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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. They should be just normal regular deans.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Deans-Gold-Plated-Anti-Skid-Grip-T-Plug-Connector-5-Pair-Heatshrink-AO-V7-/291195530819?hash=item43cc9b2e43 only seen a very few guns on Evike than had mini deans http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-PAIRS-OF-RC-Mini-Deans-Ultra-Nylon-T-Connector-Plug-Heatshrink-Lipo-Battery-/330863597762?hash=item4d0901d8c2 and micro deans - nope they are way too tiny for any juice usage (though some peeps get mini & micro deans confused) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Deans-T-Plugs-Connector-Red-Micro-Connectors-5-Pairs-/301197085007?hash=item4620bec94f or all 3 deans sizes here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Deans-Mini-Deans-and-Micro-Deans-Type-T-Plug-RC-Connectors-UK-Seller-/361370496102?var=&hash=item54235c2c66 but they should be regular deans or T type plug - if possible get "grip" type to make is easy to unplug with wet/slippery hands
  2. hmmmmm...... what would of been interesting if he had shot the 320fps aeg into chrono The sniper/dmr was CO2 so this 25% loss at 30ft could have been down to maybe joule creep well in this case maybe joule loss on lighter bb's My own completely untested unfounded theory is the joule creepy stuff mainly applies to gas/co2 guns on heavier bb's (still think that aeg and "perhaps" hpa guns do not suffer this as it is air - but gas/co2 reacts exiting muzzle = creep) if he had got a shot on aeg 320fps and it showed 240 (75% power or 25% loss) that would add up but he didn't so we won't know for sure me thinks hop may not have been great or properly set for .20's either coz going on that maths another 30ft or 60ft = 90ft total would start to equate to 30m - ish or 30yrds and if he lost another 25% from 300fps = 225fps at 60ft and at 90ft dropping 25% off 225 - 56 = about 170fps at the aprox MED 30yrds or 30m that kinda sucks but strengthens why dmr/sniper use much heavier ammo But yeah this is a bit weird looking for dmr stats
  3. FireHawk's have battery in stock tube, and has a slightly different tube with splits to assist in fitting battery connections. tbh - stock tube battery does limit your options and all that http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1300mah-20c-continuous-discharge-lipo-battery-136mm-long.html is something like a tube battery but please double check yourself before you order anything 7.4v lipo equates to about a 8.4v nimah but has a lot more "zest" or response consider also perhaps replacing tamiya for deans + 7.4v lipo of any sort really - maybe 20c to 25c that will all help and be fine without going too nutz
  4. your ukara entry is "tied in" or "linked" so to speak with one particular site (your regular site you might call it) that is why usually 3 visits to 1 site is the norm. it will be that 1 site that will back your ukara entry so to speak (your entry is connected with your usual or regular site) you will understand what I mean when you get ukara'd
  5. sr25 or m14 me thinks sr25 with longer v2 box sounds a good option all round most of bits be m4 easy to source/fit bits etc...... that is just my take on dmr route or leave m4 as std aeg, spend a bit on barrel/hop etc... improve range over stock - still normal so no semi only & no MED but better range
  6. sometimes people place a shim behind it to give it a bit more grip see how it goes in operation once you got the box/head problem sorted
  7. strip box check it is just head or if anything else is problem sort the issue for now - you could go nutz and do this n that but if you ain't ultra techy just one thing at a time hop can be done later - but if it works then leave it lipo's will need a new charger - say a b3 or b6 maybe these sticks might work but please check yourself http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__17287__Turnigy_nano_tech_1300mah_2S_25_50C_Lipo_AIRSOFT_Pack.html by all means have a go yourself - do it in small stages and it should go sweet (rip things to bits with loads of upgrades means more stuff to check or go wrong) if a shop is good then that might be a fall back option though just a few places are not quite as good as you might think No offense to other places who have great techies who would wipe the floor with most of us just saying the are a few no so great ones I have heard - so yeah go for it and see how you go worse case scenario - it goes pear shape so either new box or shop techy to rescue but you got it cheap so wtf have a go yourself
  8. get ukara'd buy loads of guns n stuff kiss goodbye to your bank balance welcome to forum.... as suggestion - got a working gun - keep it for the moment buy a cheapy starter to learn to tech on rather than pull apart one that works very soon you will build up a collection of stuff/projects (story of my sad sad life)
  9. yes - there is a tiny allen key to look out for on it and they sell it on its own but not cheap: http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/parts-c8/external-parts-c97/g-g-amplifier-flash-hider-black-14mm-ccw-p3447 tracer - very probable but not done it myself
  10. right - I'm off...... a week away with family - oh the " joy "

