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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Cheeky vimto in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Swapped vest for a belt;

  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Josh95 in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Some pictures in game of my gear, using a rental gun still waiting for UKARA

  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Dan88 in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    A few bits I've acquired, I'm new to airsoft so I'm pretty happy so far, got multi cam ubac and trousers,
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Do you find the mag pouches restrictive on your SAAV, Nick? I bought one in US Woodland camo before i knew my arse from my elbow and couldn't get it to work with any mags except STANAG so i sold it.
    My modern Russian loadout is just about complete:

    Kit List:
    VDV KZS Berezhka Jacket (Kecks not shown) in size 3
    Splav Sniper harness
    Splav Suharnaya back pack
    Unbranded Sniper Belt Rig (4xSVD mags + 2 F1 Grenades)
    TO PKM 100rnd Belt pouch
    Unbranded Double Flare Pouch
    MilTek Comms pouch
    ACM 1.5L Hydration Bladder (w/ Camelbak stylee dtachable bite valve & tap)
    Unknown Pistol Lanyard
    Generic Drop Leg Pistol Holster
    Modified Condor Dump Pouch
    I'm considering buying some modern Russian summer boots -

    ...they look pretty comfortable and at £56.73 posted the price isn't such a kick in the bollocks!
    But I'm also wanting to get a Russian pistol I can skirmish anywhere, so probably a WE TT-33 (which will come in at about a oner with a spare mag posted), although I am sooooo tempted by the Gletcher Grach, but it would need valve mods on the CO2 mag/s to bring it down to 1.1-ish Joules and it has no hop, so it really would be £200 almost wasted - sooooooooooo pretty tho
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in G&G cm16 carbine (good first gun!)   
    yup flash hider glued on and gun is in 2 halves right down middle
    One of mine jammed very quickly using them cheap free pack of 50 bb's
    so had to open her up coz jam rod was useless - yup learnt hard way....
    DON'T use them cheap 50 or 100 bb's you get in with lame ar$e guns
    they are even lamer than the gun - a bollock ache to put back n all, screws
    all look like they will strip and fit back properly, like a crap disposible lighter
    you use it for little while and just chuck it away in the end
    Luckily brands like G&G & ICS give you a bag of 500 or 1k of proper bb's
    but them tiny bags of cheap bumpy jammy bb's go in bin or have use some
    possible decent looking ones in my CO2 pistol - 400 to 450fps yeah that bb
    is coming out the other end for sure.....
    plus you look like a nob with it.....
    OnlyBBGuns do it it mainly in black with just a touch of blue but alas gun is
    still crap like I said and though it seems good and could be ok perhaps.......
    NO IT IS CRAP and you wish you saved your money to buy a £100 G&G
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to NickM in National Airsoft Event   
    Just back. 1900 ish players was Urm interesting. For me and my personal view I would say I experienced much less cheating than last year. But with that number of people on site and playing just getting anywhere involved a huge firefight. Lots of bottle necks on the paths. My team played Saturday most of the day then only about half of us went out Sunday for an hour or two.
    After Only really playing the pit and milsims this year the number of two tones I saw in evidence spoiled things somewhat for me. Not because the player wasn't as good but sometimes it made things awkward for PID'ing targets. Eg. Delta (white tags) with orange two tone (orange is bravo) patrolling towards you. Can only see the gun as it's in front of the tag leading to blue on blue. Or you are sneaking through the brush and the guy down the line with the two tone gets spotted which gets you all shot.
    There was lots of good sportsmanship on show. I did a sneaky patrol through the ferns next to heartbreak and got 8 others in the back With single pistol shots. Each one either patted me on the shoulder, shook my hand or congratulated me as the went to re spawn. A guy apologised for putting a full auto burst into me from about 5m away.
    The social side of it is second to none for the airsoft games I have gone to. But unless they find a way to better coordinate the teams and keep the flow going I probably won't go go to many more. Our team is talking about maybe doing every other year and trying some of the other weekenders out.
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in G&G cm16 carbine (good first gun!)   
    haha my mate had one of those until yesterday. it broke on him and he couldn't actually get the flash hider off so chucked it out of his window and the flash hider popped off lol
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Cheeky vimto in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    I think you need new friends before he turns into the next Jack the Ripper.
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to remus in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    i remember a kid who unknown to him i remember from having done youth work where he lives and i remember him punching me in the balls... fun kid... anyway he came to our site and proceeded to shout orders at everyone and scream cover me when he came under fire(thats what happens when you give orders, you give your position away....) lets just say i may have left wide gaps for him to be flanked... lol
    then you get at the like of our last 'milsim'. 3 entrances into the enemy controlled ground. i was one of our sides team captains and we were supposed to be the quick response. anyway the 3 gates got efficiently shut down by the enemy. me and another regular were the only ones left at one of the gates as everyone kept probing to get through the others. eventually the defenders wondered off looking for kills and glory at the other areas leaving a skeleton force, and my team mate went for it. when i noticed he was away i followed. between us we cleared the site and finally managed to take down some objectives. and all down to the player that chose the harder path and was patient and skilled at it. respect for them over those who just go for glory....
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Black Death in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    Worst Pratt I ever met was a guy who before every game would brief our team as to how to play that game to best effect. He spoke with assumed authority and oddly spoke with a hatred as if the other team were genuinely the enemy using phrases like "I don't want these cnuts to go home thinking they beat us" and stuff like that. Most of us ignored him but a lot of the younger guys would listen. He even refered to them to they're face as CANNON FODDER to allow the better players to be more effective.
