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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. this might be better: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/y-p-gg-105-beretta-92-replica-gas-pistol-in-blue.html mags are gg-104 - gun pictured is in fact a 104 the 105 has a small rail underneath they are SRC's rebranded as Stti, HFC or others like Y&P The important thing before buying stuff is check availability of spare mags... No point buying a gun and can't get another mag if you lose/break the mag, seals can leak but can be repaired (o-ring) mags are gg-104 and go in both the gg-104 & 105 there is a co2 version - gc-105, exact same gun just comes with a co2 bulb mag instead of green gas mag all interchangeable so in effect you can buy gc-105 & gg-104 and swap the mags about blah blah blah blah blah blah but spare gg-104 mags can be bought reasonably cheap and do exist - rare for cheap guns but they do crop up now n then: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-pistol-magazines/m9-magazine-stti if you had ukara: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-4/m92f-m9-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-replica-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 or http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-4/m92f-m9-vertical-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 or mk23: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-4/mk23-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 or go nutz and get a WE Glock full auto for £75: http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-rifles-c38/pistols-c42/we-airsoft-europe-eu18-gen-3-tan-p3602 get what you want or can afford, check out if you can get a spare mag if possible but end of day £30 for a cheapy pistol is fine, heck I wasted a lot more at JBBG / BBGuns4Less and got little use out of it before it broke to pieces - so even a £30 pistol and bin it if it goes pear shape - it is hardly getting mugged over like many of us have been from BB sites
  2. Often wondered if any sad bastid techy - don't look at me as I don't think of myself as a techy..... if anybody took a bunch of neodym motors, set them up into a drill for example running at xxxx rpm then checked out the juice being generated..... compile a list of various motors out there and might give a rough indication of the perfect so called balance of speed/torque ??? Faster motors will generate more heat and draw more juice Torquey motors pull trains but run slower Saddo's look into the tpa more but this alone - output can vary quite a bit depending on wire thickness used, build quality and strength of magnets So even unwinding a dead motor to check all tpa n crap it can still vary a considerable bit Hence just wondering by conducting some tests in effect using half a dozen neo motors as generators - what the output would be for a decent balance ??? Faster motors would in "theory" generate lower volts than torque motors running as generators at same rpm speed (well you would tend to think this sounds about right) Then "maybe" it might be possible to make a quick comparison out of the (gear)box of other motors Obviously real test is just to "suck it & see" but might give a rough ball-park guide to a new motor to test But you might be identify motor performance a little by how it functions in reverse operation thus arriving at a good all round figure of X volts being produced at X rpm - but this is just free running with no load but all the same could produce a variety of results depending on the range of motors tested Think I need to get out a little bit more though (or start up an Open University course of OTT Airsoft Engineering)
  3. don't get co2 pistol, often too hot to use electric pistol like a cyma glock aep is popular but often only 200fps gas guns are normally what most use work well except in really really cold conditions mags hold about 20-25 bb's, no need to buy £75+ blowback when there are some decent non-blowbacks about often popular models are MK23 @ about £45 or GG-104 or GG-105 m92 type for around £30 (green gas req, can use propane if people really use their pistols a lot but reckon you will be ok with can of Green Gas) think you will be quite happy with its performance for a low price
  4. lol Reason why I pushing SHS Torque is they are cheap £25-£30 and easy to get hold of They draw about 2/3 of amps of much faster motors so should get more life out of lipo for about maybe 15% lower fire rate than riskier faster motors SHS gears over zci anyday - if stock gears are knackered grab a 16:1 or 13:1 if you are rebuilding - otherwise leave it as is tbh (if it ain't broke etc....) shs blue metal rack pistons if you keep the speed sensible - they are nice and can see why so many use them (don't think about blue pistons with plastic teeth - they shred like f*ck even if kept at moderate speeds) you can get say up to 27rps on 12:1 with torque motor on just 7.4v - that is fresh off charge 7.4v 25c lipo or get just over 30-32rps if you like everything running very warm to hot and your 7.4v draining quicker so I'm tending to go a little bit easy from now on and realise it isn't the gun's performance that needs improving.... It is simply MY OWN SKILLS that still suck and 20's is plenty for many of us
