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  • Guns
    WE G39C
    SRC Tokarev TT33
    A&K SVD
  • Loadouts
    General CQB
    Militia Marksman
  • Gender
  • Location
    Bookham, England
  • Interests
    Hiphop music, Martial arts, Parkour, Action movie making (I'm always looking for crew members, PM if interested).

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  1. sh*t. Why aren't more companies making sweet sci-fi paintjobs to comply with VCRA? http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-wstlnd-atomic-custom-aeg-airsoft-rifle-vcra-compliant.html

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      *note, my G17 is already a RIF. I just want to make it stand out a lot more http://s.navi-gaming.com/uploads/userfiles/images/read/news/common/new_csgo_skin/glock_navi.jpg

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Well somebody's deffo got some talent at AW, rather than pish pish that will do still wet pish pish job

    4. Caliber


      Very nice Falcon. I was thinking of getting my UMP-45 done with the Labyrinth skin from CS:GO once I'm UKARA registered. I love a bit of alternate design on guns, a break from the boring world of identical camouflage.

  2. Already is a GBB version on eHobby Asia (can't for the life of me remember the manufacturer). Though it's capable of full-auto, so technically it's a KG-9 with a barrel cover. Keeping on-topic, I'll never forget the first garden skirmish I had with my A&K SVD. Me and my best mate, vs his brother and his brother's best mate. Me and my mate were both using our spring snipers (he is the previous owner of my broken L96), and the other two had some rubbish £30 springers. The day was going alright until they got butthurt that we were too good at hiding, so we switched up the teams. I was with my mate's brother, he was with his brother's mate. It got quite interesting, but as I was looking through the shed door where we were hiding, my teammate decides to sprint out as I spot an enemy, and gets shot in the back of the neck. Bearing in mind this thing shoots at something ridiculous like 500fps out of the box, he wasn't too happy. All I could hear was my mate pissing himself laughing as he took a shot and hit me right in the noggin, ending our little day of high power plinking because his brother didn't want to get shot in the neck again. Nowadays he knows not to run out infront of someone's gun, so he learned his lesson.
  3. Threw my spare money at some G36C bits. Extra mag and a full RAS front end. Should be around by the end of the week, so pictures will be up around then.

  4. AY Spectre M4 looks rather tasteful. Looks like it'd compliment my playstyle nicely. Shame I impulse-bought that UMP-45 a couple months back.

    1. Caliber


      Aaaaand I found a GBB KG9. Damnit.

    2. DX115FALCON


      One does not simply regret buying a UMP

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caliber


      Nice. Cheers fellas.

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      I had the plastic DBOYS version, which sucked, but the metal one should be better and I've heard good things about. On the plus side, if anyone wants spare parts, you can have em

    4. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      I had the 'asia electric gun' version. Metal, weighty and sturdy. Can't comment on performance though as I never actually used it! Nice feel to them though :)

  5. Can't go wrong with a bit of Hawaii Five-0. Someone should do a cops and robbers skirmish day, or a bank robbery milsim.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caliber


      Yep, all done now. Makes me wonder what the next long term storyline is gonna be (besides Danny always having family problems of some sort).

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yeah think his daughter will grow up & meet a guy (probably Whoa Fatty's son) then clear off after dropping off her dad to retirement home

    4. Ian_Gere


      a Heat stylee street battle would be excellent - or something like the Russian film "Newsmakers"

  6. Ay dios mio. I might have to cancel my spot on the family holiday and get my hands on one when they're availible.
  7. Absolutely beautiful. Love a bit of sci-fi.
  8. Making a revolver carbine with a Dan Wesson would be an interesting project.

  9. Silencer for the G36C (finally), and an Umarex UMP-45. I think I need to give the carpet a bit of a clean.
  10. Umarex UMP-45 arrived. Not bad when pissing about in the garden with it, though wind-up hi caps are a bit of a chore.

  11. These Japanese guns are a nice break from the ordinary, I must say. Wonder if there's any decent airsoft versions about... http://weapon.at.ua/_ph/10/760907675.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adam3088


      Type 89 looks very similar to the Sig556, 64 is a bit different though, quite like it.

    3. Caliber
    4. CaptainDumbass


      the bottom one looks like a sh*t scar/acr cqc

  12. Having problems when I try to log into airsoftworld.net. Anyone else with an account there having problems aswell?

    1. DX115FALCON


      Logged in just fine. Might have been down for maintenance

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