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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. L85's are a type of gun that many people "think" they want probably coz being British and/or army/cadets etc...... Often though a number of people change their minds and may sell their L85 R85 and just stick to the run of the mill M4, AK, G36 etc...... To me it is one of them guns you think you want or want to own but it isn't quite everybody's cuppa tea in the end An ICS or G&G M4 is often a highly recommended good value starter gun even if you get a higher end gun one day - that good ol' M4 will do as a back up gun or sell on to another new player, they are good sound investments - this place runs on G&G, ICS & Krytac I think
  2. Seriously - do not buy a £80 JBBG, BBGuns4Less or most stuff on OnlyBBGuns.... It will crap out mainly due to plastic box and you will be lucky if it worth £8 or save time and money and buy here: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/broken-guns/ hey at least you won't get any nasty shocks - you already know its f*cked Joking aside - many including myself still have the scars from BB sites Yes at a push - a real push if you played close cqb you could maybe just about scrape by with a crap gun but it won't last so that £80 will soon turn into £8 scrap Why scrap - coz most of the stuff has bespoke mags, the gearbox to replace with a proper gearbox is a bit of challenge Actually some are for really sad bastids to mod with a lot of work and nigh on most would be a total waste of time doing So when - and they will crap out you are gonna be left with a load of crap fit for the bin and nothing to show for £80 investment C'mon - they can't be that bad ??? Short answer - 98% are not worth a w@nk and most new/younger players won't be able to spot the odd 2% ok-ish ones plus them 2% are still not that great - just not complete piles of crap - crap but better crap if you like Everyone says £120..... ICS or G&G is a LOT better - end of If you stick with a G&G or ICS until you are 18+ and get ukara'd then you can get great value for money £80+ RIF's from GunFire or TaiwanGun (don't bother trying to get one without valid defense/ukara you will just waste your time and theirs - they gotta check defense so don't bother) A G&G new £120 or maybe a s/hand setup with battery/charger could be got about £100 in 2-tone if an 18+ buys it even if that busts it is gotta be worth £50 not £8 Do not think along the lines of - Well £80 JBBG and if it breaks I lost say £72 Vs £120 - if it breaks = £50 so that is £70 lost - not much difference... No - the G&G or ICS will perform better, last longer and you won't get your ar$e kicked so badly = more fun & wiser investment can be fixed - or learnt to fix yourself and still if you give up get half your money back say etc.... Don't - just don't try and see if purchasing a JBBG pile of crap can be justified - it just isn't worth the hassle - end of So you see when we say save a little more - it is because we have made the same mistake you are considering Please listen to wise words of wisdom, I wish I had found this place sooner but for me it was too late Do not give that fat liar JambWow your money - he is a clown and knows jack $hit except selling crap guns to newcomers try to up your budget and get a G&G or ICS if possible - it is that simple (ps be careful buying other bespoke guns - often bespoke means hard to get hold of parts, spares, mags n stuff)
  3. Damn it - LWA had another 10% off offer, £7:50 e-wallet funds.... "somehow" - another FFR 2 fell into my basket and I think my youngest must of completed the checkout.... yup I know the ETU problem but its coming straight out anyway got a nice bonus coming from work and my Birthday soon so this is my last treat I told missus (yeah she don't believe me either) oh well - I'm having a party next weekend... I'm not inviting you lot - just telling I'm having a party anyway I'm lying - they all refused to come after last year....
