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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. Oh Ffs Pete That's a hell of an over reaction but why are airsoft items still being sold on eBay by UK & over seas people
  2. Only things I've killed in airsoft so far is twigs, leaves, skin & brain cells lol If I've hit them then it's 'hit' & back in the safe zone or over comms then it's 'got or taken out'
  3. Funny enough, I've just put a zci barrel in my g36 Soon find out on Sunday how it performs when me & beastmode team up
  4. A molle battle belt Will work, you can put shell pouches on it, they come in various styles & hold about 6 shells (the shells I have hold 30 rnds in each) so about 12 shells should be ok I advise getting a pistol & a few spare mags plus pistol mag pouches so you have a back up
  5. I've been using lipos for the best part of 10 years now, not once have I had them explode on me or over charge, the only Lipo I had puff on me was when my fast electric boat flipped on me & water got in I've never used a Lipo bag or ammo box, that came mainly from when smart chargers weren't around so people jumped on the band wagon If treated correctly then danger is kept way below minimum Just keep an eye on them while there charging, any hint of puffing or heat then take it off & leave for 24 hours
  6. I knew it was something like that lol & your l85 is a test bed, if it works out well, I was going to do the same
  7. 6000 rnds in one game ?? never heard anyone go through that many You must be munching through batteries aswell & constantly going through full auto I probably used half that in my very first game & sounds like your maybe just starting out or the excitement/adrenaline is still prevelsnt Change your play style, use semi auto, sneak around & shoot what you can hit
  8. What I've read, tbb is good fo accuracy but wide bore barrels are good for range (don't know how that works out) I thought you already had that barrel Doug
  9. Like beastmode, I limit myself to a max of 600 to myself & 1000 when one of my sons are with me but the less I use the better, I rarely want to use full auto Most of the sites me & my team mates go to, we use our own but one site, we have to buy there's
  10. I know you do mate but someone else could take it a bit further & that's when I step in Besides, we both know he deserves it most of the time lol
  11. I have to 'fess up' to shooting my 15 year old son as he was pissing around & shooting my team mates But being his old man, I can only go so far but my mates could go a bit further, if he deserves a chewing out I don't mind but that's as far as I let people go
  12. One of my common gripes when people say brand new but used grrrrr
  13. Christ, some bad injuries & certainly some narrow escapes for people Not really an injury but fairly funny (still don't know what happened) but managed to catch a BB in my mouth somehow, no damage or anything ?? which is weird Last game day, a bloke had broken his leg somehow to the point where game was ended, everyone had to gather at the RV point & no one was allowed to the safe zone Everyone complyed & respect to the marshalls for being on the ball So glad I have an emergency whistle in my kit
  14. The screeching is down to bad gear mesh where one gear is engaged to much or to little with another gear Watch YouTube videos about how to disassemble your rifle & once you split the gearbox, take photos of how everything goes in the box
  15. You could try the insulation tape trick by wrapping (at an angle) the tape around the barrel, that may take some of the play out of the barrel Pmsl & dont worry, I understood what you were saying snake
  16. A mate of mine has the bolt m4 He can only use it for cqb as no matter what he's done, he can't get it above 300fps & he said it's a bit of a nightmare to strip down cause of the recoil system
  17. Surely you'd need a bit of tolerance if it's a blow back pistol because the slide if you pack it out to stabalize it ??
  18. Did he find out on his 1st skirmish that jbbg had (shock horror lol) lied
  19. Oh my God Sacralidge, sacralidge I tell you lol How did he take it, are you still mates ??
  20. I was thinking the same Buy some dummy grenades or even a tennis ball painted green & see what happens
  21. He could borrow the battery that powers the strip mining diggers in Germany The power station itself
  22. Its amazing as we fix stuff where most things in Britain were invented The garden shed & kitchen table
  23. That's the point lol When pedo's, kidnappers etc say 'I've got something for you' He was being funny mate
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