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      missed shooting today n all - jeez thats put in a bad mood already...

      be good all & I'm sure you will notice the site is a lot faster when I'm gone


      cya - play nicely btw

    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Hope you and the family have good time. If you spend to much I will give you tenner for your G&G collection, I need something to test out a 36v lipo I just got


    3. b1n0gHo5t


      you shall be missed..boys get the party hats & cake its time to paarty ah hem a fond fair well old boy until next time ;-)

  11. Can't - my schedule is too full what with ballet & violin lessons
  12. Only problem with bang rule is really get ready to shoot Over here a number of people expect to be shot, an ultra competitive player will just go for shot when they are presented with a surrender even if they know they are banged to rights, it is a toy gun and wtf I'll die the hero type of thing.... So if you offer somebody the sporting chance rather than shoot them in the back really be prepared to pull the trigger the moment you suspect they are not gonna comply Flip side of this - arguments about I was just gonna surrender ffs yeah - why try to raise ya gun at me I wasn't I was raising my right arm but the was the arm that held my gun ohh yeah sure you was, whilst turning to look straight at me I was trying to make eye contact to whom I was surrendring too.... and so on and so on.......... Black Death summed it up by saying I play and expect to get shot - he is a big mofo to say the least he would even go to surrender so you'd think with right arm whilst left arm might try for a melee knife kill as he said - if you got the chance shoot me That is how he rolls, now obviously if you got a point blank shot at a 12yr old that is a bit different (though watch it - coz them little sods will go for just as much as Black Death would) No offense to anybody above - but each situation is different yes we like to play fair and safe - just your opponent might not play quite as fair as you may assume offer a surrender but just don't for a split second they will take the offer as you might expect them to
  13. Rough translation - payback time you will now feel what " FINE " really means God help you if she also says " We need to talk " I'd consider getting a groin cup - just in case
  14. Even being asked by a member of my own team as I walked back to dead zone where are they then - soz m8 I'm dead so can't say - jeeez most of this is all common sense fair play stuff really end of the day - don't sweat it if you get it wrong at first - you are a newbie ffs (I'm still a noob tbh and it is just a game but we try our best to play fair & we are all learning by mistakes) newbie rental kids you kinda expect them not to fully grasp it first time around it is when you see the experienced players bending or blatant cheating it really stinks Good on ya for asking - you got the perfect idea of trying to play as fair as possible (if only all players did this there would be few rows & bitching so we could all just get on and play ffs)
  15. ak2m4 to the rescue once more - should get that guy a cape i reckon
  16. you can try/buy a pack at halftime just don't switch midgame - I tried a bag of .28's and spent too much time pi$$balling about adjusting my hop and was taken out very very quickly so lesson learnt - don't try and switch thinking it will only take a sec soz to my team - I was exceptionally crap that afternoon
  17. http://www.airsoftworld.net/elite-forces-sl14-speed-loader.html now that's a loader - 40bb's per pump but only for w@nkers, posers, and people with little else to buy (yeah we bought one - way ott but looks more manacing than most of my guns)
  18. yup may need bedding in a bit to build up to full capacity.... don't add anything to them but bb's..... some say drop of oil or silicone - nope you really don't wanna contaminate the mags some pushed through some old used bb's with a hint of silicone from yonks back but you really don't wanna chuck in anything yet........ it is like a car running in some mags - usually after about 4 fills they should get near their capacity and feed sweet suppose you can fill up a speedloader with a few hundred bb's run them into mag, pop mag patially full in a carrier bag and flick the bb retainer catch a few times more, refill speedloader with bb's in bag - repeat etc...... should see some improvement but hopefully without need to add oil as there is always a danger of overdoing a faintest of spray oily bb's won't go well through hop them ones - think many have got them run quite well very quickly - well seem to for me one of a handful of mags that feed great in a picky 416
