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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. I retract all I said..... soz to OP for jumping on bandwagon helmet is the bellend type though if he dealt with one or two peeps on here.... One is a very upstanding person so that settles it for me the OP is above board / defense etc.... (post was misleading - one week and all that - RIF stuff, implies you just started) soz for being a dick and jumping to conclusions - my very very bad but yeah get a better helmet to go with ya good stuff
  2. Gunfire free shipping has gone from 69 to 175 Euro's, plus both GF & TWG prices have crept up again it seems :(

    1. Mack


      Might save you a few quid duck ;)

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I was just about to spend all my points but now gotta lose 70pts for shipping unless I go nutz - NOT WISE mrs duck is in one of her f*cking guns everywhere moods

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      wot a pi$$er - just as I get about £40 worth of points, I gotta waste 70 for free del or place a 175 Euro order for free del - f*ck that. I've blown too much so it will have to wait til March

  3. OK - serious suggestion but how about giving Fire-Support a ring and asking them very very very nicely if they can measure the G&G one ??? (will save ya buying a genuine one & measuring it or take box apart again) Only going by pics but deffo don't look like D Boys 29mm, They (G&G) may have decided to build it all around their convential M4 stock of parts, unsure what other non-M4 models may be using though but could kinda make sense however here is a ROUGH list of nozzles and their range of lengths (say rough range coz it really really can vary a bit as you already know) AK's 19.6mm to 20.7mm (short or long versions but these nozzles can really vary) MP5 20mm to 21mm - no step or ridge P90 20mm to 21mm - no step or ridge M4's 21mm to 22mm to just under 22.5mm M14 23mm - no step or ridge SR25 23mm to 24mm G36 24mm - no step or ridge AUG 25mm SCAR Boyi - 29.15mm SHS Red M4 nozzle - there are at least 2 types One has 1 x O-ring and other has a double or 2 x O-rings (both are nigh on exact same size when put side by side but slightly different ending at nozzle tip) NB - is really only a very very rough guide I threw together and that is taking the description's specs (which can be way out anyway - so don't flame if I'm talking out my ar$e once more but just a start)
  4. 9.6v but my son often runs with these on stock M4's, we have a few of them (vapex 1600's) they seem to do ok unless your battery has a moody cell in there (binned one of these in stick variety coz it was getting very warm on charge but dies very very quickly) blimey what beefy-ness ya done to ya gun - still if ya buying a new one get a good one that will more than fill ya boots
  5. Good Mask - a must extra mag if possible & some duct tape (tape them together - yeah cheesy COD/BLOP but it works and ya packing nearly 1k bb's) Some ol boots & Get the hell out there !!!! all the pukka loadout stuff can come later - get shooting
  6. Ya Lonex m110 should be putting you way over the normal 360fps-ish on .20's (they are a quality spring - must be coz Lozart uses them - lol) So that spring should be giving you out of this world propulsion really (can't convert say 370-ish might be on 0.25's but gotta be near 300 min) The whole Cylinder - Barrel volume Ratio is at best like an Oen University Maths course even them quick calculator prgrams seem open to flaws & misinterpretation each tooth is about 3mm in pitch so the full stroke would be about 48mm (yeah maths bit of 2xradius x Pi x length is giving me a f*cking headache too) plus all this is only ever a rough guide coz weird curveball setups present themselves now n then Suppose why experienced GunSmiths stick to a certain "tried n tested" & compatible parts list That optimum barrel - cylinder ratio