  5. tbh - a safe bet would be shs torque or some sort of balanced motor if running 11.1v faster motors will run warmer or hot - the shs torque is supposed to 16tpa like a zci balanced but pinion on shs is better reviews say if you got a Krytac - why would bother to rip out/disable the 3034 for the sake of AB, then have to place the AB fet somewhere The Go-Faster boy racer in all of us wants insane rof/response but at what cost/risk ??? I've finally come to the conclusion on just how fast it is worth pushing UK spec guns.... 30rps is about the limit you are going to hit with major work or major f*ckups - and I done a "few" Yes you can Shortstroke a bit, you can add spacers - which in effect are just putting back spring compression from the missing teeth you removed But end of the day, unless you are going to do a big amount of work you will be lucky to get much past 30rps on a "normal" UK SSG setup without overspin/pre-cocking/double firing/risk of PE etc..... Plus torquey motors and slightly faster gears will draw less amps so battery lasts longer and give off less heat Go a bit nutz if you like - but don't go completely f*cking mental or insane on our UK guns is what I have found out the hard way I'm no expert - far from it, but it is easy to go tooooooo mad is what I'm saying your piston could of just stripped on its own or stuff like that but people really need to fully understand the risk of PE Once they have got their heads around how/why it happens and how close some high rof guns can get... Then ease up a bit, replace with full metal rack for durability but now you are a little wiser to not take the pi$$ so much So will reduce risk of PE but going a little less crazy, build remains durable and lasts longer Yes any risk of PE with metal rack is dangerous as no weak point so you could smash piston gears pinion up if PE occurs but you are bit wiser so you shouldn't be going too mad so jog on chaps in ya 20's is my thought Yes I may push to 40 for a laugh now n then but if I want it to last a bit I keep it 30 or just under in my last couple of builds with torque rather than speed motors - the current draw makes quite a difference not using higher speed motors - well winter I might like my hands warmed up from hot motors but in general it is true - balanced motors is what you really should be using
  6. Using 18:1 gears plastic gearbox and very fast motor hitting 24.8rps she started double fire now n then This was using a 7.4v 30c lipo Use a 20c lipo or accept a bit of overspin on 25c on 7.4v fresh off charge This was an AK 12 black viper project, full cylinder not sure if it was 509 or 455 barrel I put in there But keeping her low 20's got her to behave http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/23635-first-ak12-in-production/page-5 Really should start another thread though as with my replies it's turning into war n peace novel that a quick Question & Answer
  7. AB fet's can make motors run a little warmer due to reverse polarity, some may hint at possible shortening the lifespan of motor. 25rps is not what I would expect to be regularly double firing at tbh except on say longer barrel AK where a m95 spring will get near 350fps and thus more likely to double fire more due to lighter spring End of the day, it is entirely up to people what they do with your gun, to me firing two shots regularly on semi is not wise long term as gun is cycling too fast to complete just one cycle like intended. That is a clear fact You may be getting away with it but the gun is talking to you none the less, I'm just pointing that bit out very clearly But if you are getting away firing two shots on semi, all no wear or riskyness you have no need to worry is all I can say
  8. me personally - get a £30 or so green gas non-blow-back pistol and tear his ar$e up with quick bursts (please wear good eye-pro ffs)
  9. A seperate mosfet is same install as all others - end of only exceptions are going to be internal types like spectre ascu or poxy ares/G&G etu malarky tbh you probably best start a new thread, me personally I'd ease up on juice if gun is often double firing firstly that is likely to getting close PE if firing 2 shots on semi very often a decent burst on auto may strip your piston or smash your gears to f*ck using an AB to counterbalance a gun not fully prepared for high rof/response is not wise imho Also depending on rof - which you do not state rof or lipo or gearing/motor etc..... plus if she is double firing I do not wish to know in case by sustained auto she craps out - 1 minor jam can cause havoc even well built high speed builds As you approach 40rps the old school trigger system can also start to show its age as the mechanical raising of cut off lever to release sprung trolley may not