  4. if it is new then speak to retailer under warranty.... The symptoms are vague to say the least locking up - how severe that it hardly moves again like gearing is shot chipped/burr on gears, bushings could have failed and taken a tooth with them even a bit of plastic chip off piston - if that is in between say a spur gear tooth it can lock up if it just struggles to turn but turns over without too much strain - could be motor armature, brushes shot though tbh I doubt it if gun was left running stock but could all the same be electrical than mechanical However - the misfeed problem could be tappet/sector gear related and this could be all connected BUT this is all still guesswork at best Apart from replacing brozey bushings with solid shs bushings - not bearings perhaps replacement gears may be needed and if knackered a new tappet plate & nozzle plus a good old service AoE tweaks etc.... BUT I strongly advise first of all if there is any warranty left - speak to retailer and use the warranty if it is s/hand and out of warranty then easiest thing is to ask at local place like Mall and see who they use/know/recommend A lot easier than paying shipping both ways to send it off to somebody very difficult to diagnose but if misfeed & lock up happened at same time I'd reckon the tappet & sector gear(s) need a look at or at least that is an area to pay very close attention to when they get the box open well it is still speculation - but get in touch with retailer first if you got any warranty left best of luck
  5. Thing is the precocking malarky can be achieved if you start running it with a little more juice..... so that she nearly double fires - half cocked so to speak Obviously as battery loses charge a bit the precocking gets reduced And you don't want to store a precocked gun either so people have been known to use a lower juice battery at end of day to park the gun/spring correctly This is not going to be nowhere as programmable as a Spectre but just one other option to consider Along with AB Mosfet needed or not - to each their own as they say If guns cycles quick-ish or is quite responsive, then the chances of releasing trigger too early is greatly reduced imho There are numerous methods & options available when tweaking and choosing a mosfet Think we all have our own preferences which we go with
  6. Fire-Storms ??? was seeing they sold neodym magnets too - but out of stock all the same F-Storm fets I'm impressed with and it takes a lot for me to say that - normally I just pull things apart - literally
  7. This is not a pi$$ take but an amazing inspiration to anybody thinking too old or crap for airsoft... http://blog.airsoft-squared.com/incredible-story-simon-jameson-airsoft-tank yes often I think @ 49 - puff puff pant pant I'm too old for this $hit.... but if that guy gets stuck in then regardless of how old I am I need to stfu and man up a bit - ok old man up a bit btw I was probably the oldest at Mall but my mind was still assuring me I was 30 years younger NO YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD - I hope if I get that old to just bring a sniper & commode along All of us are just big kids - some much older than others but still kids at heart
  8. Rough sounding on video but last whirr sounds like rolling back..... Anti Reversal latch broke missing or AR spring broke/missing Might be AR latch stuck/not returning or operating correctly, well that is if ya talking about the last whirr bit But sounds like spring half cocked, then rolls backwards If you changed spring, you might have forgotten or lost a bit belonging to AR latch/spring Yes you DO need that fiddly little jump around bastid, wtf did that go now.... Yeah you need the AR latch to operate correctly
  9. Call ya hits Sprint to cover - don't jog Take the lesser travelled path to objective - won't flank or catch enemy if you run straight at them Avoid saying dumb ar$e sayings like - he's behind that tree when in middle of the f*cking woods (no $hit sherlock - which f*cking one, that green & brown one....) Don't eat yellow snow
  10. G&G Raider £123 @ Zero One £3 over budget pick long or short Or G&G Carbine light - but think you would want rails to mount stuff on to make it best gun evvvvaaaaaa (soz - excuse my dumb ar$e-ness) free 2-tone but sold out I'm afraid atm DO NOT BUY FROM $HITE JBBG OR PLACES WITH BB IN THEIR NAMES.... or ICS is another good make: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-clear-plastic-m4-commando-airsoft-gun-aeg but a bit more info would help coz AEG £120 means jack you might want an AK or G36 after all these M4 suggestions
  11. Why don't the OP stick around a bit ask Q&A to get real feedback and maybe learn a bit too The answers you seek can be clarified and more knowledge than some yes/no stats crap that very often doesn't properly fit the criteria
  12. Even so, is it not a bit odd there has been a steady increase in this stuff bin just the last week or so since FB went pear shape etc.... I get enough dodgy tax refunds give us your bank account crap and paypal account has been suspended bollox Just coincidence perhaps ???
  13. Not being funny but there have been a number of survey bollox lately.... Now the OP may be genuine BUT I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU READ http://www.infosecisland.com/documentview/20594-A-Quick-Look-at-Spear-Phishing-via-SurveyMonkey.html
  14. That is the old style 2 piece hop unit as fitted to old SRC and TM's there should be a bit just below nozzle - that is the other bit held in by 2 small screws now some have cut away the lower receiver to replace with a more modern 1 piece hop unit or just replace bucking+nub is maybe what I'd do first with a quick barrel clean
  15. blimey you just missed out on the last lot of 30th GC16's sure there was 1 or 2 in stock on friday: http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-black.html still got the GC26 - not quite as nice imho but still a consideration Only coz you linked to Combat Machine GC16 (polymer with vivid white CM on side) there are other G&G's but can't fully recommend the ETU's just yet as they have had a few issues but CM18 is nice old school trigger system Something different UAR - quick change spring bullpup 400mm barrel at Taiwangun mag well is short and like APS mags but can be modified but still wobbles or loose mags G3 or T3 is different - very nearly bought one myself, v2 box and thought a quick change v2 box would be ideal in that gun 500rnd mags - compact or long barrel models to pick from with/without folding stocks but I got enough so keep talking myself out of buying more so missus leaves my balls intact or save for Krytac
