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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. I don't like him dangling a carrot over the UK people like that..... UKIP wanna the vote now and just remembered a thing back in mid/late 90's..... We went total tits up when people were playing/buying/selling sterling and £ was going through floor etc... Interest rates were then announced to be 11% 13% think it might have gone to 15% all on that same day of panic as sterling took a belting we WAS signed up for Europe but close of play they said we were stepping back from Europe and the interest came back down lower and lower each year yeah some of the Europe crap just don't work
  2. Not sure if I'm going mad - oh waiting I'm nearly there Not sure if I'm going mad - oh wait I forgot I'm already mad bastid dementia - what was I saying ????
  3. Well they got 30 yrs to pay it back or its written off - so that is one f*ckin long "Gap" year but yeah we need decent proper courses and jobs for them to come out to (as long as they are not lazy bastids like how a number of us have become over the years - myself included)
  4. yeah lets see how many of the opposition get shot in westminster actually that ain't a bad idea - go go Putinn
  5. Wasn't gonna reply as this is airsofting but wtf it is quiet...... Am or was one of Maggie's kids - yes Thatcher the milk snatcher you go out, get best basic form of education, get a job, work hard and hopefully stand on your own two feet/home etc.... Wish Scotland got their yes vote tbh - if somebody really wants out in any partnership/relationship there really is not much you can do to make them stay But ironic that everybody can start to pull away from UK with their own little country (always wondered when England would get a chance to opt out of UK) Seriously we - the UK are the UK because of being together and why pull it all apart yes everybody pays more or they pay less - heck how much I have paid in taxes but when I got made redundant I claimed very little back they wouldn't listen about mortgage - they said your wife still works - didn't ask how much she earned or anything.... Luckily that time I got a job, a crappy $hit job but a job all the same within a month selling myself well short for a while (but though that was a while back - '92 in fact and still trying to recover from last boom/bust - but was lucky I guess) No I don't love the Tories like I used to, they have squeezed everybody but if you the country are in financial $hit Then the last thing you do is take out a friggin' payday loan from Wonga - you have to cut back like family holidays, defense, welfare reduction etc.... I don't agree with Labour and the Blair & Brown pact - trust me m8 I'll let you have a go (and f*ck it up) or the so called fair proportional representation bollox of how Ed Milliband came out on top (yeah don't tell me the unions voting method so much better - do you realise how some unions are more f*cking corrupt than the politicians You wouldn't believe the backhanders and scams that were ALWAYS pulled in Fleet St with NGA & SOGAT unions on papers and how very little no I'd say F All those bastids gave a $hit about the rest of us working in pi$$pot printers for a fraction of what them greedy lot was getting the stories and stunts they all pulled yet they were gobsmacked when they finally got f*cked over by Murdoch and all came crashing down You can't hold papers/advertisments/newspapers to ransom for ever and take the pi$$ forever - something had/did give - plus the printers were betrayed by some of the electrician union who ran those new presses at wapping the next day - yeah solidarity there my brothers) Scotland did well - Nicola Sturgeon came across really well and we need to grow our way out of this Yeah - with what ffs - how we gonna just chuck grass seeds about coz we are still in $hit still so we ain't chucking money around I think Obahma is a good leader ffs but I can't vote for him from down South England... I don't want Fracking either, I think UKIP lost what headway it was making with the AIDS treatment story but a lot of people are thinking hang on a sec - "some" of that stuff does make a bit of sense to be fair but don't think they are all racist nutters But do they have any other proposals other than get out of Europe and ease up a bit on immigration ???? Still some of their "milder" policies are being at least looked at by the main parties - only coz it may cost those parties dearly not in money but in what they need - YOUR