always work 101% flawlessly every time - there is a limit to ye olde trigger switch setup - hence the arrival of non-mechanical switching mosfet/switch units like BTC ASCU etc... for the really mental speed/response freaks out there. Yes I know plenty use AB mosfets - nowt wrong with that, but a little overspin is fine do not confuse overspin with nozzle being retracted - that is normal overspin to me is when piston is say getting piston half retracted or seen in rear box window if gearbox has window double firing though is way too much overspin - probably hitting 30rps+ most likely on 11.1v also with that much overspin that she is cycling twice by either running that fast or on a light spring you "may" still get some overspin even with AB (I said may coz depends a lot on motor's torque if it can slow/stop THAT quickly in reverse polarity against speed it was travelling at) If your gun is double firing on semi very often and you propose to remedy this by AB fet then me personally sounds like using using a m120 to get around a bad seal that fires at say 270fps on m100 spring but a mosfet is a mosfet really - 2 ways to wire in, 2 wire mosfet install = supply/signal wire usually done with dedicated wire or rewiring the gun or 1 wire install usually when using most of existing wiring in gun, 2 posi wires on same switch contact & other contact is the signal wire back to mosfet That is it really - 2 ways to wire them in - either/or depending if rewiring gun or not is why people use this or that method mainly
  10. did you add a set of hens teeth to your basket also ??? way above my humble nooby league - but best wishes all the same sir
  11. WTF - looks like somebody nicked/scrapped the TARDIS or something and selling a load of spare bits on fleabay The Doctor is gonna do his crunch when he finds that bastid Derek the Dalek
  12. Spidey kicks all their ar$es but DeadPool still comes out on top
  13. Super, just found out my company is looking to make my night shift redundant. Oh well it was getting worse every month and not end of world I guess

  14. Super, just found out my company is looking to make my night shift redundant. Oh well it was getting worse every month and not end of world I guess

  15. or this thread could be changed to: What Safety rating and mathematical formula have you just worked out........ kind of kidding chaps - yes important eye-pro subject and enlightening to how short the F rating falls in joules or crown jewels (yes way short of a 500fps sniper and also said check for side protection/covering too) very good to bring this to everybody's attention all the same - I've learnt some more stuff too But back on topic - My JG G3 arrived yesterday with some bits n bobs & better G&G bb's hopefully Some R-Hop material - cheers proffink some scalpel blades/holder for next Hop project to balls up yup think that is about it - can't be ar$ed to up pics - you know what it all looks like blah blah blah going easy atm - just can't do with agro and keep tripping over the crap I got even though I can't seem to locate something I know I got ffs Oh well better order a new bit as I'll be f*cked if I can find that sod in all my piles of crap......
  16. Think the more subtle but still important point Lozart is trying to make..... Bolle make some kick ar$e eye pro that passes way more than a bb stress test: http://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-atom-safety-goggles/4516f#product_additional_details_container (however the side protection is not up to such high impact me thinks but still...) HOWEVER - just coz Bolle make stuff the above and many many more goggles for all areas etc.... DO NOT THINK ALL BOLLE STUFF IS THE SAME EYE PRO PROTECTION LEVEL Ski goggles and other stuff is not capable of withstanding sniper impact - well you might look good but that might change if shot http://www.ekosport.co.uk/bolle-carve-crystal-smoke-citrus-gun-15-p-9-2974.html?gclid=CNOqoI7tz8wCFSsq0wodrRYFrw so be very careful when buying eye pro and look for proper protection and ratings if possible yes shoot test but if rated to EN166 you should not need to test it really look around at proper safety eye-pro - you don't need to spend to much to be safe but maybe choose a safe pair with some style or look like a scuba diver or lab technition
  17. Somehow a JG094 fell into my basket at GunFire "don't how that happened" is the line I'm gonna use when missus does her nut The line - "coz I wanted one" v "ffs enough is enough" - were racing through my head & "coz I wanted..." won this time just wanted to see what the MP5's big bro is all about I guess even though I'm not a great fan of front wired guns I couldn't resist no more I gotta stop or get help for this costly addiction.... Oh leave off - time I pay a shrink I could of bought some more guns say the little voices in my head (yeah but I'm the one that gets all the crap from 'er indoors - them voices are nowhere to be found when I getting it in the neck once again)
