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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. If the weather where you live is like the west country & you don't play indoor cqb then being stuck indoors isn't to bad
  2. ....Well it's 06:26 on the 23/08/15 & I'm up & ready for a rainy days airsofting at Spartan airsoft It's a fundraiser for one of our regulars so plenty of people going What time did you get up, where you going & what's the weather doing ??
  3. Completely agree duck, spoilt kids have no sense of hard work My kids get what they want but takes me a while & they appreciate it more To the OP g18c is probably the better full auto pistol
  4. Yeah, some kids don't understand how much all this costs but who cares when 'mum or dad' can get it
  5. Duck junior, huey, duey or louy ?? My 15 year old loves his 18c & my 14 year old loves his beretta
  6. I use an sj4000 can and made up the nvg mount as the one I ordered never arrived, didn't have time to order another so the one I made up works well Only downside is that I can't edit them using Windows media or anything I also have 2 round action dv cameras that I can mount on any rifle with rails
  7. Some sites don't allow the use of lasers The site I go to is at the end of the main runway so there band (cause of air regulations) for fear of crashing etc plus we don't need torches there & the only cqb site I've been to so far have no need for either unless it's a night game Some people on YouTube have made there own with an empty peq box or upgraded what they already have
  8. I've got kids but they know not to touch any of it without me present My 3 year old daughter loves pulling the trigger on my rifles, she knows where the safety catch is, how to use it & pull the trigger so I say bang when she does
  9. A mate of mine being a chippie has made a weapons & kit cupboard out of MDF & has done it a way that it blends in with all the furniture He's done it in an alcove and has disguised the front as a normal display cupboard so you can't see any evidence of the alcove As I don't have the room in my bedroom, I've got 2 cupboards with a work bench between them, all the small items go under the lowest drawer in both cupboards & rifles, bags & other large items are under my bed so I have it on wheels to roll out
  10. Not always As said in above posts, there's more than 1 reason to not hearing/feeling a hit Some sites say if it hits your weapon then your out but others say if it hits your body (including what your wearing) then your out, if it's a richocet then your out so it's always good to confirm in the briefing what actually constitutes an "out/hit"
  11. Hahaha hopefully the glass is still in the same hole then ??
  12. You could try using a catapault or a stick Neither are affected by weather conditions
  13. Dave More than likely mate, it's an easy thing to do if your noobie & don't know what to do
  14. No worries mate If ain't broke Leave it the Fuck alone
  15. Cheers Mack for that mate, trust me to forget the bloody buffer tube :/
  16. You can change the stock for a crane stock which will house the battery but this means you'll have to rewire it to the rear That's a dummy peq box & if you know nothing about airsoft weapons then I would leave it as it is until your more knowledgeable & capable of tackling things yourself
  17. n1ckh

    KJW G23

    Yes mate it is
  18. Was it brand new & in the box ?? If it was then it doesn't need a service & use it until the foot per second drops then you can get it upgraded As I do my own tech work, I can't help you with places I'm afraid
  19. No mate Where the bb's hit is where you want the dot otherwise you'll be pointing at a target 40 foot away & miss them by about 10 foot
  20. n1ckh

    KJW G23

    Only place you could use that function is outdoors or full auto cqb sites but its a waste if you do single fire cqb I like my g23 cause it's small, light & single fire even though I have an electric g18c which I use during colder weather
  21. n1ckh

    KJW G23

    I've only fired it once on full auto when my mate used it once at an indoor cqb site as everyone was in the safe zone It was an impressive rate of fire but I don't know what it's like to live with every day I much prefer single fire pistols to be honest but you could make a seperate thread about it
  22. n1ckh

    KJW G23

    Ahh, that's a bugger mate You could email & ask them but I have needed them 2 toned so I don't know
  23. n1ckh

    KJW G23

    Have a look on taiwangun.com Thats where I got mine from & it's relatively cheap aswell along with there mags at about £16 each
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