guns. He did them inside with the gun clamped. But he never tested upgrades, only the guns stock. I haven't seen anything from him in a year after he changed jobs so I think he has completely stopped now (despite updates on facebook saying he was going to continue). Ideally I want to see him with his highly isolated and scientific approach compare the upgrade options to determine the exact impact of these things individually and together. But right now I don't think there is a good test that I can refer you to that would show you the genuine isolated impact of the R hop or twisted barrel and certainly not one with them combined.
  7. Personally I would say there are better sites to buy from in terms of customer service / quality but selection of cheaper guns isn't great on proper airsoft sites. Admittedly though, BB gun sites are good if you just want something from target practice. I just wouldn't buy anything £50+ because they overcharge for a lot of their stuff like their RIFs which you can buy cheaper elsewhere. There is just a lot of us here on the forums who don't like the 'BB gun' sites because they tend to make up things about their guns, delete any bad things you say about them and so on. Not to mention their bad service. That said I've honestly never had a problem with them in that respect (although I don't buy from them anymore for the above reasons) Most people would recommend you save up and buy a good starter rifle or pistol. I know you only want a cheap gun but a WE or KJW pistol / G&G Combat Machine would last longer / be more fun to shoot and be good at a skirmish if you wanted to do that.
  8. @snuff - nope not done anything to the lenses except give them a quick once over with the ESS antifog cloth @Adam - thanks for the recommendation - would these work even sweating more than an incredibly sweaty thing (i was going for another saying but thought better of it in case of minors )
  9. you cant buy the gun from him at all with money or gifts or anything that is illegal, as said above If he gives you the gun out of the goodness of his heart as a gift and thats it and just he is giving it away then thats legal. Using the gun is fine at a site or not, owning one isnt the problem either its the buying of it, so if he gives you the gun as a gift there is no reason why you cant keep it and use it!
  10. Russe that sounds awesome that would be really cool. I would actually really like to play a a Horde survival kind of game, with say a group of survivors in a simple concrete building on a small hill. The building would be 3 storeys: ground floor would be 10 riflemen,max ROF 20RPS,max ammo capacity 10000 rounds each ,second floor 4 support gunners,ammo unlimited,ROF unrestricted, third floor 6 snipers/DMs, 3000 rounds each. Against them run 100,who are allowed only single-action weapons (non sniper) without sights of any kind,with unlimited ammo and respawn. Every 5 minutes the attackers receive 5 points,these are used to buy special players.A horde Overlord makes the decisions Abilities can be combined, and vanish after death. Costs for classes would be: Semi:a single player can use their semi-automatic weapon for a single life (cost 1) Full: a player can use their fully-automatic weapon for a single life (cost 3) Heavyweight:a player can sustain three hits before dying (cost 3) Precision artist:a player can take a single shot with a sniper rifle (cost 5) Smoker:buys a smoke flare (cost 10) Praetorian: Allows use of a riot shield for a single life (cost 10) Grenadier:buys a grenade,if player dies in possession, he must not use it. The grenade would be a bb shower grenade, a bb must hit the defender to kill (cost 30) Tank:can withstand 5 seconds of solid hits/ref's discretion (cost 45) The list could go on. It could be played as survival for a set period,or as a challenge to beat a site record. Slightly unrealistic but I'd give anything to play that.
  11. Buy/trade a gun from a friend - yes illegal Be given a gun by a friend and not give anything back - nope not illegal Use at a site - no not illegal
  12. Overpriced from a hobbyist perspective maybe, but they're not aimed at airsofters it just happens that some airsofters like to use real-world kit. As evidenced above it's not like you even need to pay retail price, I paid less than 50% of the MSRP for all 4 of my SF lights, which if anything makes them underpriced for the quality quite frankly.
  13. A few things have come of this realisation; they don't have the facilities to check or verify anything. In fact they rely solely on UKARA defectors and Skirmish Sites to verify their site membership/regular skirmish attendance. So basically the BAC does nothing other than charge you and give you a plastic bloody card as all the work is already done for them. In super short, if you are eligible to become BAC 'verified' – you already have a defense and can save yourself the £8 a year.
