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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. about a tenner for one, but usually can get them cheaper if buying a box some cheaper mags have really weak springs and feed say 6 or 10 and then need winding like hell (Got quite a small number of mags that are absolute pants/weak springs - yes they can be replaced but I got my own favourites) when finished - empty all bb's from mag, never leave it wound up as you will lose tension/feeding performance this goes for all mags - when ya done empty & eject all bb's you can get out (well most of 'em) then your mags will perform well for longer.....
  2. I think you will find that may be down to the G&G mid-cap supplied which many say them G&G mids + some others are w@nk Good mid caps are not so easy to find, many feed for a while then splutter to feed well say after 50% I don't use mid caps - well I have some 120 & some 180-ish ones that do feed ok but they ain't G&G's I did get some G&G's mids and they were $hite so ffffffforget that my hi-caps feed in all my M4's (wish I could hammer them Dytac's in my AK's but will getting a G36/M4 mag adapter soon) 99% sure any feed issues are down to the iffy stock mid cap - my G&G M4's feed lovely on my usual hi-caps The CM18 & FireHawk have seen the most action out of all my M4's, if not a main primary one is always there as backup (just in case you think that it has only seen 1 or 2k rounds through it - uhm dunno exact figure but gotta be 20k in each at least)
  3. Sexy aeg - both types black/tan - most popular or tan/black is still damn fine normal reliable CM internals, 330fps aprox out of box 275 barrel cool flip up sights, rear wired crane stock deffo gets noticed compared to regular carbine/raider only down side it comes with a 120rnd mag instead of usual 300rnd mag (I use a load of Dytac 300rnd mags in nigh on all M4's) a bit more than a Raider but I love it, has drop down dust cover for hop (carbine/raider have pull down dust cover) Only thing that could beat it is maybe a 30th edition GC16 metal - value for money wise but still not quite as sexy looking as CM18 imho
  4. All I will say is that I have been defending our base with some of the more experienced players..... And was amazed just how quickly they spotted some of the enemy advancing......... 30yrds - 11 o'clock - got him 25yrds - 2 o'clock - got him blimey I said you got good eyes/scope - nah I just love them 2-toner's he replied Now I am as blind as a bat so it may my noobish inexperienced eyes may not spot you straight away but other more experienced players are more trained to spot the slightest blip on their vision radar I've seen it numerous times first hand how they detect the slightest thing out of place - focus & fire Some colours are better than others - green or blue say is not quite as bad as day-glo orange But moment the green/brown view has a splash of any other colour in it - especially high vis orange your eyes pick it up and you give it it your full attention is all I will say Your G&G shows very little red as grip/stock is disguised/covered by yourself if ADS - just a bit of ris showing OP's D68 is a LOT more vivid orange on display Many on here paint their RIF's with a camo brown/tan/dark green etc... Not only to customise it and put their own mark on it - well yeah a lot of airsoft is for show & stuff but there is also a bit of practical in this too best ones I have seen is where their own gun almost prefectly matches on their cammo/loadout (not just a black gun & black hoodie but really put in the time & effort to achieve max stealth - and look damn good too) All the above applies to woodland - general cqb cammo means very little well unless you are one of them artists who paint themselves up with brick patterns or a window to blend in perfectly
  5. 11.1v should only be used if the gun can really take it & has a mosfet to avoid contacts on switch arcing or burning out (really depends on each gun or setup) Most guns "should" be ok with up to 9.9v LiFe batteries - but would reckon that 11.1v LiPo still needs a bit of caution 9.9v LiFe batteries have a very limited size or range options compared to loads & loads of LiPo shapes & sizes/capacities Many tend to stick to say just under 10v using 7.4v LiPo or the old school Nimah's Old school multiple 1.2v cell Nimah's come in 7.2, 8.4, 9.6, 10.8, 12v options etc so a little unsure where the figure 9.4 lipo comes from presume you mean 7.4v Lipo ????? On average if a gun shoots @ say 14rps on 7.4v then you can expect/assume it will shoot 50% faster on 11.1v = 21rps aprox (well yeah you now got 3 x 3.7v cells instead of 2 x 3.7v cells) me personally I tend to avoid 11.1v unless I really want to and know the gun can handle it even then - the faster a gun fires the more likely it is gonna be prone to wear/heat up etc......