setup is so easy to upset & go out of balance with too much/little air volume giving you really f*cking odd weird results Double check everything - sounds silly but ensure tappet spring is on correct way pointing down to switch as it can drag on tappet plate if installed upside down as you tried a full cylinder maybe see if you have a tiny slightly longer nozzle or compare to nozzle especially how well it seals when pushed fully home into hop-up try a shorter barrel too - soz to add more crap to try out but may produce different results and then based upon these people may be able to accurately narrow it down a little more (people way way way more experienced that this noob)
  7. that is perhaps one area to look into on a 430mm barrel really think ports should be futher back or full if ya did AOE and lost a little bit of final air compression
  8. AOE will not lose much overall fps - maybe 10 to 15fps you never really lose any teeth like in short stroking The first tooth on sector still picks it up at initial large pick-up on piston The sector continues to pull the piston back and engages perfectly fine on the other teeth even though the second tooth is missing and the 3rd tooth is shaved a little or a bit lower The sector gear still picks up on the 4th tooth and continues on its merry way What you have lost is the start/final resting postion of about 5mm from AOE The actual piston is still being pulled back by 16 teeth on sector gear but the start/return is shorter it isn't quite the same as short stroking which if you chop off 1 tooth that 3mm tooth is when the piston is at its highest tension point and you do lose 15fps easily on each last tooth or two From what you are saying it sounds like a mixture of seals on hop/nozzle perhaps plus the cylinder is maybe for a 300 to 363 barrel you say you have a 430 and I feel barrels in the 450mm region is getting close to max reliable propulsion of air on a "normal" cylinder - 500mm + requires bore-up or the longer 19 teeth cylinder/piston So feel that a 430 barrel would of needed very close to a full or very nearly full type cylinder This build is made more difficult as it is a clean fresh build and still a lot of parts may not be perfectly suited nozzles just on M4's vary anything from say 20.5mm to 22.5mm and that alone can be totally messing ya up Worst thing is you got no fall back on how it WAS running ok-ish as in a box you are tweaking or upgrading So a complete new build can be far more prone to compatibility problems than a previously tweaked one Cylinder Ratio can leave you to lose about 60fps but as you are so way way down me thinks it is probably also seal related to be that far out perhaps as well Take all this crap with pinch of salt coz I am still learning as I go and very much a humble noob myself
  9. No but my m8 Nobby down the pub, knows some guy who.............. Measure the old one coz there quite a few variations out there some seem "similar" to M4's - pah that's a joke M4's can be anywhere from 21mm to 22.5mm seriously some reports say long bastid mofo's about 29mm http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/classic-army-bore-up-air-nozzle-for-scar-series but the proper G&G one don't look nothing like a longer nose 29mm type: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gg-jet-nozzle-air-nozzle-for-gg-scar the above mofo don't look very long to me.... G36's & SR25's are a touch longer than M4's - getting to 24mm APROX !!!! so really can't help ya with EXACT TRUE DEFFO I HAVE DONE THAT example if ya measure the old G&G nozzle then some of us might be able to search/hunt or even check what "might" be near that (G&G - ain't they in Taiwan not China btw - but same meat different gravy)
  10. APS UAR 501 - this is deffo my lot for a while now TWG got another batch in & at about £101 I couldn't say no But deffo gotta ease up a bit
  11. LWA 10% OFF this weekend using code: IHEARTLWA Ahhhh bless x x x