  18. That is just cruel using ya dog to zero ya sights - poor little pup got some welts on his head did he kick ya ar$e on xbox one or something ??? Now get your gun off HIS bed
  19. same ol' same ol' keep it under wraps - don't be like Dick = no worries we can't/won't be seen to promote or assist people who should not be owning a RIF or whatever if u18 and you can't persuade your parents to buy you an IF - soz can't help ya repainting IF - whatever your age is a grey area at best but probably ok for a skirmisher to own a repainted IF NEVER SAID IT WAS LEGALLY OK TO PAINT IT !!! but if it was painted gifted blah blah blah is slightly different If your parents are against you owning or going airsoft - tough $hit I'm afraid, yes life isn't fair and sure they have their reasons - yes parents are out of touch you think (when you hit 25+ you start to slowly realise they weren't so dumb and did know a thing or two) you should all know that by now & use common sense discretion act mature & responsible (yeah it is difficult sometimes but do try to where our sport is concerned) play safe and non-dick like = job done play bit means you actually do participate in airsoft rather just wanna own a gun coz it is cool non-dick = uhm do you really need me to explain this anymore ??? peace x x x
  20. yes you may be in breach of the vcra section blah blah blah..... but as to what the consequences are will totally vary on the arresting officer/station officer if you have defense - a reason to have an airsoft gun then quite likely nothing will happen at worst they "may" confiscate the gun and caution you if first offense etc.... All depends on circumstances on each case BUT AND IT IS A BIG BUT - bigger than Kim Kardashian's ar$e.... WHAT THE F*CK are YOU doing to raise suspicion for a police officer to arrest you ffs ??? in rare circumstances you might be taking pot shots in ya secluded garden you may have annoyed the neighbours and they might have been anal to call police...... BUT - if you was a c@nt and took your gun whatever f*cking colour it is out to show ya mates n stuff Then yes you will attract attention and run the risk of a visit by local police or worse which goes back to the "don't be a dick" Airsoft gun - used for airsoft at a proper airsoft site - no real come backs Airsoft gun - used by a dick - dick gets arrested is what I am saying VCRA/UKARA is designed to stop/reduce the chances of "dick" getting hold of a RIF though Dick can still get a RIF or a IF and repaint to change to appearance but though it can be done - Dick will still be a Dick no matter what, unless they bring in a new DICK Act 2016 Do not get me wrong - even proper ukara responsible players can still be Dick but Adult UKARA Dick should know better and may face more serious penalty if he has violated the DICK Act An airsoft player - whatever their age or if they are/aren't UKARA'd registered.... If you act responsible you have nothing to worry about at the end of the day if you act like Dick - then you are a f*cking Dick NB - soz to any people called Richard etc... this was just a general term used to get point across to others I'm not promoting or saying do this or that but you only gotta worry if you act like a dick really
  21. 30yrs min of hard labour cleaning ovens with Fairy Power Spray that is if the trial gets to Old Bailey coz they can prove beyond all shadow of doubt that YOU was the one that did it I bought it at car boot sale already like it - from Nobby in the pub blah blah blah They are trying to bring back death penalty I think if anybody under 99yrs uses Fairy on anything other than ovens plus if you do clean ovens you have to be registered as a professional oven cleaner and clean at least 3 ovens in 2 months again - most ukara/vcra stuff is just going over same ol' same ol'. skirmish = defense above all don't be a dick and try to act/play responsibly with ya IF or RIF or peeew peeew toy gun what ever colour it is
  22. Think he is a f*cking octopus or something..... or Doc Ock has taken up airsoft...
  23. yawn to 3 pages....... started typing an essay - but tbh I thought...... ahh bollox to it all in the end coz all the vcra/ukara stuff is just going over same ol' same ol' as last thread Can under 18's be "gifted" cans of spray paint ??? sorry - just couldn't resist that one
  24. yikes them Satan's ain't cheap, no doubt very nice but a tad too much for my toy guns for most builds - even UK higher speed/stress ones I think £30 will get you a decent motor yes some like Lonex and ASG motors but I can get nearly 2 BD160's for that and those still kick ar$e in a dsg or ssg (do not get BD120 = ferrite, or don't get m140 = slow neodym, BD160 = crazy bastid motors)
  25. What's that heatshrink instead of ptfe ?? clever stuff if it is thin enough not to restrict fitting hop unit in outer might try that next time as I just bought some clear heatshrink in different diameters just thought sod keep buy a bit of red then a bit of black - sod it buy clear and be done with it instead
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