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Everything posted by ak2m4

  1. Ahhh right must be their super budget range, CYMA really do squeeze out every cent. How much did you pay? Saw these for under £90 a while back. If it is the piston, might be worth picking up a CYMA piston, they're only around £8 I think. Only downside is they are 15 tooth as standard so you'll need to shave down if you want to do any AOE correction.
  2. CYMA make pretty decent pistons, did the stock one have a full metal rack?
  3. what one did you buy in the end? did you get some gauge blocks with it
  4. there's a few here from SE London, which part? I spend some time in Sidcup and I believe Colin is not too far.
  5. Yes I've got some arriving hopefully in a couple of weeks. I did have some 22tpa on a boat coming from China but the ship go round the long way 😞
  6. pretty easy, you just need a few basic tools. Ideally something like a dremel / rotary tool, a pinion puller and vice. But you can get away with a hacksaw and a file. Whether you need a pinion puller depends on how tough the pinion is already on. Bit of threadlock for the grub screw.
  7. Brushless, 16:1 gears, 11.1 you might hit PME. Before doing anything open the gearbox, test the compression, examine any wear, give it all a good clean, lube and shim. Chrono and check BB flight. If no good think about a new hop rubber, clean inner barrel, if that's no good maybe try another inner barrel.
  8. Unless you've got a higher-end set of calipers coming then you might not get an accurate reading. I went through a few from £5 to £25 in the end had to spend £150 on a decent set. I highly doubt any brand would want to go bigger than 5.95mm. My guess is they aim lower for better fitment. Most BB's I measured this past couple of months were 0.01mm lower than stated. Some brands do state +/- 0.01mm. Heard tolerance is a bitch with injection molding. In regards to your high FPS did you change anything else?
  9. @Sewdhull check out coconut airsoft on FB, interesting stuff he did with a 45k motor
  10. @Leo Greer yep, should not be generating too much heat. 25-40C ideal battery . I read an post about a guy who used a 75/160C drone battery and it melted the PCB traces on the controller, understandable as that battery will kick out a huge amount of power. As soon as things calm down I'm going to get myself some more batteries and do some heat tests on some different builds. Just slammed with work at the moment
  11. @GiantKiwi why do you think that exactly? how much are you thinking and what area? I'd say yearly pen test / audits would be a nice bonus but "significant" I'm not so sure
  12. @superwok I know you got it sorted via the just-cos route, however did you not try to ask any retailers if any other forms of defence were acceptable? You've got 110 posts on this forum, have been a member for 5 years, visit regular and have 100% feedback, that should be enough to confirm. As @Dan Robinson also states, social media posts / photos also another good. The IT ex-colleague of mine who's still looking at a defense system (has a fair bit of it built) was thinking about putting in supporting material for defence, how it will work in the system I don't know but seems a legit idea.
  13. XT one uses UH grade magnet as well, my guess is they all do and it's nothing to get hung up on. I like the toggle switch of CH though, less for the customer to fuck up!
  14. @Colin Allen thanks, i've got a epg-c one here I'll give it a test. Also have one of those from an old g+p magpul so i'll try it out.
  15. Factory just sent the stats over to me, not had a real chance to go through them yet:
  16. Ahh right, has it got a different style of grip? Could I trouble you to post a pic of it please?
  17. @Colin Allen Are you fitting it to a SCAR ?
  18. thanks for the feedback on the grip base plate, I'll add that to the description. I have more motors but for now I'm holding them back and waiting on more feedback, just in case.
  19. Just tested the RPM of the test Brushless motor, 11.1v Turnigy 15-25C (Battery around 85% full charge) Fast = 34K Slow = 30K Only 12% difference give or take with a 11.1v 7.4v Turnigy 15-25C (Battery around 85% full charge) Fast = 20.5K Slow = 19K Hardly any difference. Full stats coming Monday fingers crossed. I also got some Perun's in stock so I'll be able to run some full tests with one of those.
  20. thanks, let me know how you get on. I'm still waiting on the factory to give me the specs for this batch, however this weekend I've got a little time so will do my own no-load RPM for both speeds.
  21. ak2m4


    that's wonderful news. The flat little boxes are a godsend. 90% of the orders I have can fit into a Large Letter box, this allows me to keep the fee for Tracked 24 to just £3.30 (Royal Mail price rise imminent) plus you don't need to be in when the post arrives. I could save a buck or 2 by going down the jiffy bag route like most other retailers but nah keep it boxed....
  22. @Pseudotectonic Not sure on the magnet prices but traditionally in brushed motors this was always the biggest single cost. Windings and thickness of wire can be flexible from what I know. The integrated tower is a nice idea but you'd also have to make a new MIM body for the brushless, this would be a huge cost, would need to open a new mold etc. The "dumb" motor is a really good idea and could help in lowering the price however from what @Sewdhull says it needs a certain level of intelligence in order to function. However there's no harm in asking the question to the factory.
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