VOTE. That is the only reason they are kind of saying about looking at immigration/Europe I do NOT want to see a Labour & SNP running the whole country - which could happen (yeah nice one labour - think ya tucked yourself up there and even the more traditional labour people don't trust you - that is funny) I feel Lib Dem and Tories should be given another term to see if they can finish the job rather than another lot come in and blame others whilst they paper over the cracks so to speak. Lib Dem's have lost a lot of ground but feel they do what Clegg says and helps to keep the Tories in check a little Will I vote Tory like I have done previously or will I say to hell and vote UKIP like I did for Euro.... I dunno, I have been hit a little by the cuts, don't agree with fracking but unsure if UKIP will do much more than drag us out of europe Which coming out of Europe can't be a mega bad deal like some say, in fact some financial analysts say it could be a good thing Oh and America & China ain't in Europe but they still trade with the world - what did we do before we joined Europe but kept the £ Don't take everything you read to be gospel chaps on we must remain in Europe or the ar$e falls out of UK Remember the Millenium Bug and everything was gonna go tits up, planes drop out of sky at midnight everybody panic..... Ergh - think we scraped through just about ok on that one THEY ARE ARE ALL LIARS !!!!! Make up YOUR own mind, read up but take what YOU read at first glance with a pinch of salt, even the media is tainted depending on what/where you read Go with YOUR gut feeling or what YOUR heart tells ya - if your party gets elected and makes a bigger mess than what we are in now... DON'T blame THEM but the people who elected them - which YOU played a part in btw WE CAN'T KEEP BLAMING EVERYBODY ELSE FOR UK's PROBLEMS - We need to own up and accept we are all responsible in some tiny way we all overspent, we voted all the previous ar$eholes in, and stop moaning but get off our ar$es and ALL of us work to get out of this No it ain't a speech for me to move into No10, and soz to anybody on here who is really in $hit and hit much harder times thatn most of us (we moan but really we are still doing ok if you can somehow pay the bills (most of them) and food on table/wolves from door etc...) soz to anybody who really is in $hit - I am sure it ain't as easy as many think it is to get a job and keep it - best of luck to those of you be glad when its all over - just hope we don't get into a bigger mess when the dust settles - peace to all of you - yeah even SNP - kidding all of ya
  6. With good full face eye pro you wouldn't know which was a minger or not until lunchtime but even full face minger would be a start soz if this is getting bit sexist - my bad to any female airsofters out there (especially the really fit ones - lol)
  7. would be better then to get more ladies taking up airsoft though
  8. suppose you'd deffo call/feal ya hits - ouch but sod taking the stealthy route through them nettles or ivy - double ouch
  9. add a hint of wear/dirt out there in use giving it the touch of battleworn then it will look even better but nice job all the same
  10. nice one go easy on juice - probably 7.4v with 25c is gonna achieve 25 aprox - plenty for most maybe more with those gears/deans etc even if lonex is more torque than speed motor (ya ratio is nearly 40% increase in rof over 18:1 so in theory a 14.5rof becomes 20 with stock motor setup & 8.4v/9.6v old school nimah) add in deans wire and neodym motor and it goes up even higher fine for up to 30 but above that she may double fire unless AB fet fitted (which you have anyway) Actually with that gear set you will maybe need an AB fet anyway coz it takes only 4.4 turns of bevel to cycle sector compared to 6.25 bevel rotations to turn sector gear one complete revolution - so has less time/turns to stop (even on a beefy "f*ck me that is bitch to turn over by hand" neodym motor) Good job ya got the Pico AAB then coz with a non-AB fet there is a chance of double firing perhaps @25rps with 13:1 me thinks (yes you should keep AR latch in box coz though AB fet brakes motor it don't lock motor like a stepper motor) Also above 35+ rof you "could" get Pre-Engagement on normal m100/350fps setup (So be a little cautious perhaps if you are thinking of going nutz and trying an 11.1v - if she is hitting 25+ already on a 7.4v) Should perform da dogz nutz on 7.4v - soz for waffly warning or caution on trying to push her on much higher juice (be interesting