  6. Who was on your team with ya ?? Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles ?
  7. like i said it don't guarantee owt but at least an invoice for "sporting goods" or whatever gives you a thin thread of hope main thing always go with decent trusted sellers with integrity but like everything there is always a risk like in the case of The Great Marvo the Magician
  8. well just try and judge how big a "man size" target appears at your hitting distance That is a rough ball park figure or measuring stick to use out there..... dunno what bb's you are using maybe .20's - no more or .15's if using .12's which they may have shipped in ya box they will go all over the place so be careful about accuracy out in the open with wind n crap in the woods it will be a little more sheltered & less wind etc.... this is all about getting to know your gun Yeah I got all the theory - its the practical side I suck at I shoot like a girl - and scream like one when being lit up too
  9. bit of tape - you can clean it off with alcohol later if it shoots as good as you say then I think you will be ok to scrape by with to get ukara'd reckon you will get some kills with it and it does feel good taking out a mofo with a lesser gun happens all the time - even the most experienced players get taken now n then by some 12 yr old or a noobie hire gun player or BB site gun owner I still get owned by noobs - oh wait that is coz I am still a noob and suck at this big time nobody will care - you may get the odd snigger with it in orange but out there on the day people won't care what gun ya running when it all kicks off and shooting starts paint or tape - just hide that high vis orange crap - will increase your stealth no end no point looking the part and your gun screaming: "Come and get me I'm over here mofo's" Tape it or spray it and you can tag along with some other experienced players.... If you leave it orange they will just tell you to F*CK OFF with your high vis gun
  10. blimey you must have got a good one there google earth is a little bit out here n there on occasions I usually have just used pigeon steps on my size 8 boots to settle/measure distances aprox think that step is about 305mm - just over a foot as I'm old school if you are hitting stuff at nearly 150ft away like that then you should do more than a little scraping by my own one was ok at about 75ft but wasn't that brilliant as I went beyond that but quite accurate within its range/garden I could shoot a tiny old flower pot fairly reliable (about 3 inches maybe 4inches in size) at about 60ft but after that not so brilliant well - learn your gun's range/limits and engage peeps at aprox 75% of it - say 100 to 120ft and you shouldn't do too bad (as long as you can remember to quickly judge 100ft out there on the day) reckon you got a top tech d68 there
  11. try also to to camo yourself a bit too with ya d68 you ain't got the range so you really wanna be as stealthy as possible Iv'e seen peeps arrive with quite bold colours or track suit with vivid stripes down the sides I'm hardly one to talk - jeans & boots but I got a bit or range and deffo I avoid following other "camo'd" & better players than me and perhaps giving away their position so easily Deffo tape ya gun up a little if possible - it is so easily noticed that slight glance of orange through the bushes and keep your own colours dark-ish to help blend in a bit too use cover - sprint - don't jog to cover, pop ya head out but keep the rest of you in peek high - peek low, blah blah blah, practice peeking left/shooting left handed take more than one battery and/or another gun with battery just in case don't get stressed if you don't get loads of kills your first time - go with the idea to see what its all about that way you will still have a chance of having fun - which is the most important thing imho I'm sure you will be fine and have a great day and not do too bad all depends how many hardened pro's are on the enemy team I guess but in general you should still be ok-ish
  12. ffs - never gift, seriously Ian and a few others you could gift but to be honest whilst buyer/seller are haggling out a final price/offer etc..... just add a couple of quid on ffs and ask for invoice is my preference the fees have gotta come from somebody - unless you got real paypal funds/balance or bank account linked to paypal (yeah bollox - I do paypal via credit card & pay it next month rather than have my bank up for grabs if paypal gets hacked) seriously - a few quid here n there for an invoice - though this don't guarantee owt but miles better than gifting dosh and no leg/or limbs to stand or lean on been on ebay since 2002 - maybe more and yahoo before that with sending poxy cheques etc... before paypal been on $hit end of stick both buying goods that were fake, sent only half/damaged goods had to defend/fight fraudster claims trying to send back faulty goods that weren't the goods I sold them oh yeah I've learned numerous lessons from loads of dodgy c*nts over the years but please chaps - stop gifting hard earned dosh - or send it to some charity/comic relief/save the children etc.... rather than some possible dodgy f*ckers - not Ian, but you get the idea