    Seriously, this guy needs to find a girlfriend or something because airsoft is clearly taking up too much of his little life!!!
  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to M_P in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    In my opinion the best players tend to be the quieter people who've played for a while, they'll have a couple of mates possibly with them and have spent good money on decent kit but generally keep to themselves and aren't the loud obnoxious morons that fill so many sites. I don't like to generalise but in this instance I think it's just about right
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to coreyb10 in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    There are always the ones who have bucket loads of kit and seem to change guns for every game. We have one at Skirmish. Nice guy and all the kit and advice you could ever wish for but in the game he's always shouting do this and do that, while he is in cover. Being ex-Forces myself, I find that when the game starts I hold back and see whats going on, make my decision and stick with it. If I get hit, I take my hit and learn from what I did wrong. It does make it easier if you seen where you got hit from and the guy is camping. Revenge is sweet. A good thing happened the other month though. We were playing the fort on the attacking team and everyone was bunched up. Seen as it was kill the VIP, both teams were in attack mode, which is always good. We had a quick huddle for QBO's and ended up advancing in extended line, pick your cover if it gets messy and pick and call your targets. It worked upto a certain distance and we broke down into pairs and chose an entry to go into the fort. One foot on the ground and all that, fire and cover.
    This was one occasion when people were a little stuck and stayed with the plan. More often than not it goes out the window, but when it works it makes you feel good and gives other people not used to the game an incentive to come back.
    That's my take on it anyway.
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Esoterick in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    The good players(and marshals) are definitely the ones that make Airsoft as enjoyable as it is. The second game I played someone lent me his M4 for the day plus a stack of mags. The game after that another player lent me some mags and lent out some other kit to people who had forgotten bits and pieces.
    As much as I get pissed of by players blatantly not taking hits I definitely think the amount of players that just want to have a laugh and help people out outweigh them massively.
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Russe11 in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    You tend to meet the best sort of players in WW2 games. Last game I went to, our squad was trying to keep the right flank of the other British squad safe and they were taking fire from their left flank (where the Americans should have been). We therefore swung round to outflank the Germans on the right. A head pops out of a bush right by us and asks us very politely if we wouldn't mind not trying to outflank them as the German side had a few people drop out due to illness and gun malfunctions.
    a ). He could have taken us all out as we hadn't seen him.
    b ). In what other type of airsoft game would such a request be considered
    c ). Why can't the Americans stick to the plan?
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Del Monty in Other Players - Best, Worst? Why?   
    Those players that stick in my mind are the selfless ones .. those who do little things that make your day that much more enjoyable .. those that will lend you a spare mag, ammo or gas in the middle of a firefight to help you continue .. those who stay behind end of the day to help clean up a site, sweep up bb's, collect rubbish to put things back ... those who help noobs with gun problems or queries .... those who give you a sandwich or sausage roll when you have forgotten your lunch box or food .. these people are the ones who will always be the best players to me, the often unknown people will think of others before themselves in order for others to enjoy their day just a little bit extra.
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    probably coz people were amazed it could actually get across the car park
    lucky kid got a good one I reckon
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    Bet granny is strapped full of C4 too
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    I'm sure there's a joke in there about a child carrying an AK in front of a Children's Hospice Care shop, but i'm too doped up to think it through.
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    Plot twist : He's an IS militant who has made it past the FBI agents posted at Heathrow. What the media haven't told us is that the IS caliphate is really an army of Oompa Loompa's.
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Mr Monkey Nuts in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    It's a child and his his grandmother ..... stop being so delicate!
  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to geoffreym in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    I don't think it's an airsoft gun, looks more like one of those light up and noise ones to me.
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    BLOODY HELL - my eyes are getting worse better get to specsavers
    or the old folks home - fvck me are they mad for christ sake
    jeez that is bad - well almost as bad as my eyes - where's my white stick ffs
  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to b1n0gHo5t in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    Nope..its in there your just a blind old fart
  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Baz JJ in Bad Image (Facebook Find)   
    I liked the comment by one guy who said
    O.A.P close protection detail, she'd just scooped the jackpot at bingo, it's a tough neighbourhood
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Monty in Mauser C96 "sniper" build   
    Over the past year I've been wanting to do this build. Maybe I'll have a go at it this year after I've got a car.

    I drew it out to see what it should look like after I've done all the work to it.
    Base gun is the HFC C96 rifle, my plans for the rifle is to chop down the outer barrel, thread the remaining barrel to attach a silencer, cut down the top receiver to align with the front of the ejection port, JB weld a rail to the receiver and somehow upgrade the barrel / hop up as I don't think the range or accuracy will be very good out of the box.
    Should be a funky little marksman rifle when completed. If I ever end up starting the project I'll keep this thread updated.
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