to see if my maths bollox is way out but think the shs figures are likely to be with a 11.1v lipo myself) I gotta get around to modding & downgrading the bi-8001 and might use a hi-speed set I have and a modest but torquey motor (shs 12:1 & slow/stock speed but powerful Big Dragon m140 motor - m160 is a more mental motor in speed & beef btw) Oh and for what it is worth.... G&G are gonna be launching the the Dual Sector Gear version of the Fire Hawk next month so LWA say on FB 29rps on a DSG !!!! - why bother ffs & fps could be a bit lower depending on model/spring - jeez depending on ya wire used and space left to squeeze in the box "grooves" - you have the option of running either 1 or 2 trigger/fet wires externally on right side of box in 22/24awg & back to fet if space is getting tight with thicker 16awg wire. 16awg turnigy silicone is about 3mm in diameter, modify silver wire is a little thinner (not so flexible insulation but much thinner/stronger and so a little more room inside v2 boxes)
  11. That is a bitch sir...... set of new SHS gears or ZCI won't be much though (you have a chance to replace with higher speed gears but think 16:1 would be plenty with ya lonex, deans etc.....) A bit unusual as they are decent gears but w@nk bushing obviously caused it all to fail (had this happen to me at least twice on sector gear but was src and teeth width is very narrow so crossed teeth very easily on spur = CRUNCH) if the glued bush/bearings don't work too well then there is still an option to replace the 8mm and CAREFULLY drill/ream/file the holes for 9mm bearings - though you would need to be very careful and need a little time/workshop probably pillar drill probably 8 to 8.5mm drill - no bigger ffs and with round file carefully reach the 8.99 to 9.00mm diameter hole (all drills seem to create slightly slightly bigger holes that drill used so a 5/16 or 8mm might be max readily available size so rounded taper file might have to be used to increase radius by under 0.5mm - or diamter by less than 1mm if she all loose atm) but that is a last fallback option before buying a new shell hopefully bit of file/sanding off the pips and bushing should glue in ok
  12. Wow, Gunfire order Sunday - arrives today Thursday GLS, got a busy weekend ahead now. Well impressed

  13. Oh yeah many players are very firendly and will gladly help/support a newcomer I always kept away from the more experience team mates with my first tango BB site gun (not just coz it was vivid but also I was/still crap myself) But was trying to say know your limits and if your team are gonna try a stealthy flank... ffs don't join them but maybe stay behind at base with a day-glo gun or your lesser skills drawing enemy attention/fire Some of them experienced players that used to frequent TWA Urban were in another league or two to this noobish duck I would watch in amazement how just a couple of them left could still turn the game around and we still won - wow
  14. paint it, cover with tape to avoid giving away your position blah blah blah for parts/upgrades: http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/identifyyourrifle.htm http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/apps/webstore/products/category/764410?page=1 depending on what "BB guns" site you bought from and what she is shooting at would suggest using heavier bb's eg: 0.30gms upwards on 425/450fps (you have one shot so try to ensure it ain't blown off course so much) if she is over 330 - 350fps you have a Min Engagement Distance or MED you can't shoot anybody unless they are aprox 30metres away anything under that you have to use secondary/pistol or pray/retreat MED's may vary but aprox 25/30metres for sniping failure to abide by the site's guidelines will see you warned/banned soz if you was already aware of this but site will explain and usually ask you to confirm what 30m looks like This is very important to abide by to avoid being warned/banned or lit up by a lot of pi$$ed players cheaper snipers are usually ok to get your feet wet, to get them shooting really well and maintain accuracy will require a few upgrades at some stage cheap AEG's are not ok though, often cheap "BB site" AEG's will be shooting under 300 & under 250 is not uncommon on usual 0.20gms bb's, plus these will be firing at under 10 rounds/sec vivid orange that screams come and get me especially in camo woodland and pi$$ poor range too at an absolute scrape the crappy 2-tone aeg's they sell could kind of be ok-ish at CQB sites (close engagement, semi in