  13. nice svd - scope may not match but screw that - it is just a toy gun whats that a 4x50 mofo on there ? loadout looks ok to me but I'm no expert on attire
  14. No excuse then to call your hits as they say think ya back is one place that stings a bit - hurts even more if its your own team.... "oh sorry m8" "Ouch ffs" under your breath you are saying - "Sorry - f*cking will be if ya do that again" soz - bit bored
  15. Technically a UK ukara'd m8 could import them for you - NO I AIN'T OFFERING !!!! But if you could find a trusted local UK airsoft member they "could" import if push really comes to shove But it is a little risky so there would have to be 201% trust on both sides then they "gift" your guns back But it is a major bollock ache for anybody but a fellow airsofter/army m8 you really know & trust tbh Soz - not trying to deliberately avoid or bypass the vcra but is an option to perhaps look into Maybe some of your old m8's might be into it if you look them up ??? To be fair though, look into amount of duty to be paid if keeping it all above board Times we have imported from stateside we have been clobbered by Royal Mail & customs crap but feel if you declare in effect s/hand aeg's with receipts ( much cheaper in US btw ) then a couple of s/hand guns wouldn't be a massive amount of value - heck get somebody to write out a receipt for one or two broken guns even and pay even less Suppose you could be the courier delivering them to a registered ukara member but dunno if that would wash But at least you are trying to explore legal requests and attempting to do it above board or being open about it And no - don't ask me - soz If you can provide proof of you skirmishing stateside and you being honest & open I feel you got half a chance
  16. ooh you going for the 2-tone black/tan look or you got a DE metal receiver now (like the 2-tone black/tan look myself)
  17. I tend to think you may have been very very lucky rather than myself/undying being extremely unlucky maybe he got a good working mp40 in a deal but reckon other guns may have been patched up & sold on quickly
  18. it is the earlier orange Viper G36 if you look at viper g36 really closely you will see the plastic gearbox and gears plus the lame motor too what makes these cheapo guns bad is you aresort of screwed if they go wrong - and they will coz they are cheaply made Normally on "proper" aeg's you can easily open them up - not so on many cheapo guns coz they are screwed/glued together In other words they ain't designed to be opened up - I'd say at least 50 to 75% cheapo's come in two halves right down centre and you have to open it all up just to get to box/barrel/hop units - often flash hiders are glued on rather than screwed on so if you do masnage to open them up - some stuff will likely break and/or the screws into the plastic halves will strip the plastic yup you can use a slightly bigger self tapping screw but you kinda see these cheapo guns really are not to be messed with much OK you got the thing apart - hang on a sec........ Now you find that some parts may not be Tokyo Marui compatible like most proper aeg's are built (some TM compatible spares may need a tiny tweak/file to fit in some guns but in general these parts will fit in proper aeg's) Often them cheapo guns use numerous bespoke parts - similar but different to the normal run of mill aeg's Yes some bits can be mad to fit or work with some modding but only if you have real time/workshop/love a challenge often you may find proper gearbox/motor/hop/barrel may need a bit of work or just won't go in there properly - poxy things They use weaker motors, weaker springs, lower power, and them plastic gears will strip to shreds in the end F*ck knows why they couldn't put in a cheapo alloy metal gear set in there for a few quid more - not steel CNC set just a cheap alloy ffs Plus if you need to adjust motor - oh wait you can't on d68 or change hop/barrel you gotta rip her apart all over again in 2 halves BUT - it probably puts out 240/50 on 0.20's which is more than an electric pistol or AEP but way below a proper AEG you might encounter A real pro could still kick my a$$ with a d68 but if you are like me - you would really need a decent budget £100 to £150 type gun It is fine for plinking - and ok at a push for cqb but going up against a 350fps or a 450fps sniper at woodland sites - yeah best of luck You G36 or D68 is not bad in ya garden hitting stuff reliably at say 50 to 60ft perhaps but that is probably wher power/range accuracy starts to end Now if your woodland aeg opponent can shoot you at twice that distance........ All that you will be able to do is try to not get the hump at being owned so easily In cqb/buildings you won't be at such a major disadvatage with overall performance - well yeah you will but nowhere as much as woodland Like I say it is a low end gun - I bought one & a B500A1 plus another couple of makes too from BB sites Then I stumbled across this place, got ukara'd understood the massive difference with a G&G M4 - really best M4 starter guns you get or JG 608 or Cyma AK CM028 series They are your next step up of guns if you think you wanna stick with it.... find a cqb, see if you can scrape by then on your next purchase you will fully understand what we mean saying them D68's are $hit is a bit harsh they are fine for real beginners/kids but a JG-608 is what most hire guns are coz they are sooooooooooooo much better G&G M4, JG G36 or Cyma AK's There are others - ICS, SRC plus others but imho & probably most on here willtend to agree on the above 3 makes as very wise investments (actually avoid SRC no way as good as G&G - ICS are nice but I love my G&G's more) EDIT - forgot fire rate: D68 aprox 8 or 9 rounds per second Vs AEG at double or triple that rate (most fire at 15-20 or up to 30 if beefed up a bit) yes you could do ok and not quite as bad as a pizza delivery boy trying to win Isle of Mann TT race but still at a major disadvantage (cqb - a fair bit at closer range is at single shot or semi only so not too bad for ya gun)
  19. find a cqb and you won't be at a big loss or disadvantage get ukara'd and a proper G36 can be had for about £85 from TaiwanGun
  20. YUP - f*cking carrier bags was my gun delivery one end came off showing the front barrel but RM must have plopped it back on well safe and good way to avoid suspicion ffs yeah that sounds like same seller to me A++ & all that crap wooo hoooo - my one thousand post - talking about dodgy sellers - just great SOZ - but if this creates crap again - to hell with it..... c'mon we need to put in place a min of say 250 posts or something (one forum I was on different hobby, had to have a min 1k posts to sell on PS3Hax Forum) There was times some peeps have come on to sell but have been able to prove/supply good ebay feedback Otherwise - well you can guess the possible results Yes it is buyer's responsibility to check blah blah blah...but if no min requirements - even a few basic ones like even 100 posts ffs this will show they are on here and may be able to contact them to resolve issues Otherwise this forum is washing it hands and "could" be seen to turn a blind eye to it Buyers responsibility & all that - yeah but ffs at least make it a little more difficult for some sellers Soz mods - not having a go but think perhaps we need to have a vote/poll on this and go with results let majority decide if a min post count might help Anyone not of that level can either provide valid reference or something Or we can just let anybody join up and sell bodged up pieces of crap not fitting to the description Yeah what a great 1,00th post ffs soz if any of this offends but feel I had to say it
  21. True but he got a couple of bits from a £150 mystery box from BBG4Less and is looking to skirmish with the D68....... If he eases up a bit, find a cqb and do 3 visits scraping by with D68 then he can save on rental and with 3 x rental £25's be halfway to getting a better gun if he gets bitten by the bb bug
  22. Lets just say a R85 from Ireland didn't quite arrive in the condition I expected mainly down to packing - F*ck all and I think he liked to buy up broken guns and "fix" - ahem bits not quite intact and it locked with something rattling inside box - bargain got a few quid knocked off but still a bad taste in my mouth So yeah I feel ya pain as did a few others on here and though I said we need a min post count to sell which stirred up a bin here briefly I think a few knew he was selling iffy guns to peeps not quite ukara'd yet thus very little comeback We kind of resolved it so I chose not to leave feedback, but a little later somebody else had more serious problems I dunno how people can sell off stuff that is pi$$ poor - but plenty do in this world (my own law is if it is crap - it is scrapped, just not worth hassle selling on crappy stuff) Alas - not everybody has the same levels of integrity I guess
  23. He ain't gonna be going to Dartford Sandpit with a WELL D68..... They say no 2-tone or clear guns - but more to point he will get shot to $hit out there Somebody find him a CQB site in Kent maybe ???
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