  16. US based in California think it gets delivered by a couple of West Coast pron stars or something even so I ain't buying one - only coz missus is nearly always the one who signs for stuff in our house
  17. OOooooohhh the duck may be interested in getting one of those budget ones to use & abuse Other than that a G&G 30th GC16 at Airsoftworld is one of my top 3 or 5 G&G starters for ya money (prefer GC16 30th over GC26 but just my preference) FFR 2 ain't bad but has qwirky ETU unit CM18 is sexy looking - crap mid cap and not a fan of flash hider SR-S SR-L SR-XL, Hog's etc.... still nice - got qwirky ETU but if paying over £200 I'd consider others or save for Krytac End of day - often it is player not how much the guns costs that wins the game yes a good gun out of the box helps - I will admit that, but good players can hold their own with most guns they may use (even crappy out of whack rentals with pi$$ed sights and looked like they been used/abused like a cheap whore)
  18. easiest thing first is to drop the volts I don't know how fast & strong the 30k one is coz I don't own one but neodym motors vary a LOT some torques can pull tanks - well no but very strong springs but speed wise offer not much more than a decent stock ferrite others go like the clappers and pull most stuff say up to m130 easily then there are speed motors that go nutz but get very warm spamming on semi if using anything over m100 spring as a guide or general rule - connect up a 7.4v lipo 20 or 25c and she should be hitting 20rps then that would mean you was hitting 30rps aprox with another 50% or extra cell and quite likely that 30+ figure is giving you the grief loads of ways to get it under control - but if you wish to shoot at such a rate shortstroking might be only real way to fire at 27+ on 350fps reduce the juice - hey I'm a poet and didn't even know it reduce the charge then, and see if gun behaves better I would do this first before you start ripping her open again & again a shs torque pulls say 33% more than a stock ferrite a shs speed puls 50% more than ferrite a zci balanced motor I found was about 25- no more than 30% faster than ferrite and another torque neodym I had was nigh exact same as good ferrite pulling 20rps on 11.1v lipo - kinda crap speed wise so it is really hard to give you an exact answer on the spot check it out that all feeds ok on lower juice and you may find 7.4v - maybe a 25c or 30c will be ok for now plus if 7.4v is ok you should be able to use a higher capacity/burst in there too - plus cheaper
  19. Bit of both me thinks but wtf do I know.... Samarai could be correct because it should fire ok if everything was replaced correctly I would tend to think..... But if your Krytac was shooting at 420 out of box then it probably wasn't a UK gun so it could have the faster 30k motor not 20k motor in there Then add in you are running 11.1v on a m100 spring with neodym you will be hitting 25-30rps and yes at this speed with m100 it will double fire (well quite likely you are going to be 30 or over I would think on good neodym & 11.1v) Double fire I mean it will cycle twice on semi (God knows how many times people say double fire when in fact it isn't double firing but friggin' misfeeding and nothing then 2 then 1 bb's come out) So by what you said on that much juice it quite likely to fire twice on semi...... Your basic options is to drop to 7.4v or 9.6v and stick in low to mid 20's or old spring back in and ShortStroke the bloody thing to reduce fps aprox 15 to 20 fps pre tooth removal but depending on barrel length you may only be able to remove 2 to 4 teeth of course you could put in a m110 and just shortstroke 1 or 2 teeth if needed or fit a less powerful motor to prevent it going nutz and firing twice on m100 spring should still fire ok on semi though unless you did something wrong or it really going mental in which case PE may occur if you continue the double firing on semi is an early warning sign of you taking the pi$$ so it needs to brought under control a bit a little pre-cocking is ok but not firing twice - that is going too quick on present setup imho
  20. According to Airsoft Mechanics they use a special type of mosfet in there these are not the normal run of the mill mosfet.... Gandolf / Gandalf one of the innovators of using mosfets also prefers to use a unique type of fet in his builds latest one is his bobcat mini fet that doesn't use the regular 3034 but a special type of mosfet he buys from digikey He buys up a supply before they are all sold out and this "could" be the type that BTC use He stated that these fets quickly go out of stock and bought in bulk by numerous people other than him Based on this and also the fact that BTC produce limited quantities, and furthermore in another thread it stated that BTC actually asked the electronics company to increase production to meet demand but the company still makes limited quatities These are what I have read and not my presumptions or misinterpretations unless I misunderstood plain english - though americanised So I believe that BTC are made in limited numbers due to a shortage of supply rather than demand And yes they release batches according to their own supplies they expect to receive So with that limited supply and greater demand there is a general reason for these being out of stock and people waiting for the next batch to be ready to ship - so though BTC may or may not take "pre-orders" They may not always have them in stock, and if other retailers buy up a dozen or so and have their order processed by BTC Then they (other retailers), will take pre-orders on confirmed stock allocation from BTC and price in a mark up on a product The product itself will sell no problem due to demand exceeding actual supply - but still pre-orders exist at other retailers and if potential customers do not move swiftly as & when BTC produce the next batch, then potential customers will have to consider buying from retailers with a mark up on top........ To be honest we could go on about the price you pay and the general retail price most others might pay from local retailers or ones who have stock or not But even at £80 or £100 - I still don't think I would bother fitting it into a £123 or say £100 s/hand value gun tbh as it is Yes for $hits n giggles you could build a stfu polymer G&G gun that fires like f*ck with response and precocking blah blah blah but really - even I wouldn't bother and just use it for what it is - maybe a few tweaks but no way go that mad on it (even with a spectre in there it would still need more work internally and improve accuracy etc to warrant such a project) So I was saying £100 from UK - or if you like £76:33 direct - still as n when they become available but OP imho needs to consider other cheaper options and/or learn when to release the trigger and understand the way gun cycles as is Phew - you are right & I'm completley wrong if you wish - I'm done on this Mini Metro cruise control project
  21. Well that is if you can find them coz the last batch or pre-orders has sold out on Airsoft Mechanics as well..... The £ to $ rate has nosedived also at about $1:40 to £ - was below that last week but well below norm of about $1:60 currently with your by direct quote it is £76.33 though expect that to go near £80 due to fluctuations in real conversion rates plus additional surchages on credit cards or paypal fees that banks sometimes slap on equating to stuff not always being exactly the price you think it works out to... So yes you could get it for about $115 ish is latest price or about £80 if you can get on pre-order list or I say £100 as a roundabout figure if you track one down in UK with a markup on top (if you can find one) So I don't think my original figure of £100 was that far off.... https://airlab.parts/products/btc-spectre-fet-for-v2?variant=739259283 Still out of stock in most places and still for the OP I think it is way way overkill solution to his dilema but let us say he manages to track one down for £90 - to save any bickering over prices even after getting one - there is still a matter of who is going to fit the item ??? So if OP is having trouble learning trigger discipline atm then I would not advise them to jump in at the deep end with fitting one So if OP sends the £123 Raider to have it all fitted then I don't think they will see much change from £150 total on a £123 Raider still running stock - I think I was roughly right in saying I personally would not bother going that far on that gun Still to each their own - its Op's gun so I guess OP's decision if he gets the BTC in there.... To me - BTC in a G&G Raider.... it would be like fitting an super advanced cruise control system in an f*cking old Mini Metro
  22. I see a bit of both ends here.... I was aware the new member said he was from UK and moved to Ireland but is moving back so taking that guy at his word I'm assuming he is 18+ but even if he wasn't he could of been gifted a RIF never skirmished living in UK and still no laws broken I purchased something from a guy and did not go quite according to plan so I know about Eire's guidelines The new player was naive as to possible vcra stuff in UK but no rules broken if obtained in Eire but all the same it attracted interest/concerns how a RIF was obtained without skirmishing yet These concerns - and I admit if I hadn't said hi to the guy's new player message a few days ago from Sussex I would of had concerns too, but all the same when the full picture is put together then there is no law broken So with that - then I can see why after that no one cares - well not anymore until the guy tries to return to UK Then he will need some form of defense perhaps... So I would suggest he gets out and skirmishes a bit in Eire or where ever to build up a defense should need arise on UK return Yes I do take this sport or toy gun malarky seriously = guidelines but not too ultra seriously that every single loadout has to be perfectly represented or i's dotted & t's crossed on stuff I use All the same we have to respect and abide by the regulations so we can protect & continue airsofting So new player - I would suggest maybe not stating so vividly what you just bought and not skirmished yet as it adds confusion/concerns on AF-UK and strongly suggest you get out and skirmish a bit - shooting targets is nothing compared to getting out and having targets light you up in return Peace n love and all that crap x x x
  23. The first bit was like ehhh ???? but the quoted last bit is absolutely bang on - nail on the head & all that
  24. but mods should delete spam, correct post count and warn/ban spammer it is a hard line to tread/patrol been on other totally different forums where some mods and ego's gets carried away got warned for arguing the toss with a mod trying to be smart - which made him looking more stupid then he started again and I totally shut him up = a ban from the guy - ffs what a nob (yeah I am am as well - I know) guy knew his stuff but certainly didn't have a clue how to communicate with people - his word went - end of jeez So I have seen loads of examples where it goes one way then the other - and it is very very hard to get it all perfect best sites have been private sites where we all paid a small fee and we could all speak our minds but was mature enough to not hold grudges or take it to heart too much either - nigh on mod-less but one guy as admin we all knew from say 15yrs+ way way back on other public forums before we run down this place too much and pick all the faults there are loads of good points about this place too - like moi
  25. I was trying to grow the chin hair long enough to get it transplanted up onto my scalp (couldn't be ar$ed to shave all week if truth be told) NAE just sounds way too many, jeez middle of summer watch 1,500 chaps kitted out and smelling like f*ck over 3 days of peew peew or Go to a festival and watch 1,500 skimpy young ladies - or check out them fine lasses all around town anyway Hmmm - tough choice - probably stay home as I'm too old anyway for either option and watch babestation instead
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