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  • Guns
    PJ4 CASV
    CYMA CM.077
    VFC MP7A1
    HK3 Px4
  • Loadouts
    MTP/Coyote Loadout
  • Sites
    Fireball Squadron
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  • Interests
    Destroying the opposing team.

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  1. I did my research until after the trade with a teammate who basically got conned into buying an ex-players lot which turned out to be junk builds), this was in the lot so i nabbed it. All those cool features though.....can it run 11.1?
  2. Swapped my stock CYMA AK. For a brand spanking new and unused Ares AM-009. I feel so so so dirty.
  3. Anybody know where I can find an IN STOCK 7/8 inch outer barrel for M4? got a last minute CQB setup i want to try......

    1. RabidNinja64


      and this would fit an A&K M4 Clone?

  4. So, decided on the ICS L86A2. Anyone got any tips for maintenance and use? 

  5. So, Ares Stoner? 11.1 Lipo ready?

    1. AK47frizzle


      if you want to break it ye

  6. Just convinced my old man to borrow me £400 for a gun i haven't even picked yet. decisions decisions

  7. Tryna gauge the room; LMG wise, ICS L86A2 or Ares Stoner?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I'd say the stoner, although thanks to airsoft a drum mag in the l86 will net the same results.



    3. Mr Operator (RED)

      Mr Operator (RED)

      It all depends on which one feels right for you personally I use a stoner63 it's fantastic but at the same time I wish I had never got rid of L86 LSW  but as Asomodia has said the L86 may not be the right choice for MILSIM so it will depend on two factors which one you like best and your intend use I.E skirmish or MILSIM



    4. RabidNinja64


      Appreciate the responses, guys. Can anyone comment on the internals of either gun? considering I know ICS and ares are pretty good in the AEG department

  8. That heart stopping moment when your M4 reciever pin flies off in the safe zone while your disassembling...

  9. Anyone know where I can get MLOK parts? 

    1. ak2m4


      What MLOK parts do you actually need?  Whole rail or just accessories?

    2. RabidNinja64


      bit of both tbh 

    3. ak2m4


      got some mlok nsr rails coming in a few days

  10. Got my birthday on a black friday this year ;D Think i'll treat myself to a new gun for the next game on the 2nd, Anyone recommend an AK for around £200? 

    1. warlord


      CYMA CM.045C Just got one from gunfire.pl with 4 mags came in at £190

    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Its also my Birthday on the 24th! Happy birthday for then!

  11. Quick techie question concerning GoPro hero session's from peoples personal experience; anyone got recommendations for Micro SDcards?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Iv'e had SanDisk and Samsung in all of my cameras. The only reason I use SanDisk over Samsung is when I have to use a gopro as it cant take anything over 32gb 



    3. Gepard


      +1 for SanDisk. I use this card in my camera and it works fine.

    4. Skara


      Using SanDisk in my hero 3+ silver, never had a problem.

      They work and they're relatively inexpensive.

  12. Here we go again! 2 years out of the sport and im mentally preparing myself for tomorrow xD

  13. Can anyone suggest internal upgrades for turning an M4 into an LMG platform? Using the A&K CASV, and im unsure if it's got a high torque motor, or if i need to upgrade my gearset or install a mosfet?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AshOnSnow



    3. AshOnSnow


      (coming from someone who's used full auto maybe 3 times in the last year)

    4. matas17


      @AshOnSnow because you can only hear piston hitting cylinder head and not so much of the gears whiny noise, i always shim my guns to best of my ability, even my KWA RM4 recoil gun is shimmed perfectly only hear piston hitting the cylinder head and ofc the recoil shock.

  14. Dug out my M4 after a year of not using it, charged battery and doesn't fire? Argh balls :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RabidNinja64


      Haven't really opened it that far to check. bit of a noob in AEG repairs. Will check tomorrow though

    3. AshOnSnow


      Not much of a repair - where the battery connects, just make sure one of the wires hasn't popped out of the little plug on the gun


    4. RabidNinja64


      Ohh you mean the soldered connectors? Yeah they're fine. Even tested the battery in another gun and it works, so it's definitely somet to do with the gun itself.

  15. Hey all :) Quick question; Anyone got any insight if the JG AUG-A2 is decent?

    1. RabidNinja64


      Sorry not the A2- the 2G.

    2. aftershock


      Jg Augs are tm clones and yes they are decent. The worst ones are supposedly classic army

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