  14. I'm not too keen on the ERGs to be honest. But to be fair I do think they are quite good. Perhaps where TM have made the first recoil guns they have become the 'standard' so anything slightly different to it will feel awkward or odd. I remember years ago when I was into mixing on turntables (vinyl records music format for those of you born after 1990 lol) and back then a company called technics (a Gucci subsidery branch of Panasonic) produced a model called '1210s' ( pronounced twelve tens). They were the first direct drive motor driven as apossd to belt drive so they were miles ahead of the competition. Problem was they stayed the industry standard for 15 years despite much better stuff coming out. They only really died out once these modern young DJs came through using CD and MP3 formats instead. Oh those were the days
  15. Know your limits - with me I am total crap at the game so if anything I am the Sitting Duck or the one that draws out most of the enemy's attention whilst the more skilled players engage or flank them. I was in one game heavily pinned down getting my a$$ shot to pieces behind cover yeah I ain't getting out of this at all - maybe 5 even 10 mins abosolutely no chance of peeking But whilst they was having all this target practice pinning me down, some of my team siezed the chance and totally slaughtered them from rear left flank - job done Sure it was crap boring game but I know I am noobish so hang back or take a slightly different route to the pro's or even the opposite route to objective to keep them on their toes Apart from that - Run to cover - don't stroll or jog there - move ya a$$ Learn to peek - swapping hands so you don't expose too much when peeking left (peek low - like prone on ground level is also perhaps safer than just stick ya head out) SHUT UP - seriously - don't jibber jabber on field, whisper sign gestures etc... to avoid giving away ya team Play fair, call hits, walk quietly back to safe/respawn hand up etc..... Talk to the pro's at break/lunch and watch n learn how they do it If you get ya ar$e kicked - learn from it (winners never analyse games but losing teams always look back & learn so losing can be a good thing) I am still learning, but it is fun playing soldiers
  16. A quick google search came up with this: http://www.airsoftworld.net/cyma-m4-ras-ii-aeg-airsoft-rifle-cm005.html Haven't found any conversion kits or anything as of yet, but the description from the above link says it should be fully compatible with Tokyo Marui rifles. So it's a bit more expensive than a conversion would be but not as expensive as I thought it would be, so it could be an option.
  17. Doesn't bother me too much , like anything slightly extreme sports wise , know the risks when you do it
  18. Hey guys, didn't know where to post this so just put it here. Basically I've done my 3 games and have applied for my UKARA, I'm currently looking at getting the G&G Raider CM16 I've been told this is a great first gun to get but one problem I have is my site limit for AEG's is 370fps and the Stock fps is 320-30. I've seen an upgrade option at Zeroone Airsoft for the M100 spring, is this upgrade worth it at all? Had a look online but can't find anything. Link Here: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268&products_id=5774 Thanks. EDIT: Sorry just found out in the guides section, funny though as I used the search and it didn't come up but ah well. "MOD if you could delete this topic please."
  19. I would agree with the guys above - get out and rent one first time. Had a few peeps with cheap guns in my last game and by the end they were really frustrated as they were getting stomped by the guys with real (and rental) guns. Rent first, determine you are going to play and then buy a transparent/two tone of something cheap but decent if it will save you money in compared to renting (I saved about £100 in all doing this). Then you wait for your UKARA and buy a decent RIF. Isn't any point starting with anything less than about £100 outlay electric AEG. Cheap springers just aren't skirmish capable.
  20. The thing with Marui gearboxes is that you're not supposed to do anything to them.
  21. ive been banned from testing anything that goes boom anywhere near my mrs lol....
  22. Sick as in "dats well gud innit kid!" Or sick as in "oh look I have just vomited on the floor and it looks a bit like my gun!"? The gun in the picture is hydrographic dipped. The chances are there will be someone local to you doing it, most probably a back street car paint shop. Where are you? Be warned though you wil have to strip all the pieces off the gun you don't want the pattern on, remove anything that moves and remove the gearbox, barrel ect.
  23. Wouldn't be worth sending it all the way to the US. It would probably be taken by customs anyway since AFAIK they require an orange tip for import and they don't like trades and stuff. There are a lot of hydro dipping places here in the UK who might be able to doing something like what you want. For example: http://www.camolab.co.uk/ http://www.camolab.co.uk/portfolio/kwa-kriss-vector-multicam-hydro-dip/ I know at least one person on the forum got their rifle done by them (not custom painted like you want yours, but hydro-dipped) Also, if you're wanting anything engraving, such as the HWS or the dust cover, ask CaptainDumbass.
  24. The front site post on the Combat Machine is moulded into the outer barrel. It's all one piece of plastic, so it cannot be removed, unlike the site post on a metal outer barrel. I didn't get around to trying to change anything on my G&G CM16, but you might be able to remove the whole outer barrel and replace it with a metal one instead.
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