most places so crappy gun might scrape by but still at a disadvantage though) but yeah 2-tone especially vivid orange is a real giveaway out in the woods no you shouldn't get laughed at - or not too much coz most of us started out that way if you can tone down/paint/cover it it should help extend you playtime a bit just anybody who ain't so cammo/stealthy kitted out, don't keep following the more stealthy/cammo'd players (unless you enjoy being told where to go as vivid orange really draws attention to you) play safe, apply common sense, listen to marshals and experienced players/teamates etc.... mag out/clear gun at safe zone, good eye pro & in general: don't be a dick and you will be fine
  15. think a mp5k might be worth a look at over mp7 not really in holster but reckon it could hold up better when needed At least give 'em a bit of hell if they get too close whilst your retreat/last stand when sniping
  16. Ah to hell with it all - just let me m8 rush in first Yeah don't worry I'm right behind ya m8 (if ya still alive) or try the flank & rubber knife/dildo approach
  17. Welcome & no doubt your gun collection will soon grow once ukara'd
  18. Ahhhhh soz didn't know that but yeah probably best cheap and safest upgrade to do if peeps can solder yeah if it ain't broke - something I should remember or remind myself from time to time
  19. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17830-cyma-glock-g18c-aep-also-asg-g18c/ Might be able to buy same gun just called asg for a few quid cheaper in UK perhaps from patrolbase http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-pistols/asg-glock-18c-electric-airsoft-pistol.htm#.VRtIWHVwYm8
  20. Probably got models crossed perhaps a little bit (So bloody many variations on CYMA range) But deffo stuff has jumped since Jan Bought 2 guns at 125€ & 160€ in Jan. Now at Gunfire they are 230€ !!!!!
  21. Normally is more common to see makers "over" volume Then with so so seals in cylinder/piston/nozzle it kinda still works out ok ish. Anyway don't matter too much atm, get box done Then you can try a shorter barrel much later on. But feel it might actually perform a bit better with a shorter and better suited/matched barrel to port Ignore my bollox - we can find out this at a later stage
  22. £15 fixed stubby M4 from fleabay / Hong Kong Or any crane will do if stock tube is OK But I think you will need a new stock tube too if fitting a crane on there coz wasp isn't multi 6 position tube So either fixed stubby or complete crane n tube is what you seek Stubby don't use tube at all so possible cheapest option But mainly available in black and sometimes dark earth Not quite perfect match for tan AEG but hey ho
  23. Wow 35/36mm port. Not being funny but that port should perhaps be a bit further back if your inner barrel is 357/363 approx 2/3rds or 3/4.... I'm no techy guru but if you look at cylinders with port a bit further back they will say is for 360 barrels Plus there are numerous charts to compare/look at The point end bit, at say 35mm should be OK to use with a shorter barrel - really seems like they used Same cylinder port position for shorter 233/275 & your 357 gun Anyway it don't matter atm - getting box sorted first But does seem like cylinder is for maybe better suited for a 233mm CM coz think the port should be Approx 10mm further back if my $hite maths kinda works Or Google up a M4A1 gearbox pic that should have say a 363 barrel on the gun approx, and see just how much further back the cylinder port is on most of them Google some cylinder charts in case anybody thinks I'm talking ultra bollox again
  24. If you stick with 7.4 or 8.4v Then probably cheapest tweak for a slight boost is maybe switch to deans on gun + battery BUT don't go nutz on 9.6, 9.9 or 11.1v without a fet - just keep it moderate 7.4v lipo stock wire and deans will give a slight boost to trigger/ROF All for a couple of quid (As long as you can solder OK) Little boost for little money, go easy on juice and she will be fine without major modding
  25. Even a mp5k can't be that close to the front of box. 99.9% certain they put it in back to front, Mp5k 120mm would have port about 33% That is like less than 20 or 25% from front Only guessing but atm your port is probably 66 to 75% distance from front of cylinder on 360 ish barrel And would be OK for a 300 but maybe not quite matched if you chucked a 230-250 barrel Soz to everybody keep chiming in Must get sick of me waffling (I know I would)
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