    1. AK47frizzle


      that is tempting... might get a T1

  12. LWA 10% off this weekend using code:

  13. I like the punisher - god will judge our enemies we will arrange the meeting purely from a clever notation or statement, I've seen numerous patches & T-shirts being worn in fact only reason I haven't bought it is purely coz I'm so crap at the sport that is the ONLY reason I feel I am not worthy to wear something like that - coz I'm crap Otherwise if I was a better player I do feel I would have it myself - coz I think it looks good and I like it if it offended anybody in particular then I would remove but to be honest I really like it myself understand the need to avoid offending any ex-service reg or platoons though but punisher - nah I like it besides I'm playing toy soldiers in UK with toy guns ffs
  14. thank f*ck for that I was gonna dig out some crap stuff and sell ya 2 x 500's or something if you was really really desperate but thankfully you came to your senses....... Honestly m8 - if you managed to avoid buying crap the first time you had a lucky escape You will never know just how pi$$ poor some $hite is...... £30 posted minus say best part of say £8 = £22 £22 gun the guy is desperate to sell probably like me it is an embarresment just taking up room but it ain't even got the complete stock with battery cover (pi$$ poor HK416 bad look alike) so you can't even say it is worth that in parts - it ain't even that A decent v2 box will be £40 & G&G box probably a little more say £50...... Ya kinda getting an idea on how much better the "next step up" really is over a crappy plinker Just telling ya straight - not gonna slander any shop or owners of plinkers but trust me you had a very close lucky escape - alas I wasn't so lucky and many others like us on here were perhaps mislead a little and regretted it £90 G&G, nice gun and one I'm sure will do you right and be much happy with it as it way more superior
  15. Dunno - maybe neighbours garden gnomes ??? soz being silly again and that crap will get you in deep $hit
  16. well you had but remember you might be limited to Aim Down Sights on any larger mask NASA or deep sea diving helmet would be a bitch to go on the offensive with I reckon soz being silly but you gotta remember any full eye + face protection will impede you getting in close on ya sights/scope etc...
  17. I meant bend the MASK not ya glasses... the mask is straight across flat on ya face, I "slighty" bend the MASK so it follows the contours of my ugly boat a bit and seals better at the sides not snap ya glasses in two and head off to spec savers
  18. perfectly fine - if it don't shoot 60ft then its f*ucked
  19. some workshop googles are tested to withstand pointblank bb projectiles in excess of 1.2Joules (noticed some in screwfix last week) but they are probably just gonna mist up real quick and look like a misty scuba diver all lost or fish out of water.... I've heard a few people or stories about peeps losing a tooth or chipped a tooth without proper full face I'm ugly enough so will try and keep limited number of old teeth I have & use a fugly full mesh face mask to go with my fugly looks But yeah one of them cheapo eye-pro set that came in a cheapo gun it seems f*ck that crap, but is good example why we bang on about eye pro - yeah yeah yeah no seriously yeah yeah yeah - f*ck losing an eye coz of crap cost cutting and ignoring sound advice
  20. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Army-Skull-Skeleton-Airsoft-Paintball-BB-Game-Full-Face-Protect-Mask-UK-/351118468406?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item51c04aa536 They are a bit ugly, and even though they are mesh type you can still sweat & mist up a little if ya overheating a bit (I sweat like a pig but unfit smoker so serves me right) but can wear glasses underneath, - if you "slightly bend" them a tiny tiny bit to fit the contour of ya mush full face and cheap & cheerful - not perfect but does me most of time finding a mask / goggles for everybody is a little bit tricky, first type was like a motor-x style one with a peak on it - yeah looked ok.... then try and aim down sights with that f*cker beak malarky Goggles are much better for ADS with but unless I find better mask or goggles with a little more depth to accomidate my glasses that I need for driving/skirmishing I am stuck using the fugly full face mask That is thing max protection for ya mince pies without having to stick ya head back 6 inches to ADS if anybody else got goggles/mask for us 4 eyes I'd be interested to know a better less fugly option
  21. just noobish general stuff I do once hop is adjusted and hopefully going straight and true-ish I got old metal dustbin, plastic 4pt bottle & a thin aerosol can at different points down my garden ranging from I think 70ft to 100ft if I get right back to kitchen door to garden I think (my garden is well well secluded and my neibours are aware of my ocassional plinking/testing) Get them synced or zero'd on larger dustbin and work further back - the different sounds means I know if I have hit the target I was aiming for or if I suck or just blame the gun usually mostly with .20's but I should maybe start testing with perhaps .30's for some guns
  22. You got the right attitude and idea get along to a local site, listen to the briefing instructions and get out there and have fun don't worry about dildo - ya have main weapon only when you rent + some bb's & overalls & eye pro etc... A pistol & perhaps something like a rubber knife some people buy in their own kit/loadout but almost anything can be improvised as a sort of melee weapon for a sneaky knife kill (does not mean you bring the whole Ann Summers collection along though just some have done the dildo humiliation thing) rental for first game is very wise and see how ya go, check dates in your area and get out there (don't worry if ya get shot to bits - I still get owned by most players)
  23. What is your age/gender?: 47 Male What’s your day job?: Manager in Print company What are you hobbies?: Airsoft, Computers, Travelling, DIY, What is important when you buy your gear? (Price, quality ect?): Quality & Price (got loads of crap that ain't) Where do you buy it? (online, small shops or big chain shops): Online What makes you buy your equipment? (reviews, word of mouth ect): Both reviews and word of mouth, or calculated risk What is important to you in life – what motivates you?: The wife's nagging - I do as I'm told for peaceful life could go nutz and loads of silly remarks but yeah we are a mixed lot from all areas/walks of life
  24. you are gonna get out there mixing with people, work as a team usually you will get so much fitter than just sitting there on a console there are many outdoor/woodland sites, some indoor/cqb sites, a mixture of both on large sites plus some underground/tunnel skirmish sites too There really is a massive choice in guns loadout/equipment and different site styles too and the mix of various players from all waks and ages for you to meet, chat & then shoot each other (in a nice friendly fair play way of course) mostly shooting people with bb's or a melee kill with rubber knife or dildo if you wish to humiliate them oh yeah this is some fun crazy $hit going on
  25. great investment - a few AK lovers will be very pleased on you joining the dark side as one may say there is always a bit of friendly M4 Vs AK but both are great choices. (eye protection is a must even if just taking a few shots in garden - some ricochets have bounced back to me) wise purchase, good make/model from a good retailer
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