  19. I'd stick with .20's and see how you go..... your gun is at 330 not 350 for Mall if shooting mainly in woods the wind won't be as bad unless you have more open battles (wood/trees will shelter some of the breeze factors unless you play in stronger breezes) my own site has an area which is completely open field on about 40% of "village" area so long shots may suffer a bit more deviation from wind etc..... learn ya gun's range and wisely choose when to open fire see how you go with .20's first, but if not then try .25's if your losing range perhaps I have used some .25's but jnr still sticks on .20's I need as much help as I can get but that sod was still kicking my ar$e from afar on .20's
  20. G18 has full auto option I think
  21. damn vouchers - ooh I got £10 off says the fool who spends £100 coz it was a bargain honest dear - I know I said that was it - 2 orders ago but this was a must have at a discounted price yeah - mrs duck has heard them all - now I tend to just pick my moments to inform her whats - or some of whats turning up next atm - I'm still cheap over last 2 weeks or so, the kids expenditure has been a drain with little left for my more serious toy gun crap
  22. nice work as the crack is underneath at front of receiver - you can still make up & fit a small external U or n shaped support as well that shouldn't foul any of the front end fitting into receiver painted black - nobody will ever know at first glance - bit like some scope mounts little block made up fixed with some slightly longer M3 bolts will keep her together with a U or n clip/support and will only help in to make the repair last perhaps oohh be really clever - make up the support as a underside AK scope mount SORT OF LIKE THIS NB - note sure 101% if all AK mounts will fit your exact model as there is some slight variations between make/models but you kinda get the idea of what I was saying to add extra support if it has a full U clip than the L shape clip in pic welcome to forum - your skills & equipment and approach in general are very impressive btw slicone oil is also good for polishing barrel & cylinder - not quite machine polished I know but that stuff is mega slippery - keep it well away from hop bucking - but 80 to 90% of barrel polished works very well as long as barrel/cylinder isn't scratched up the silicone works very well hopefully in use they get polished up a bit but like most stuff - tiny bit of crap and it gets scratched very easily
  23. indeed m8, but though I'm guilty of over-indulging myself the biggest kid in our family I draw the line at mega spoiling & totally ruining kids saw somebody at Mall's showcase walk out with P* M4 plus 2 x tanks etc..... carried by a youngster with his dad yeah ok I got tons of crap so kinda same difference could be said but my son's dream of a tippman/polarstar can wait a long long time (sod it he can get a job is my view if he wants the higher end stuff) But I guess to each their own views or preferences It is more important to remind us all how fortunate we all are being grateful for what we have got - not what we ain't got if people/kids lose sight of that then parents have truely failed imho yeah I bet he would love a tippman/p* etc.... but my 3-way wife's fit m8 thing is very unlikely to happen too so keep dreaming - keep dreaming very soz to OP to totally derail thread - AGAIN mods perhaps limit my replies to say something smaller like 2,000 words
  24. yeah that is what I keep telling him - that mofo will shake itself to bits (does hose some bb's out though - but yeah on full auto with kick it's a bit all over the place) cqb & backup he was grinning like a cheshire cat getting quite a few kills on its first outing more mags proper holster & probably propane kit will be required at this rate (he did well in gcse's so I guess mum can stump up the other bits - I'm skint now)
  25. he has a number of names I use depending on situation but he like numerous kids knows what is good and what isn't (I'm not having that - its crap) - blame the parents I know pistol wise - rapid shooting on full auto, looks & feels the part too, parts available etc.... I probably won't get/use one but can fully understand why they are so popular
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